454 research outputs found

    Separable Concave Optimization Approximately Equals Piecewise-Linear Optimization

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    We study the problem of minimizing a nonnegative separable concave function over a compact feasible set. We approximate this problem to within a factor of 1+epsilon by a piecewise-linear minimization problem over the same feasible set. Our main result is that when the feasible set is a polyhedron, the number of resulting pieces is polynomial in the input size of the polyhedron and linear in 1/epsilon. For many practical concave cost problems, the resulting piecewise-linear cost problem can be formulated as a well-studied discrete optimization problem. As a result, a variety of polynomial-time exact algorithms, approximation algorithms, and polynomial-time heuristics for discrete optimization problems immediately yield fully polynomial-time approximation schemes, approximation algorithms, and polynomial-time heuristics for the corresponding concave cost problems. We illustrate our approach on two problems. For the concave cost multicommodity flow problem, we devise a new heuristic and study its performance using computational experiments. We are able to approximately solve significantly larger test instances than previously possible, and obtain solutions on average within 4.27% of optimality. For the concave cost facility location problem, we obtain a new 1.4991+epsilon approximation algorithm.Comment: Full pape

    Faster Approximate Multicommodity Flow Using Quadratically Coupled Flows

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    The maximum multicommodity flow problem is a natural generalization of the maximum flow problem to route multiple distinct flows. Obtaining a 1ϵ1-\epsilon approximation to the multicommodity flow problem on graphs is a well-studied problem. In this paper we present an adaptation of recent advances in single-commodity flow algorithms to this problem. As the underlying linear systems in the electrical problems of multicommodity flow problems are no longer Laplacians, our approach is tailored to generate specialized systems which can be preconditioned and solved efficiently using Laplacians. Given an undirected graph with m edges and k commodities, we give algorithms that find 1ϵ1-\epsilon approximate solutions to the maximum concurrent flow problem and the maximum weighted multicommodity flow problem in time \tilde{O}(m^{4/3}\poly(k,\epsilon^{-1}))

    Solving nonlinear multicommodity flow problems by the analytic center cutting plane method

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    The paper deals with nonlinear multicommodity flow problems with convex costs. A decomposition method is proposed to solve them. The approach applies a potential reduction algorithm to solve the master problem approximately and a column generation technique to define a sequence of primal linear programming problems. Each subproblem consists of finding a minimum cost flow between an origin and a destination node in an uncapacited network. It is thus formulated as a shortest path problem and solved with Dijkstra's d-heap algorithm. An implementation is described that takes full advantage of the supersparsity of the network in the linear algebra operations. Computational results show the efficiency of this approach on well-known nondifferentiable problems and also large scale randomly generated problems (up to 1000 arcs and 5000 commodities

    Fast Algorithms for Separable Linear Programs

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    In numerical linear algebra, considerable effort has been devoted to obtaining faster algorithms for linear systems whose underlying matrices exhibit structural properties. A prominent success story is the method of generalized nested dissection~[Lipton-Rose-Tarjan'79] for separable matrices. On the other hand, the majority of recent developments in the design of efficient linear program (LP) solves do not leverage the ideas underlying these faster linear system solvers nor consider the separable structure of the constraint matrix. We give a faster algorithm for separable linear programs. Specifically, we consider LPs of the form minAx=b,lxucx\min_{\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{b}, \mathbf{l}\leq\mathbf{x}\leq\mathbf{u}} \mathbf{c}^\top\mathbf{x}, where the graphical support of the constraint matrix ARn×m\mathbf{A} \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times m} is O(nα)O(n^\alpha)-separable. These include flow problems on planar graphs and low treewidth matrices among others. We present an O~((m+m1/2+2α)log(1/ϵ))\tilde{O}((m+m^{1/2 + 2\alpha}) \log(1/\epsilon)) time algorithm for these LPs, where ϵ\epsilon is the relative accuracy of the solution. Our new solver has two important implications: for the kk-multicommodity flow problem on planar graphs, we obtain an algorithm running in O~(k5/2m3/2)\tilde{O}(k^{5/2} m^{3/2}) time in the high accuracy regime; and when the support of A\mathbf{A} is O(nα)O(n^\alpha)-separable with α1/4\alpha \leq 1/4, our algorithm runs in O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) time, which is nearly optimal. The latter significantly improves upon the natural approach of combining interior point methods and nested dissection, whose time complexity is lower bounded by Ω(m(m+mαω))=Ω(m3/2)\Omega(\sqrt{m}(m+m^{\alpha\omega}))=\Omega(m^{3/2}), where ω\omega is the matrix multiplication constant. Lastly, in the setting of low-treewidth LPs, we recover the results of [DLY,STOC21] and [GS,22] with significantly simpler data structure machinery.Comment: 55 pages. To appear at SODA 202