10 research outputs found

    The potential of video imagery from worldwide cabled observatory networks to provide information supporting fish-stock and biodiversity assessment

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    Seafloor multiparametric fibre-optic-cabled video observatories are emerging tools for standardized monitoring programmes, dedicated to the production of real-time fishery-independent stock assessment data. Here, we propose that a network of cabled cameras can be set up and optimized to ensure representative long-term monitoring of target commercial species and their surrounding habitats. We highlight the importance of adding the spatial dimension to fixed-point-cabled monitoring networks, and the need for close integration with Artificial Intelligence pipelines, that are necessary for fast and reliable biological data processing. We then describe two pilot studies, exemplary of using video imagery and environmental monitoring to derive robust data as a foundation for future ecosystem-based fish-stock and biodiversity management. The first example is from the NE Pacific Ocean where the deep-water sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) has been monitored since 2010 by the NEPTUNE cabled observatory operated by Ocean Networks Canada. The second example is from the NE Atlantic Ocean where the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) is being monitored using the SmartBay observatory developed for the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatories. Drawing from these two examples, we provide insights into the technological challenges and future steps required to develop full-scale fishery-independent stock assessments.This work was funded by the following project activities: ARIM (Autonomous Robotic sea-floor Infrastructure for benthopelagic Monitoring; MartTERA ERA-Net Cofound), ARCHES (Autonomous Robotic Networks to Help Modern Societies; German Helmholtz Association), RESBIO (TEC2017-87861-R; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spanish Government), RESNEP (CTM2017-82991-C2-1-R; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spanish Government), and SmartLobster (EMSO-LINK Trans National Access-TNA). The EMSO_SmartBay cabled observatory was funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) as part of a SFI Research Infrastructure Award Grant No. 12/RI/2331.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Uso y cobertura del suelo en las islas macaronésicas de Portugal y España: nuevos métodos para cuantificar y visualizar información de patrones espaciales

