1,531 research outputs found

    New Methodologies for Grasslands Monitoring

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    Monitoring grassland areas to assess changes in their condition over time has been the subject of a lot of research at different scales. Initially the techniques focused on field-based measurements, and modelling. However, several obtained data were site specific. Based on the increase in availability of remote sensing data and products, there is an expectation that remote sensing can provide rapid and definite answers to the challenges of detecting and monitoring grassland conditions and associated changes in productivity. At the time of European Copernicus Programme, the new possibilities of satellite data from the group of Sentinel satellites give the new perspective for grasslands monitoring. The Finegrass Polish – Norwegian Project have been set to detect the biomass and its changes for grasslands in Poland and Norway applying different approaches due to different specific of the area. The results have been verified by ground measurements

    Target‐oriented habitat and wildlife management: estimating forage quantity and quality of semi‐natural grasslands with Sentinel‐1 and Sentinel‐2 data

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    Semi‐natural grasslands represent ecosystems with high biodiversity. Their conservation depends on the removal of biomass, for example, through grazing by livestock or wildlife. For this, spatially explicit information about grassland forage quantity and quality is a prerequisite for efficient management. The recent advancements of the Sentinel satellite mission offer new possibilities to support the conservation of semi‐natural grasslands. In this study, the combined use of radar (Sentinel‐1) and multispectral (Sentinel‐2) data to predict forage quantity and quality indicators of semi‐natural grassland in Germany was investigated. Field data for organic acid detergent fibre concentration (oADF), crude protein concentration (CP), compressed sward height (CSH) and standing biomass dry weight (DM) collected between 2015 and 2017 were related to remote sensing data using the random forest regression algorithm. In total, 102 optical‐ and radar‐based predictor variables were used to derive an optimized dataset, maximizing the predictive power of the respective model. High R2 values were obtained for the grassland quality indicators oADF (R2 = 0.79, RMSE = 2.29%) and CP (R2 = 0.72, RMSE = 1.70%) using 15 and 8 predictor variables respectively. Lower R2 values were achieved for the quantity indicators CSH (R2 = 0.60, RMSE = 2.77 cm) and DM (R2 = 0.45, RMSE = 90.84 g/m²). A permutation‐based variable importance measure indicated a strong contribution of simple ratio‐based optical indices to the model performance. In particular, the ratios between the narrow near‐infrared and red‐edge region were among the most important variables. The model performance for oADF, CP and CSH was only marginally increased by adding Sentinel‐1 data. For DM, no positive effect on the model performance was observed by combining Sentinel‐1 and Sentinel‐2 data. Thus, optical Sentinel‐2 data might be sufficient to accurately predict forage quality, and to some extent also quantity indicators of semi‐natural grassland

    Investigation into the bio-physical constraints on farmer turn-out-date decisions using remote sensing and meteorological data.

