5 research outputs found

    Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Systems for Vehicle Classification: A Survey

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    A traffic monitoring system is an integral part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). It is one of the critical transportation infrastructures that transportation agencies invest a huge amount of money to collect and analyze the traffic data to better utilize the roadway systems, improve the safety of transportation, and establish future transportation plans. With recent advances in MEMS, machine learning, and wireless communication technologies, numerous innovative traffic monitoring systems have been developed. In this article, we present a review of state-of-the-art traffic monitoring systems focusing on the major functionality--vehicle classification. We organize various vehicle classification systems, examine research issues and technical challenges, and discuss hardware/software design, deployment experience, and system performance of vehicle classification systems. Finally, we discuss a number of critical open problems and future research directions in an aim to provide valuable resources to academia, industry, and government agencies for selecting appropriate technologies for their traffic monitoring applications.Comment: Published in IEEE Acces

    Intelligent traffic monitoring and control system

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2019This thesis presents an intelligent system for monitoring and controlling traffic by sensing vehicles' attributes and using communication between vehicles and roadside infrastructures. The goal of this system is to improve the safety of the commuters and help the drivers in making better decisions by providing them with additional information about the traffic conditions. A prototype system consisting of a roadside unit (RSU) and an on-board unit (OBU) was developed to test the functionalities of the proposed system. The RSU consists of sensors for detecting vehicles and estimating their attributes and a radio for communicating with the OBU. The OBU also has a radio for communication purpose. Afterward, a vehicle was used to test the functionalities of the system and the communication between OBU and RSU was evaluated by emulating the presence of a vehicle. A protocol for exchanging messages between the RSU and the OBU was developed to support effective communication. The efficiency of the communication process was further improved by varying the transmission range of different messages. A format for the message was proposed to convey all the necessary information efficiently. The process of collecting vehicle data, processing them and extracting useful information from the data was discussed here along with some limitations of the proposed system

    Diseño de un sistema basado en la tecnología de sensado remoto en un sistema de semaforización del distrito de Comas

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    En el distrito de Comas, la congestión vehicular es un problema latente para los conductores y usuarios del transporte; la cual conlleva a que día a día se pierda tiempo y dinero, e incluso ocurran accidentes de tránsito, no obstante, el tiempo innecesario que tienen que esperar los conductores para que puedan seguir su rumbo contribuye a la contaminación ambiental por la emisión de CO2 y contaminación acústica. Con frecuencia, todo ello guarda estrecha relación con la forma en como los semáforos gestionan el tránsito, ya que la configuración del sistema de semaforización es manual y no se ajusta a la demanda de vehículos. En la tesis se propone el diseño de un sistema basado en la tecnología de sensado remoto en apoyo al sistema de semaforización, mediante el empleo de sensores infrarrojos. Como se sabe, el semáforo normalmente está instalado en la intersección de las avenidas para controlar el tránsito de cada una de ellas (Ejemplo: Avenida 1 y avenida 2). El objetivo es demostrar cómo puede actuar el semáforo de manera inteligente, cediendo el pase en tiempo real a los vehículos de la avenida 1 que están esperando a que el semáforo les dé luz color verde cuándo el sensor detecte que no hay ningún vehículo está transitando o se dispone a cruzar por la avenida 2 y tampoco hay peatones o transeúntes que se dispongan a cruzar la calzada de la Avenida 1. Los resultados demuestran que, mediante la instalación de sensores infrarrojos ubicados cerca de las vías es posible disminuir en un 16% el tiempo que esperan los conductores a que el semáforo cambie a verde y que el mismo ofrezca un 11% más de tiempo para que los vehículos puedan circular y sin afectar otra avenida que también es controlado por el mismo semáforo.Campus Lima Centr

    Improved Robust Vehicle Detection and Identification Based on Single Magnetic Sensor

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