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Departamento de Geografía Humana, leída el 23/11/2016The aim of this research is to propose novel methods for quantifying and visualizing geographical information, in order to aid the spatial planning decision-making process when addressing land use and land cover patterns. In doing so, several modeling and geographic visualization methods are developed and demonstrated by using the Macaronesian islands of Portugal and Spain as study areas. Macaronesia is a biogeographical region consisting of several archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean belonging to three countries: Portugal, Spain, and Cape Verde. This research encompasses three archipelagos: the Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. From these three archipelagos, the four most densely populated islands were further selected for the land use and land cover assessments: São Miguel, Madeira, Tenerife, and Gran Canaria. A common feature of the Macaronesian islands is that, ever since European colonization in the fifteenth century, up until the mid-twentieth century, anthropogenic land change was predominately attributable to agricultural activities consuming forests and natural areas. In the mid-twentieth century, owing to profound social and economic changes, the tertiary sector started its rise in becoming the main economic sector. Because the secondary sector in this region has always been minor, this substantial shift to the tertiary sector would dictate a progressive abandonment of the primary sector. Hence, agricultural areas started to recede. As a result, the last decades of the twentieth century were marked by a significant shift in land use dynamics. Agricultural activities ceased to be the main driving force of land change and were replaced by a rampant increase of the artificial surfaces, mainly on the southern coastal areas, where tourism-related and real estate pressure constitute a major impact on the landscape. A direct consequence of this pressure was the drastic transformation across the islands’ leeward coastal landscapes...El objetivo principal de esta investigación es proponer nuevos métodos para cuantificar y visualizar información geográfica, con el fin de facilitar el proceso de toma de decisiones en relación a los patrones de uso y ocupación del suelo. De este modo, se desarrollan y aplican varios métodos de modelación y visualización geográfica, utilizando las islas macaronésicas de Portugal y España como áreas de estudio. La Macaronesia es una región biogeográfica que integra varios archipiélagos en el Océano Atlántico pertenecientes a tres países: Portugal, España y Cabo Verde. Esta investigación abarca tres archipiélagos: Azores, Madeira y Canarias. Para una evaluación detallada de uso y cobertura del suelo se seleccionaron las cuatro islas más densamente pobladas: San Miguel, Madeira, Tenerife y Gran Canaria. Una característica común a las islas macaronésicas es que, desde de la colonización en el siglo XV hasta mediados del siglo XX, el cambio antropogénico del suelo se debió principalmente a las actividades agrícolas, que ocuparon bosques y áreas naturales. A mediados del siglo XX, debido a profundos cambios sociales y económicos, el sector terciario empezó su ascenso para convertirse en el principal sector económico. Debido a que el sector secundario en esta región siempre ha tenido una importancia menor, este proceso de terciarización de la economía supuso un progresivo abandono del sector primario. Por lo tanto, las áreas agrícolas comenzaron a experimentar un claro retroceso. Como resultado de este proceso, las últimas décadas del siglo XX se caracterizaron por un cambio significativo en las dinámicas de uso y cobertura del suelo. Las actividades agrícolas dejaron de ser la principal fuerza impulsora en el cambio de lo suelo y fueron reemplazadas por el aumento desenfrenado de las superficies artificiales, principalmente en las zonas costeras del sur, donde el turismo y la especulación inmobiliaria ejercen una gran presión sobre el paisaje. Consecuencia directa de esta presión fueron las drásticas transformaciones de los paisajes costeros de las islas...Esta investigação tem como principal objectivo propor novos métodos para quantificar e visualizar informação geográfica, de modo a auxiliar o processo de tomada de decisão quando seja necessário analisar padrões de uso e ocupação do solo. Ao longo da investigação são apresentados vários métodos de modelação e visualização geográfica, usando como área de estudo as ilhas da Macaronésia pertencentes a Portugal e Espanha. A Macaronésia é uma região biogeográfica no Oceano Atlântico constituída por vários arquipélagos pertencentes a três países: Portugal, Espanha e Cabo Verde. Este trabalho de investigação abrange três arquipélagos: os Açores, a Madeira e as Ilhas Canárias. Para uma avaliação mais detalhada quanto ao uso e ocupação do solo, foram seleccionadas as quatro ilhas mais densamente povoadas: São Miguel, Madeira, Gran Canaria e Tenerife. Uma característica comum às ilhas da Macaronésia reside na particularidade de, desde a sua colonização no século XV, até meados do século XX, as alterações antropogénicas do solo terem estado predominantemente associadas às actividades agrícolas que consumiram extensas áreas de floresta e espaços naturais. Em meados do século XX, devido a profundas alterações sociais e económicas, o sector terciário iniciou a sua ascensão para se tornar o principal sector económico. Uma vez que, nesta região, o sector secundário foi sempre pouco significativo, a terciarização da actividade económica ditou um progressivo abandono do sector primário. Deste modo, as áreas agrícolas começaram a recuar. Como resultado deste processo, as últimas décadas do século XX foram marcadas por uma mudança significativa na dinâmica de uso e ocupação do solo nas ilhas desta região. As actividades agrícolas deixaram de ser a principal força motriz para as alterações no uso do solo, sendo substituídas pelo aumento galopante das superfícies artificiais, principalmente nas áreas costeiras do sul, onde as actividades relacionadas com o turismo e a especulação imobiliária causaram um grande impacto na paisagem, e contribuiram para a transformação drástica do litoral sotavento das ilhas...Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEunpu

    Constructing and validating modelled concentration surfaces for Black Smoke and Sulphur Dioxide across Great Britain, 1955-2001

