52 research outputs found

    Discriminative Density-ratio Estimation

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    The covariate shift is a challenging problem in supervised learning that results from the discrepancy between the training and test distributions. An effective approach which recently drew a considerable attention in the research community is to reweight the training samples to minimize that discrepancy. In specific, many methods are based on developing Density-ratio (DR) estimation techniques that apply to both regression and classification problems. Although these methods work well for regression problems, their performance on classification problems is not satisfactory. This is due to a key observation that these methods focus on matching the sample marginal distributions without paying attention to preserving the separation between classes in the reweighted space. In this paper, we propose a novel method for Discriminative Density-ratio (DDR) estimation that addresses the aforementioned problem and aims at estimating the density-ratio of joint distributions in a class-wise manner. The proposed algorithm is an iterative procedure that alternates between estimating the class information for the test data and estimating new density ratio for each class. To incorporate the estimated class information of the test data, a soft matching technique is proposed. In addition, we employ an effective criterion which adopts mutual information as an indicator to stop the iterative procedure while resulting in a decision boundary that lies in a sparse region. Experiments on synthetic and benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in terms of both accuracy and robustness

    Theoretic Analysis and Extremely Easy Algorithms for Domain Adaptive Feature Learning

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    Domain adaptation problems arise in a variety of applications, where a training dataset from the \textit{source} domain and a test dataset from the \textit{target} domain typically follow different distributions. The primary difficulty in designing effective learning models to solve such problems lies in how to bridge the gap between the source and target distributions. In this paper, we provide comprehensive analysis of feature learning algorithms used in conjunction with linear classifiers for domain adaptation. Our analysis shows that in order to achieve good adaptation performance, the second moments of the source domain distribution and target domain distribution should be similar. Based on our new analysis, a novel extremely easy feature learning algorithm for domain adaptation is proposed. Furthermore, our algorithm is extended by leveraging multiple layers, leading to a deep linear model. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms in terms of domain adaptation tasks on the Amazon review dataset and the spam dataset from the ECML/PKDD 2006 discovery challenge.Comment: ijca

    Sparse Domain Adaptation in a Good Similarity-Based Projection Space

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    International audienceWe address domain adaptation (DA) for binary classification in the challenging case where no target label is available. We propose an original approach that stands in a recent framework of Balcan et al. allowing to learn linear classifiers in an explicit projection space based on good similarity functions that may be not symmetric and not positive semi-definite (PSD). Following the DA frame- work of Ben-David et al., our method looks for a relevant projection space where the source and target distributions tend to be close. This objective is achieved by the use of an additional regularizer motivated by the notion of algorithmic robustness proposed by Xu and Mannor. Our approach is formulated as a linear program with a 1-norm regularization leading to sparse models. We provide a theoretical analysis of this sparsity and a generalization bound. From a practical standpoint, to improve the efficiency of the method we propose an iterative version based on a reweighting scheme of the similarities to move closer the distributions in a new projection space. Hyperparameters and reweighting quality are controlled by a reverse validation process. The evaluation of our approach on a synthetic problem and real image annotation tasks shows good adaptation performances

    Cross-domain Adaptation with Discrepancy Minimization for Text-independent Forensic Speaker Verification

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    Forensic audio analysis for speaker verification offers unique challenges due to location/scenario uncertainty and diversity mismatch between reference and naturalistic field recordings. The lack of real naturalistic forensic audio corpora with ground-truth speaker identity represents a major challenge in this field. It is also difficult to directly employ small-scale domain-specific data to train complex neural network architectures due to domain mismatch and loss in performance. Alternatively, cross-domain speaker verification for multiple acoustic environments is a challenging task which could advance research in audio forensics. In this study, we introduce a CRSS-Forensics audio dataset collected in multiple acoustic environments. We pre-train a CNN-based network using the VoxCeleb data, followed by an approach which fine-tunes part of the high-level network layers with clean speech from CRSS-Forensics. Based on this fine-tuned model, we align domain-specific distributions in the embedding space with the discrepancy loss and maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). This maintains effective performance on the clean set, while simultaneously generalizes the model to other acoustic domains. From the results, we demonstrate that diverse acoustic environments affect the speaker verification performance, and that our proposed approach of cross-domain adaptation can significantly improve the results in this scenario.Comment: To appear in INTERSPEECH 202
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