120 research outputs found

    Non-approximability and Polylogarithmic Approximations of the Single-Sink Unsplittable and Confluent Dynamic Flow Problems

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    Dynamic Flows were introduced by Ford and Fulkerson in 1958 to model flows over time. They define edge capacities to be the total amount of flow that can enter an edge in one time unit. Each edge also has a length, representing the time needed to traverse it. Dynamic Flows have been used to model many problems including traffic congestion, hop-routing of packets and evacuation protocols in buildings. While the basic problem of moving the maximal amount of supplies from sources to sinks is polynomial time solvable, natural minor modifications can make it NP-hard. One such modification is that flows be confluent, i.e., all flows leaving a vertex must leave along the same edge. This corresponds to natural conditions in, e.g., evacuation planning and hop routing. We investigate the single-sink Confluent Quickest Flow problem. The input is a graph with edge capacities and lengths, sources with supplies and a sink. The problem is to find a confluent flow minimizing the time required to send supplies to the sink. Our main results include: a) Logarithmic Non-Approximability: Directed Confluent Quickest Flows cannot be approximated in polynomial time with an O(log n) approximation factor, unless P=NP. b) Polylogarithmic Bicriteria Approximations: Polynomial time (O(log^8 n), O(log^2 kappa)) bicritera approximation algorithms for the Confluent Quickest Flow problem where kappa is the number of sinks, in both directed and undirected graphs. Corresponding results are also developed for the Confluent Maximum Flow over time problem. The techniques developed also improve recent approximation algorithms for static confluent flows

    Edge-Disjoint Paths in Planar Graphs

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    We study the maximum edge-disjoint paths problem (MEDP). We are given a graph G = (V,E) and a set Τ = {s1t1, s2t2, . . . , sktk} of pairs of vertices: the objective is to find the maximum number of pairs in Τ that can be connected via edge-disjoint paths. Our main result is a poly-logarithmic approximation for MEDP on undirected planar graphs if a congestion of 2 is allowed, that is, we allow up to 2 paths to share an edge. Prior to our work, for any constant congestion, only a polynomial-factor approximation was known for planar graphs although much stronger results are known for some special cases such as grids and grid-like graphs. We note that the natural multicommodity flow relaxation of the problem has an integrality gap of Ω(√|V|) even on planar graphs when no congestion is allowed. Our starting point is the same relaxation and our result implies that the integrality gap shrinks to a poly-logarithmic factor once 2 paths are allowed per edge. Our result also extends to the unsplittable flow problem and the maximum integer multicommodity flow problem. A set X ⊆ V is well-linked if for each S ⊂ V , |δ(S)| ≥ min{|S ∩ X|, |(V - S) ∩ X|}. The heart of our approach is to show that in any undirected planar graph, given any matching M on a well-linked set X, we can route Ω(|M|) pairs in M with a congestion of 2. Moreover, all pairs in M can be routed with constant congestion for a sufficiently large constant. This results also yields a different proof of a theorem of Klein, Plotkin, and Rao that shows an O(1) maxflow-mincut gap for uniform multicommodity flow instances in planar graphs. The framework developed in this paper applies to general graphs as well. If a certain graph theoretic conjecture is true, it will yield poly-logarithmic integrality gap for MEDP with constant congestion

    Algorithms to Approximate Column-Sparse Packing Problems

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    Column-sparse packing problems arise in several contexts in both deterministic and stochastic discrete optimization. We present two unifying ideas, (non-uniform) attenuation and multiple-chance algorithms, to obtain improved approximation algorithms for some well-known families of such problems. As three main examples, we attain the integrality gap, up to lower-order terms, for known LP relaxations for k-column sparse packing integer programs (Bansal et al., Theory of Computing, 2012) and stochastic k-set packing (Bansal et al., Algorithmica, 2012), and go "half the remaining distance" to optimal for a major integrality-gap conjecture of Furedi, Kahn and Seymour on hypergraph matching (Combinatorica, 1993).Comment: Extended abstract appeared in SODA 2018. Full version in ACM Transactions of Algorithm

    A Quasi-PTAS for Unsplittable Flow on Line Graphs

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    We study the Unsplittable Flow Problem (UFP) on a line graph, focusing on the long-standing open question of whether the problem is APX-hard. We describe a deterministic quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme for UFP on line graphs, thereby ruling out an APX-hardness result, unless NP is contained in DTIME(2^polylog(n)). Our result requires a quasi-polynomial bound on all edge capacities and demands in the input instance. Earlier results on this problem included a polynomial time (2+epsilon)-approximation under the assumption that no demand exceeds any edge capacity (the no-bottleneck assumption ) and a super-constant integrality gap if this assumption did not hold. Unlike most earlier work on UFP, our results do not require a no-bottleneck assumption

    Stochastic Unsplittable Flows

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    We consider the stochastic unsplittable flow problem: given a graph with edge-capacities, and source-sink pairs with each pair having a size and a value, the goal is to route the pairs unsplittably while respecting edge capacities to maximize the total value of the routed pairs. However, the size of each pair is a random variable and is revealed only after we decide to route that pair. Which pairs should we route, along which paths, and in what order so as to maximize the expected value? We present results for several cases of the problem under the no-bottleneck assumption. We show a logarithmic approximation algorithm for the single-sink problem on general graphs, considerably improving on the prior results of Chawla and Roughgarden which worked for planar graphs. We present an approximation to the stochastic unsplittable flow problem on directed acyclic graphs, within less than a logarithmic factor of the best known approximation in the non-stochastic setting. We present a non-adaptive strategy on trees that is within a constant factor of the best adaptive strategy, asymptotically matching the best results for the non-stochastic unsplittable flow problem on trees. Finally, we give results for the stochastic unsplittable flow problem on general graphs. Our techniques include using edge-confluent flows for the single-sink problem in order to control the interaction between flow-paths, and a reduction from general scheduling policies to "safe" ones (i.e., those guaranteeing no capacity violations), which may be of broader interest

    A Quasi-PTAS for Unsplittable Flow on Line Graphs

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    We study the Unsplittable Flow Problem (UFP) on a line graph, focusing on the long-standing open question of whether the problem is APX-hard. We describe a deterministic quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme for UFP on line graphs, thereby ruling out an APX-hardness result, unless NP is contained in DTIME(2^polylog(n)). Our result requires a quasi-polynomial bound on all edge capacities and demands in the input instance. Earlier results on this problem included a polynomial time (2+epsilon)-approximation under the assumption that no demand exceeds any edge capacity (the no-bottleneck assumption ) and a super-constant integrality gap if this assumption did not hold. Unlike most earlier work on UFP, our results do not require a no-bottleneck assumption

    Networks, Communication, and Computing Vol. 2

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    Networks, communications, and computing have become ubiquitous and inseparable parts of everyday life. This book is based on a Special Issue of the Algorithms journal, and it is devoted to the exploration of the many-faceted relationship of networks, communications, and computing. The included papers explore the current state-of-the-art research in these areas, with a particular interest in the interactions among the fields
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