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    This thesis was funded as part of the Chronic Health Effects of Smoke and SO2 in the UK (CHESS-UK) project and was aimed at deriving modelled concentration surfaces of historic black smoke and sulphur dioxide in Great Britain for 1955 onwards as a basis for exposure assessment in epidemiological investigations of chronic health effects. The UK’s National Smoke and Sulphur Dioxide Survey provides monitored concentration data from 1955 - 2005 with over 3,000 sites in existence over time. These measured concentrations of black smoke and sulphur dioxide served as a core set of data for the modelling of exposures at 1km scale. Additional data sourced and developed for input into modelling included modelled emission maps (generated with AEA Technology), emission proxies (including land cover and road networks), information on environmental factors (topography and meteorology), population distribution and some ancillary data (e.g. smoke control areas and the Douglas Waller Index based on domestic coal sales). An important product of this work are the data, aimed at modelling historical exposures to air pollution, fully geo-referenced and integrated into a geographic information system. This GIS was used as a platform to test and compare different appropriate methodologies for modelling and mapping air pollution concentrations. Methods evaluated include: ordinary kriging, emission based modelling (dispersion and focalsum); and land use regression models developed using emission proxies. Focus was placed on modelling one target year for each decade (1962, 1971, 1981 and 1991). Modelling methods were piloted for 1971, where ordinary kriging and land use regression outperformed other methods. These were developed further across the full study period with 90% data for model development and 10% reserved for evaluation. The LUR models were ultimately selected as the best consistent approach over the long time period, with model R2s ranging from 0.7 in early years to 0.3 in later years

    Assessment of Trends in Water Supply and Demand under Climate Change Conditions for Three Cr(VI) Impacted Areas (Loutraki, Assopos and Central Euboea, Greece) with the Aid of Precipitation and Drought Analysis and Indices