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    ThesisDoctoral thesisAccepted versionGrass is the most common landcover in Ireland and covers a bigger percentage (52%) of the country than any other in Europe. Grass as fodder is Ireland’s most important crop and is the foundation of its most important indigenous industry, agriculture. Yet knowledge of its distribution, performance and yield is scant. How grass is nationally, on a farm by farm, year by year basis managed is not known. In this thesis the gaps in knowledge about grassland performance across Ireland are presented along with arguments on why these knowledge gaps should be closed. As an example the need for high spatial resolution animal stocking rate data in European temperate grassland systems is shown. The effect of high stocking density on grass management is most apparent early in the growing season, and a 250m scale characterization of early spring vegetation growth from 2003-2012, based on MODIS NDVI time series products, is constructed. The average rate of growth is determined as a simple linear model for each pixel, using only the highest quality data for the period. These decadal spring growth model coefficients, start of season cover and growth rate, are regressed against log of stocking rate (r2 19 = 0.75, p<0.001). This model stocking rate is used to create a map of grassland use intensity in Ireland, which, when tested against an independent set of stocking data, is shown to be successful with an RMSE of 0.13 Livestock Unit/ha for a range of stocking densities from 0.1 to 3.3 Livestock Unit/ha. This model provides the first validated high resolution approach to mapping stocking rates in intensively managed European grassland systems. There is a demonstrated a need for a system to estimate current growing conditions. Using the spring growth model constructed for estimating stocking density a new style of grass growth progress anomaly map in the time-domain was developed. Using the developed satellite dataset 1 and 12 years of ground climate station data in Ireland, NDVI was modelled against time as a proxy for grass growth This model is the reference for estimating current seasonal progress of grass growth against a ten year average. The model is developed to estimate Seasonal Progress Anomalies in the Time domain (SPAT), giving a result in terms of “days behind” and “days ahead” of the norm. SPAT estimates for 2012 and 2013 are compared to ground based estimates from 30 climate stations and have a correlation coefficient of 0.897 and RMSE of 15days. The method can successfully map current grass growth trends compared to the average and present this information to the farmer in simple everyday language. This is understood by the author to be the first validated growth anomaly service, and the first for intensive European grasslands. The decisions on when to turn out cattle (the turn out date (TOD)) from winter housing to spring grazing is an important one on Irish dairy farms which has significant impacts on operating costs on the farm. To examine the relationship of TOD to conditions, the National Farm Survey (NFS) of Ireland database was geocoded and the data on turn out dates from 199 farms across Ireland over five years was used. A fixed effects linear panel data model was employed to explore the association between TOD and conditions, as it allows for unobserved variation between farmers to be ignored in favour of modelling the variance year on year. The environmental variables used in the analysis account for 38% of the variance in the turn out dates on farms nationwide. National seasonal conditions dominate over local variation, and for every week earlier grass grows in spring, farmers gain 3.7 days in grazing season but ignore 3.3 days of growth that could have been used. Every 100mm extra rain in spring means TOD is a day later and every dry day leads to turn out being half a day earlier. A well-drained soil makes TOD 2.5 days earlier compared to a poorly drained soil and TOD gets a day later for every 16km north form the south coast. This work demonstrates that precision agriculture 1 driven by optical and radar satellite data is closer to being a reality in Europe driven by enormous amounts of free imagery from NASA and the ESA Sentinel programs coupled with open source meteorological data and models and new developments in data analytics

    Forest cover estimation in Ireland using radar remote sensing: a comparative analysis of forest cover assessment methodologies

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    Quantification of spatial and temporal changes in forest cover is an essential component of forest monitoring programs. Due to its cloud free capability, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an ideal source of information on forest dynamics in countries with near-constant cloud-cover. However, few studies have investigated the use of SAR for forest cover estimation in landscapes with highly sparse and fragmented forest cover. In this study, the potential use of L-band SAR for forest cover estimation in two regions (Longford and Sligo) in Ireland is investigated and compared to forest cover estimates derived from three national (Forestry2010, Prime2, National Forest Inventory), one pan-European (Forest Map 2006) and one global forest cover (Global Forest Change) product. Two machine-learning approaches (Random Forests and Extremely Randomised Trees) are evaluated. Both Random Forests and Extremely Randomised Trees classification accuracies were high (98.1–98.5%), with differences between the two classifiers being minimal (&#60;0.5%). Increasing levels of post classification filtering led to a decrease in estimated forest area and an increase in overall accuracy of SAR-derived forest cover maps. All forest cover products were evaluated using an independent validation dataset. For the Longford region, the highest overall accuracy was recorded with the Forestry2010 dataset (97.42%) whereas in Sligo, highest overall accuracy was obtained for the Prime2 dataset (97.43%), although accuracies of SAR-derived forest maps were comparable. Our findings indicate that spaceborne radar could aid inventories in regions with low levels of forest cover in fragmented landscapes. The reduced accuracies observed for the global and pan-continental forest cover maps in comparison to national and SAR-derived forest maps indicate that caution should be exercised when applying these datasets for national reporting

    Remote Sensing of Savannas and Woodlands

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    Savannas and woodlands are one of the most challenging targets for remote sensing. This book provides a current snapshot of the geographical focus and application of the latest sensors and sensor combinations in savannas and woodlands. It includes feature articles on terrestrial laser scanning and on the application of remote sensing to characterization of vegetation dynamics in the Mato Grosso, Cerrado and Caatinga of Brazil. It also contains studies focussed on savannas in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia. It should be important reading for environmental practitioners and scientists globally who are concerned with the sustainability of the global savanna and woodland biome

    Remotely sensed and modelled pasture biomass, land condition and the potential to improve grazing-management decision tools across the Australian rangelands

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    This report assesses the potential for expanding on current capacity to monitor land condition using remotely sensed fractional cover products to improve biomass estimation, animal productivity, pasture growth models and grazing decision tools (e.g. safe carrying capacity) across the Australian rangelands. We focus on northern Australia and include relevant research and implementation from southern Australia where appropriate

