3 research outputs found

    Development of an Energy Planning Model Using Temporal Production Simulation and Enhanced NSGA-III

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    This paper presents an innovative model of Energy Planning Model which allows navigating the complexities of modern energy systems. Our model utilizes a combination of Temporal Production Simulation and an Enhanced Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III to address the challenge associated with fluctuating energy demands and renewable sources integration. The model represents a significant advancement in energy planning due to its capacity to simulate energy production and consumption dynamics over time. The unique feature of the model is based on Temporal Production Simulation, meaning that the model is capable of accounting for hourly, daily, and seasonal fluctuations in energy supply and demand. Such temporal sensitivity is crucial for optimization in systems with high percentages of intermittent renewable sources, as existing planning solutions largely ignore such fluctuations. Another component of the model is the Enhanced NSGA-III algorithm that is uniquely tailored for the nature of multi-objective energy planning where one must balance their cost, environmental performance, and reliability. We have developed improvements to NSGAIII to enhance its efficiency when navigating the complex decision space associated with energy planning to reach faster convergence and to explore more optimal solutions. Methodologically, we use a combination of in-depth problem definition approach, advanced simulation, and algorithmic adjustments. We have validated our model against existing models and testing it in various scenarios to illustrate its superior ability to reach optimal energy plans based on efficiency, sustainability, and reliability under various conditions. Overall, through its unique incorporation of the Temporal Production Simulation and an improved optimization algorithm, the Energy Planning Model provides novel insights and practical decision support for policymakers and energy planners developed to reach the optimal sustainable solutions required for the high penetration of renewables

    A scientometric analysis of the emerging topics in general computer science

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    Citations have been an acceptable journal performance metric used by many indexing databases for inclusion and discontinuation of journals in their list. Therefore, editorial teams must maintain their journal performance by increasing article citations for continuous content indexing in the databases. With this aim in hand, this study intended to assist the editorial team of the Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT) in increasing the performance and impact of the journal. Currently, the journal has suffered from low citation count, which may jeopardise its sustainability. Past studies in library science suggested a positive correlation between keywords and citations. Therefore, keyword and topic analyses could be a solution to address the issue of journal citation. This article described a scientometric analysis of emerging topics in general computer science, the Scopus subject area for which JICT is indexed. This study extracted bibliometric data of the top 10% journals in the subject area to create a dataset of 5,546 articles. The results of the study suggested ten emerging topics in computer science that can be considered by the journal editorial team in selecting articles and a list of highly used keywords in articles published in 2019 and 2020 (as of 15 April 2020). The outcome of this study might be considered by the JICT editorial team and other journals in general computer science that suffer from a similar issue