3 research outputs found

    Uporaba sistemov za prepoznavo človeških obrazov

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    Najrazličnejše metode za prepoznavo človeških obrazov so postale dandanes tudi v komercialnih sistemih že zelo razširjene. V članku bomo predstavili pregled sistemov, ki se uporabljajo v realnem okolju na različnih področjih. Podrobneje bomo pogledali izdelke podjetij, ki so bili analizirani na zadnjem velikem preizkusu prepoznave obrazov (FRVT 2002). Na koncu bomo povzeli glavne rezultate preizkusov in predstavili omejitve, ki jih je za širšo in zanesljivejšo uporabo sistemov za prepoznavo obrazov potrebno še odpraviti

    Constrained clustering with a complex cluster structure

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    In this contribution we present a novel constrained clustering method, Constrained clustering with a complex cluster structure (C4s), which incorporates equivalence constraints, both positive and negative, as the background information. C4s is capable of discovering groups of arbitrary structure, e.g. with multi-modal distribution, since at the initial stage the equivalence classes of elements generated by the positive constraints are split into smaller parts. This provides a detailed description of elements, which are in positive equivalence relation. In order to enable an automatic detection of the number of groups, the cross-entropy clustering is applied for each partitioning process. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves significantly better results than previous constrained clustering approaches. The advantage of our algorithm increases when we are focusing on finding partitions with complex structure of clusters