    Remote sensing in support of conservation and management of heathland vegetation

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    Mapping intra- and inter-annual dynamics in wetlands with multispectral, thermal and SAR time series

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    Kartierung der intra- und interannuellen Dynamik von Feuchtgebieten mit multispektralen, thermischen und SAR-Zeitreihen Die Analyse der aktuellen räumlichen Verbreitung und der zeitlichen Entwicklung von Feuchtgebieten stellt eine äußerst komplexe Aufgabe dar, welche durch die Saisonalität, die schwierige Zugänglichkeit und die besonderen Eigenschaften als Ökoton bedingt ist. Erdbeobachtungssysteme sind somit das am besten geeignete Werkzeug, um zeitliche und räumliche Muster von Feuchtgebieten auf globaler Ebene zu beobachten (saisonale Veränderungen und Langzeit-Trends) und um den Einfluss der menschlichen Aktivitäten auf ihre physischen und biologischen Eigenschaften zu untersuchen. Zur Kartierung von raum-zeitlichen Mustern wurden Zeitreihen von Radar- (Sentinel-1), Multispektral- (Sentinel-2) und Thermal-Satellitendaten (MODIS) in fünf Untersuchungsgebieten, mit für Feuchtgebiete unterschiedlichen typischen Charakteristika, untersucht. In Kapitel 1 werden die Problematik in Bezug auf die Definition von Feuchtgebieten erläutert und allgemeine Degradations-Trends beschrieben. Die Kapitel 2 und 3 behandeln einen Algorithmus, der Veränderungen mithilfe von SAR-Zeitreihen feststellt, sowie die Vorteile des Cloud-Computings für das operationelle Monitoring saisonaler Muster und die Erkennung kurzfristig auftretender Veränderungen. In den Kapiteln 4 und 5 werden die zwei Hauptursachen für den Verlust von Feuchtgebieten betrachtet: der Staudammbau und die Ausdehnung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen. In Kapitel 4 werden dichte Zeitreihen multispektraler (Sentinel-2) und SAR-Daten (Sentinel-1) verwendet, um die Feuchtgebiete Albaniens – eines Landes in dem konträre Pläne zum Ausbau seines Wasserkraftpotentials und dem Schutz intakter Flussökosysteme zu Spannungen führen – landesweit zu kartieren. Die synergetischen Vorteile, die sich durch die Fusionierung von multispektralen und SAR-Daten für die Klassifikation ergeben, werden dabei herausgestellt. Kapitel 5 veranschaulicht, dass die Kilombero-Überschwemmungsebene in Tansania ein großes und bedeutendes Feuchtgebiet ist, das in den vergangenen Jahren infolge der weitgehend unkontrollierten Ausbreitung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen in seiner Ausdehnung und seiner Ökologie stark beeinträchtigt wurde. Um die Auswirkungen der Landnutzungsänderungen des Feuchtgebietes während der vergangenen 18 Jahre zu analysieren, wurden eine Zeitreihe (2000 bis 2017) thermaler Daten (MODIS) analysiert. Die drei für die Zeitreihenanalyse angewandten Modelle zeigen, wie landwirtschaftliche Praktiken die Landoberflächentemperatur in den landwirtschaftlich genutzten Gebieten sowie in den angrenzenden natürlichen Feuchtgebieten erhöht haben.Due to wetlands’ seasonality, their difficult access and ecotone character, determining their actual extension and trends over time is a complex task. Earth Observation systems are the most appropriate tool to monitor their spatio-temporal patterns (seasonal changes and long term trends) at global scales, and to study the effects that human activities have in their physical and biological properties. In this work I use time series of radar (Sentinel-1), multispectral (Sentinel-2) and thermal (MODIS) imagery to map the spatio-temporal patterns in 5 wetlands of different characteristics. First, I introduce in chapter 1 the problematic of wetlands’ definitions and their degradation trends. I continue with a brief introduction on remote sensing, time series analysis, and their applications on wetlands’ research and management. In chapters 2 and 3 I implement an algorithm for change detection of time series of Sentinel-1 images and demonstrate the advantages of cloud computation for operational monitoring. In chapters 4 and 5 I address two of the main causes of wetland degradation: dam building and agricultural expansion. In chapter 4 I use dense time series of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images map all the wetlands of Albania; a country struggling between developing its large hydropower potential or preserving its intact and valuable river ecosystems. I evaluate the synergic advantages of fusing multispectral and radar imagery in combination with knowledge-based rules to produce classification of higher thematic and spatial resolutions. In chapter 5 I present how the Kilombero Floodplain, in Tanzania, has been degraded during the last years due to uncontrolled farmland expansion. I use a time series of thermal imagery (MODIS) from 2000 until 2017 to analyze the effect of land use changes on the wetland. I compare three models for time series analysis and reveal how farming practices have increased the surface temperature of the farmed area, as well as in adjacent natural wetlands.Mapeo de las dinámicas inter- e intra-anuales en humedales con series temporales de imágenes multiespectrales, termales y de radar Debido a la estacionalidad de los humedales, su difícil acceso y sus características de ecotono, determinar su actual extensión y sus tendencias a lo largo del tiempo es una tarea compleja. Los sistemas de observación terrestres son la herramienta más apropiada para monitorear sus patrones espacio-temporales (estacionalidad y tendencias a largo plazo) a escalas globales, y para estudiar los efectos que las actividades humanas causan en sus propiedades físicas y biológicas. En esta tesis uso series temporales de imágenes radar (Sentinel-1), multiespectrales (Sentinel-2) y termales (MODIS) para mapear los patrones espacio-temporales de 5 humedales de diferentes características. En el capítulo 1 describo los retos que derivan de las diferentes definiciones que existen de los humedales. También presento las tendencias globales de degradación que la mayoría de los humedales continúan experimentando en los últimos años. Continúo con una breve introducción de los sistemas de teledetección remota, análisis de series temporales, y sus aplicaciones a la investigación y gestión de los humedales. En los capítulos 2 y 3 implemento un algoritmo de detección de cambios para series temporales de imágenes radar, y muestro las ventajas de usar sistemas de computación en la nube para monitorear cambios en la cobertura del suelo a corto plazo. En los capítulos 4 y 5 trato con dos de las causas más comunes de degradación de humedales: la construcción de presas y la expansión de la agricultura. En el capítulo 4 uso series temporales de imágenes multiespectrales (Sentinel-2) y radar (Sentinel-1) para mapear todos los humedales Albania; un país que se debate entre desarrollar su potencial hidroenergético o preservar sus valiosos e intactos ecosistemas de rivera. Mediante la fusión de imágenes radar y multiespectrales y el uso de reglas de decisión genero un mapa de suficiente resolución espacial y temática para que pueda ser usado por sectores interesados y gestores. En el capítulo 5 presento como las llanuras inundables de Kilombero, en Tanzania, han sido degradadas durante los últimos años debido a la expansión incontrolada de la agricultura. Usando series temporales de imágenes termales (MODIS) desde 2000 hasta 2017 y mapas de cambios de usos del suelo, determino los efectos que estos cambios han tenido en el humedal. Comparo 3 modelos diferentes de análisis de series temporales y muestro cómo la expansión de la agricultura ha incrementado la temperatura superficial terrestre, no solo de la zona cultivada, sino también de zonas adyacentes aún naturales