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    Σε τρεις περιοχές της κεντρικής Ελλάδας (Λουτράκι, Ασωπός και κεντρική Εύβοια) παρουσιάστηκαν υψηλές συγκεντρώσεις χρωμίου, καθιστώντας απαραίτητη τη μελέτη των υδρολογικών χαρακτηριστικών τους με στόχο την αξιολόγηση της επικρατούσας κατάστασης στην ποιότητα των υδάτων, δίνοντας τη δυνατότητα να προταθούν σενάρια που να περιγράφουν επαρκώς τη μελλοντική αναμενόμενη κατάσταση. Το θέμα της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας αφορά στη μελέτη των υδρομετεωρολογικών χαρακτηριστικών των εξεταζόμενων περιοχών και συγκεκριμένα επικεντρώνεται τις μέσες επικρατούσες συνθήκες, τις ακραίες τιμές και τη μεταβλητότητα της συνιστώσας του υδατικού ισοζυγίου που αφορά το εισερχόμενο στην επιφάνεια νερό, αναλύοντας τη βροχόπτωση και την ξηρασία τόσο στο παρόν όσο και στο μελλοντικό κλίμα. Η ξηρασία προσεγγίστηκε με τη βοήθεια του δείκτη κανονικοποιημένης βροχόπτωσης (SPI), ο οποίος δημιουργήθηκε με σκοπό να ποσοτικοποιήσει το έλλειμμα νερού για μια συγκεκριμένη χρονική κλίμακα, εκτιμώντας έτσι την ένταση και τη διάρκεια των φαινομένων ξηρασίας. Στην παρούσα εργασία, μελετήθηκε η ξηρασία για τρεις διαφορετικές χρονικές κλίμακες (3, 6 και 12 μήνες). Αξιοποιήθηκαν δύο τύποι δεδομένων: παρατηρησιακά πλεγματικά δεδομένα για την αποτίμηση της παρούσας υδρομετεωρολογικής κατάστασης των τριών περιοχών, τα οποία καλύπτουν τη χρονική περίοδο από τις αρχές του προηγούμενου αιώνα έως και σήμερα, καθώς και δεδομένα κλιματικών μοντέλων για δύο σενάρια RCPs (Representative Concentration Pathways) κλιματικής αλλαγής, με στόχο την προβολή της παρούσας κατάστασης στο μελλοντικό κλίμα από το εγγύς μέλλον έως το τέλος του αιώνα. Τα αποτελέσματα αναπαρίστανται οπτικά, ώστε να είναι ευκολότερη η κατανόηση αυτών από τους φορείς λήψης αποφάσεων, ενώ τα δεδομένα ενσωματώθηκαν στους χάρτες της περιοχής μελέτης αποτυπώνοντας τα ειδικά χαρακτηριστικά της κάθε επί μέρους περιοχής. Η ανάλυση έδειξε ότι οι μέσες τιμές βροχόπτωσης και ξηρασίας έχουν παραμείνει σχεδόν αμετάβλητες κατά τη διάρκεια του τελευταίου αιώνα, σε αντίθεση με την μεταβλητότητα τους, η οποία παρουσιάζει στατιστικά σημαντική αύξηση κυρίως κατά την υγρή περίοδο. Για το μελλοντικό κλίμα, ενώ το σενάριο RCP4.5 δείχνει μία τάση προς σχετικά ξηρότερες συνθήκες, το σενάριο RCP 8.5 φαίνεται καταστροφικό, τόσο αναφορικά με το βραχυπρόθεσμο έλλειμμα νερού με επιπτώσεις στη γεωργία, όσο και με το μεσοπρόθεσμο έλλειμμα νερού με επιπτώσεις στους υπόγειους υδροφορείς, κυρίως κατά τα τέλη του αιώνα. Η παρούσα εργασία αποτελεί τμήμα του πολυτμηματικού ερευνητικού προγράμματος ERENETMED CrITERIA. Στόχος του προγράμματος είναι να παρέχει στους φορείς διαχείρισης των υδάτινων πόρων ένα βελτιστοποιημένο εργαλείο, χρήσιμο σε περιπτώσεις αντιμετώπισης λειψυδρίας και ρύπανσης, που επιπλέον λαμβάνει υπ’ όψιν συνθήκες κλιματικής αλλαγής.High concentrations of Cr(VI) were recorded in three areas located in central Greece: Euboea Island, the Asopos River Basin and the Loutraki Region (Fig. 1). An investigation of the hydrological characteristics of those areas was undertaken, in order for data regarding the current situation to be amassed and evaluated. In this manner, appropriate mitigation scenarios can be proposed for consideration. The subject of this thesis concerns the assessment of hydrological characteristics regarding the area of study, related climatology, average prevailing conditions, extreme values, and variability concerning the component responsible for surface water supply in the water balance equation, determining current and future climate conditions. Drought is analyzed with the aid of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), which utilizes precipitation data and was designed to quantify the precipitation deficit, by calculating the probability of precipitation for a selected time scale. The SPI index is widely used as a tool for the estimation of the intensity and duration of drought events. Here, the SPI is calculated for three different time scales (3-month SPI, 6-month SPI and 12 – month SPI). Two types of data were employed: Gridded Observations aiming to assess the current hydrometeorological conditions prevalent in the three areas of study from the beginning of the previous century until today and Model Data corresponding to two RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) scenarios in order to evaluate prevalent climatic conditions for the near and the remote future. Results are visually represented, so they will be easily accessible to decision makers. Data was incorporated in the study areas’ map showcasing each area’s special characteristics. From this analysis, it can be deduced that mean precipitation and drought values show almost no change during the previous century. Variability on the other hand, displays a statistically significant rise, especially with respect to the wet period. Regarding the future climate, RCP4.5 shows a tendency towards drier conditions, while under RCP 8.5 it is clear that both short and long term drought conditions are expected to be extremely dry, affecting agricultural activities and underwater reservoirs respectively, especially towards the end of the century. The current study is part of an integrated project comprised of various stages, ERANETMED CrITERIA. The project will deliver an optimization tool including documentation and a database to assist water resource management organizations and water users with decision making when coping with water scarcity, climate change and polluted water

    Understanding complex Earth systems: volatile metabolites as microbial ecosystem proxies and student conceptual model development of coastal eutrophication

