172 research outputs found

    Near-Optimal Coresets of Kernel Density Estimates

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    We construct near-optimal coresets for kernel density estimate for points in R^d when the kernel is positive definite. Specifically we show a polynomial time construction for a coreset of size O(sqrt{d log (1/epsilon)}/epsilon), and we show a near-matching lower bound of size Omega(sqrt{d}/epsilon). The upper bound is a polynomial in 1/epsilon improvement when d in [3,1/epsilon^2) (for all kernels except the Gaussian kernel which had a previous upper bound of O((1/epsilon) log^d (1/epsilon))) and the lower bound is the first known lower bound to depend on d for this problem. Moreover, the upper bound restriction that the kernel is positive definite is significant in that it applies to a wide-variety of kernels, specifically those most important for machine learning. This includes kernels for information distances and the sinc kernel which can be negative

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationKernel smoothing provides a simple way of finding structures in data sets without the imposition of a parametric model, for example, nonparametric regression and density estimates. However, in many data-intensive applications, the data set could be large. Thus, evaluating a kernel density estimate or kernel regression over the data set directly can be prohibitively expensive in big data. This dissertation is working on how to efficiently find a smaller data set that can approximate the original data set with a theoretical guarantee in the kernel smoothing setting and how to extend it to more general smooth range spaces. For kernel density estimates, we propose randomized and deterministic algorithms with quality guarantees that are orders of magnitude more efficient than previous algorithms, which do not require knowledge of the kernel or its bandwidth parameter and are easily parallelizable. Our algorithms are applicable to any large-scale data processing framework. We then further investigate how to measure the error between two kernel density estimates, which is usually measured either in L1 or L2 error. In this dissertation, we investigate the challenges in using a stronger error, L ∞ (or worst case) error. We present efficient solutions for how to estimate the L∞ error and how to choose the bandwidth parameter for a kernel density estimate built on a subsample of a large data set. We next extend smoothed versions of geometric range spaces from kernel range spaces to more general types of ranges, so that an element of the ground set can be contained in a range with a non-binary value in [0,1]. We investigate the approximation of these range spaces through ϵ-nets and ϵ-samples. Finally, we study coresets algorithms for kernel regression. The size of the coresets are independent of the size of the data set, rather they only depend on the error guarantee, and in some cases the size of domain and amount of smoothing. We evaluate our methods on very large time series and spatial data, demonstrate that they can be constructed extremely efficiently, and allow for great computational gains

    Hashing-Based-Estimators for Kernel Density in High Dimensions

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    Given a set of points PRdP\subset \mathbb{R}^{d} and a kernel kk, the Kernel Density Estimate at a point xRdx\in\mathbb{R}^{d} is defined as KDEP(x)=1PyPk(x,y)\mathrm{KDE}_{P}(x)=\frac{1}{|P|}\sum_{y\in P} k(x,y). We study the problem of designing a data structure that given a data set PP and a kernel function, returns *approximations to the kernel density* of a query point in *sublinear time*. We introduce a class of unbiased estimators for kernel density implemented through locality-sensitive hashing, and give general theorems bounding the variance of such estimators. These estimators give rise to efficient data structures for estimating the kernel density in high dimensions for a variety of commonly used kernels. Our work is the first to provide data-structures with theoretical guarantees that improve upon simple random sampling in high dimensions.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in FOCS 201

    L∞ Error and Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Estimates of Large Data

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    Kernel density estimates are a robust way to reconstruct a continuous distribution from a discrete point set. Typically their effectiveness is measured either in L1 or L2 error. In this paper we investigate the challenges in using L ∞ (or worst case) error, a stronger measure than L1 or L2. We present efficient solutions to two linked challenges: how to evaluate the L ∞ error between two kernel density estimates and how to choose the bandwidth parameter for a kernel density estimate built on a subsample of a large data set. 1 1

    A Quasi-Monte Carlo Data Structure for Smooth Kernel Evaluations

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    In the kernel density estimation (KDE) problem one is given a kernel K(x,y)K(x, y) and a dataset PP of points in a Euclidean space, and must prepare a data structure that can quickly answer density queries: given a point qq, output a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation to μ:=1PpPK(p,q)\mu:=\frac1{|P|}\sum_{p\in P} K(p, q). The classical approach to KDE is the celebrated fast multipole method of [Greengard and Rokhlin]. The fast multipole method combines a basic space partitioning approach with a multidimensional Taylor expansion, which yields a logd(n/ϵ)\approx \log^d (n/\epsilon) query time (exponential in the dimension dd). A recent line of work initiated by [Charikar and Siminelakis] achieved polynomial dependence on dd via a combination of random sampling and randomized space partitioning, with [Backurs et al.] giving an efficient data structure with query time polylog(1/μ)/ϵ2\approx \mathrm{poly}{\log(1/\mu)}/\epsilon^2 for smooth kernels. Quadratic dependence on ϵ\epsilon, inherent to the sampling methods, is prohibitively expensive for small ϵ\epsilon. This issue is addressed by quasi-Monte Carlo methods in numerical analysis. The high level idea in quasi-Monte Carlo methods is to replace random sampling with a discrepancy based approach -- an idea recently applied to coresets for KDE by [Phillips and Tai]. The work of Phillips and Tai gives a space efficient data structure with query complexity 1/(ϵμ)\approx 1/(\epsilon \mu). This is polynomially better in 1/ϵ1/\epsilon, but exponentially worse in 1/μ1/\mu. We achieve the best of both: a data structure with polylog(1/μ)/ϵ\approx \mathrm{poly}{\log(1/\mu)}/\epsilon query time for smooth kernel KDE. Our main insight is a new way to combine discrepancy theory with randomized space partitioning inspired by, but significantly more efficient than, that of the fast multipole methods. We hope that our techniques will find further applications to linear algebra for kernel matrices

    Determinantal Point Processes for Coresets

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    International audienceWhen one is faced with a dataset too large to be used all at once, an obvious solution is to retain only part of it. In practice this takes a wide variety of different forms, but among them " coresets " are especially appealing. A coreset is a (small) weighted sample of the original data that comes with a guarantee: that a cost function can be evaluated on the smaller set instead of the larger one, with low relative error. For some classes of problems, and via a careful choice of sampling distribution, iid random sampling has turned to be one of the most successful methods to build coresets efficiently. However, independent samples are sometimes overly redundant, and one could hope that enforcing diversity would lead to better performance. The difficulty lies in proving coreset properties in non-iid samples. We show that the coreset property holds for samples formed with determinantal point processes (DPP). DPPs are interesting because they are a rare example of repulsive point processes with tractable theoretical properties, enabling us to construct general coreset theorems. We apply our results to the k-means problem, and give empirical evidence of the superior performance of DPP samples over state of the art methods