    Analyzing the discharge regime of a large tropical river through remote sensing, ground-based climatic data, and modeling

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    This study demonstrates the potential for applying passive microwave satellite sensor data to infer the discharge dynamics of large river systems using the main stem Amazon as a test case. The methodology combines (1) interpolated ground-based meteorological station data, (2) horizontally and vertically polarized temperature differences (HVPTD) from the 37-GHz scanning multichannel microwave radiometer (SMMR) aboard the Nimbus 7 satellite, and (3) a calibrated water balance/water transport model (WBM/WTM). Monthly HVPTD values at 0.25° (latitude by longitude) resolution were resampled spatially and temporally to produce an enhanced HVPTD time series at 0.5° resolution for the period May 1979 through February 1985. Enhanced HVPTD values were regressed against monthly discharge derived from the WBM/WTM for each of 40 grid cells along the main stem over a calibration period from May 1979 to February 1983 to provide a spatially contiguous estimate of time-varying discharge. HVPTD-estimated flows generated for a validation period from March 1983 to February 1985 were found to be in good agreement with both observed arid modeled discharges over a 1400-km section of the main stem Amazon. This span of river is bounded downstream by a region of tidal influence and upstream by low sensor response associated with dense forest canopy. Both the WBM/WTM and HVPTD-derived flow rates reflect the significant impact of the 1982–1983 El Niño-;Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event on water balances within the drainage basin