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    Understanding complex Earth systems is challenging for scientists and students alike, because of the characteristics (e.g. bifurcations, self-organization, chaotic response) that are associated with these systems. This research integrates two research strands which contribute to the scientific and pedagogical understanding of complex Earth systems. In the first strand, a method that characterizes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as ecological proxies of soil microbial ecosystems was validated. Unlike other measures of microbial community structure (e.g. Biolog and FAME), VOCs are advantageous because they are non-destructive and can provide temporal and spatial data. Additionally they are rich sources of information that describe the microbial metabolism, community structure, and organic carbon substrates utilized by soil microorganisms. Statistical results indicate that the detected and identified VOCs were significant (p < 0.05) indicators of microbial community composition shift in soil microcosm studies. Geographical information systems (GIS) illustrates that VOCs varied with space and time in south Texas soils. The second strand focuses on a geoscience education study exploring student conceptual model development of complex Earth systems. The efficacy of multiple representations and inquiry was tested as the pedagogical strategy in upper and lower level undergraduate courses to support students’ conceptual model development of complex Earth systems. Comparisons in student performance were based on prior knowledge (low and high) and on exposure to the implemented pedagogy (control and experimental groups). Results indicate that an inquiry-based learning model coupled with the use of multiple representations had significant positive performance impacts on students’ conceptual model development and content knowledge. This dissertation model integrates science and education research and is particularly useful for graduate students who intend to pursue a career in academia and envision teaching as part of their professional duties. It allows for synergy between teaching and research to be achieved where the classroom becomes a laboratory for research. Ultimately, the research conducted in the classroom informs pedagogy and enhances scholarship. Graduates learn to bridge the gap between education and science departments where they become leaders in science who conduct cutting-edge scientific research and also value making a broader impact on society through enhancing public education

    Understanding complex Earth systems: volatile metabolites as microbial ecosystem proxies and student conceptual model development of coastal eutrophication

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    Understanding complex Earth systems is challenging for scientists and students alike, because of the characteristics (e.g. bifurcations, self-organization, chaotic response) that are associated with these systems. This research integrates two research strands which contribute to the scientific and pedagogical understanding of complex Earth systems. In the first strand, a method that characterizes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as ecological proxies of soil microbial ecosystems was validated. Unlike other measures of microbial community structure (e.g. Biolog and FAME), VOCs are advantageous because they are non-destructive and can provide temporal and spatial data. Additionally they are rich sources of information that describe the microbial metabolism, community structure, and organic carbon substrates utilized by soil microorganisms. Statistical results indicate that the detected and identified VOCs were significant (p < 0.05) indicators of microbial community composition shift in soil microcosm studies. Geographical information systems (GIS) illustrates that VOCs varied with space and time in south Texas soils. The second strand focuses on a geoscience education study exploring student conceptual model development of complex Earth systems. The efficacy of multiple representations and inquiry was tested as the pedagogical strategy in upper and lower level undergraduate courses to support students’ conceptual model development of complex Earth systems. Comparisons in student performance were based on prior knowledge (low and high) and on exposure to the implemented pedagogy (control and experimental groups). Results indicate that an inquiry-based learning model coupled with the use of multiple representations had significant positive performance impacts on students’ conceptual model development and content knowledge. This dissertation model integrates science and education research and is particularly useful for graduate students who intend to pursue a career in academia and envision teaching as part of their professional duties. It allows for synergy between teaching and research to be achieved where the classroom becomes a laboratory for research. Ultimately, the research conducted in the classroom informs pedagogy and enhances scholarship. Graduates learn to bridge the gap between education and science departments where they become leaders in science who conduct cutting-edge scientific research and also value making a broader impact on society through enhancing public education

    Atti del XIX Convegno Nazionale di Agrometeorologia. Nuove avversità e nuovi servizi per gli agroecosistemi. New adversities and new services for agroecosystems. Bologna 14-16 giugno 2016

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    Ogni anno l'Associazione Italiana di AgroMeteorologia organizza un convegno in cui vengono trattati i temi più attuali della ricerca e delle applicazioni in ambito agrometeorologico. Questo appuntamento nel corso degli anni è ormai diventato un momento d'incontro molto atteso dalla comunità agrometeorologica italiana. La XIX edizione del Convegno AIAM in programma dal 14 al 16 giugno 2016 a Bologna (BO) è stata intitolata: "Nuove avversità e nuovi servizi per gli Agroecosistemi". Il programma di questa edizione ha previsto due sessioni: Supporti agrometeorologici e nuove avversità Strumenti per la mitigazione e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatic