316 research outputs found

    Approximation Hardness of Graphic TSP on Cubic Graphs

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    We prove explicit approximation hardness results for the Graphic TSP on cubic and subcubic graphs as well as the new inapproximability bounds for the corresponding instances of the (1,2)-TSP. The proof technique uses new modular constructions of simulating gadgets for the restricted cubic and subcubic instances. The modular constructions used in the paper could be also of independent interest

    Inapproximability of Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    We survey results on the hardness of approximating combinatorial optimization problems

    New Inapproximability Bounds for TSP

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    In this paper, we study the approximability of the metric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and prove new explicit inapproximability bounds for that problem. The best up to now known hardness of approximation bounds were 185/184 for the symmetric case (due to Lampis) and 117/116 for the asymmetric case (due to Papadimitriou and Vempala). We construct here two new bounded occurrence CSP reductions which improve these bounds to 123/122 and 75/74, respectively. The latter bound is the first improvement in more than a decade for the case of the asymmetric TSP. One of our main tools, which may be of independent interest, is a new construction of a bounded degree wheel amplifier used in the proof of our results

    Minimum-weight Cycle Covers and Their Approximability

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    A cycle cover of a graph is a set of cycles such that every vertex is part of exactly one cycle. An L-cycle cover is a cycle cover in which the length of every cycle is in the set L. We investigate how well L-cycle covers of minimum weight can be approximated. For undirected graphs, we devise a polynomial-time approximation algorithm that achieves a constant approximation ratio for all sets L. On the other hand, we prove that the problem cannot be approximated within a factor of 2-eps for certain sets L. For directed graphs, we present a polynomial-time approximation algorithm that achieves an approximation ratio of O(n), where nn is the number of vertices. This is asymptotically optimal: We show that the problem cannot be approximated within a factor of o(n). To contrast the results for cycle covers of minimum weight, we show that the problem of computing L-cycle covers of maximum weight can, at least in principle, be approximated arbitrarily well.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 33rd Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2007). Minor change

    Approximating the Regular Graphic TSP in near linear time

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    We present a randomized approximation algorithm for computing traveling salesperson tours in undirected regular graphs. Given an nn-vertex, kk-regular graph, the algorithm computes a tour of length at most (1+7lnkO(1))n\left(1+\frac{7}{\ln k-O(1)}\right)n, with high probability, in O(nklogk)O(nk \log k) time. This improves upon a recent result by Vishnoi (\cite{Vishnoi12}, FOCS 2012) for the same problem, in terms of both approximation factor, and running time. The key ingredient of our algorithm is a technique that uses edge-coloring algorithms to sample a cycle cover with O(n/logk)O(n/\log k) cycles with high probability, in near linear time. Additionally, we also give a deterministic 32+O(1k)\frac{3}{2}+O\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}}\right) factor approximation algorithm running in time O(nk)O(nk).Comment: 12 page

    Approximation Limits of Linear Programs (Beyond Hierarchies)

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    We develop a framework for approximation limits of polynomial-size linear programs from lower bounds on the nonnegative ranks of suitably defined matrices. This framework yields unconditional impossibility results that are applicable to any linear program as opposed to only programs generated by hierarchies. Using our framework, we prove that O(n^{1/2-eps})-approximations for CLIQUE require linear programs of size 2^{n^\Omega(eps)}. (This lower bound applies to linear programs using a certain encoding of CLIQUE as a linear optimization problem.) Moreover, we establish a similar result for approximations of semidefinite programs by linear programs. Our main ingredient is a quantitative improvement of Razborov's rectangle corruption lemma for the high error regime, which gives strong lower bounds on the nonnegative rank of certain perturbations of the unique disjointness matrix.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    The matching polytope does not admit fully-polynomial size relaxation schemes

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    The groundbreaking work of Rothvo{\ss} [arxiv:1311.2369] established that every linear program expressing the matching polytope has an exponential number of inequalities (formally, the matching polytope has exponential extension complexity). We generalize this result by deriving strong bounds on the polyhedral inapproximability of the matching polytope: for fixed 0<ε<10 < \varepsilon < 1, every polyhedral (1+ε/n)(1 + \varepsilon / n)-approximation requires an exponential number of inequalities, where nn is the number of vertices. This is sharp given the well-known ρ\rho-approximation of size O((nρ/(ρ1)))O(\binom{n}{\rho/(\rho-1)}) provided by the odd-sets of size up to ρ/(ρ1)\rho/(\rho-1). Thus matching is the first problem in PP, whose natural linear encoding does not admit a fully polynomial-size relaxation scheme (the polyhedral equivalent of an FPTAS), which provides a sharp separation from the polynomial-size relaxation scheme obtained e.g., via constant-sized odd-sets mentioned above. Our approach reuses ideas from Rothvo{\ss} [arxiv:1311.2369], however the main lower bounding technique is different. While the original proof is based on the hyperplane separation bound (also called the rectangle corruption bound), we employ the information-theoretic notion of common information as introduced in Braun and Pokutta [http://eccc.hpi-web.de/report/2013/056/], which allows to analyze perturbations of slack matrices. It turns out that the high extension complexity for the matching polytope stem from the same source of hardness as for the correlation polytope: a direct sum structure.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure