196 research outputs found

    Some Preconditioning Techniques for Saddle Point Problems

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    Saddle point problems arise frequently in many applications in science and engineering, including constrained optimization, mixed finite element formulations of partial differential equations, circuit analysis, and so forth. Indeed the formulation of most problems with constraints gives rise to saddle point systems. This paper provides a concise overview of iterative approaches for the solution of such systems which are of particular importance in the context of large scale computation. In particular we describe some of the most useful preconditioning techniques for Krylov subspace solvers applied to saddle point problems, including block and constrained preconditioners.\ud \ud The work of Michele Benzi was supported in part by the National Science Foundation grant DMS-0511336

    The antitriangular factorisation of saddle point matrices

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    Mastronardi and Van Dooren recently introduced the block antitriangular ("Batman") decomposition for symmetric indefinite matrices. Here we show the simplification of this factorisation for saddle point matrices and demonstrate how it represents the common nullspace method. We show the relation of this factorisation to constraint preconditioning and how it transforms but preserves the block diagonal structure of block diagonal preconditioning

    General-purpose preconditioning for regularized interior point methods

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    In this paper we present general-purpose preconditioners for regularized augmented systems, and their corresponding normal equations, arising from optimization problems. We discuss positive definite preconditioners, suitable for CG and MINRES. We consider “sparsifications" which avoid situations in which eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrix may become complex. Special attention is given to systems arising from the application of regularized interior point methods to linear or nonlinear convex programming problems.</p

    Natural preconditioners for saddle point systems

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    The solution of quadratic or locally quadratic extremum problems subject to linear(ized) constraints gives rise to linear systems in saddle point form. This is true whether in the continuous or discrete setting, so saddle point systems arising from discretization of partial differential equation problems such as those describing electromagnetic problems or incompressible flow lead to equations with this structure as does, for example, the widely used sequential quadratic programming approach to nonlinear optimization.\ud This article concerns iterative solution methods for these problems and in particular shows how the problem formulation leads to natural preconditioners which guarantee rapid convergence of the relevant iterative methods. These preconditioners are related to the original extremum problem and their effectiveness -- in terms of rapidity of convergence -- is established here via a proof of general bounds on the eigenvalues of the preconditioned saddle point matrix on which iteration convergence depends

    Updating constraint preconditioners for KKT systems in quadratic programming via low-rank corrections

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    This work focuses on the iterative solution of sequences of KKT linear systems arising in interior point methods applied to large convex quadratic programming problems. This task is the computational core of the interior point procedure and an efficient preconditioning strategy is crucial for the efficiency of the overall method. Constraint preconditioners are very effective in this context; nevertheless, their computation may be very expensive for large-scale problems, and resorting to approximations of them may be convenient. Here we propose a procedure for building inexact constraint preconditioners by updating a "seed" constraint preconditioner computed for a KKT matrix at a previous interior point iteration. These updates are obtained through low-rank corrections of the Schur complement of the (1,1) block of the seed preconditioner. The updated preconditioners are analyzed both theoretically and computationally. The results obtained show that our updating procedure, coupled with an adaptive strategy for determining whether to reinitialize or update the preconditioner, can enhance the performance of interior point methods on large problems.Comment: 22 page

    Solution of indefinite linear systems using an LQ decomposition for the linear constraints

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    In this paper, indefinite linear systems with linear constraints are considered. We present a special decomposition that makes use of the LQ decomposition, and retains the constraints in the factors. The resulting decomposition is of a structure similar to that obtained using the Bunch-Kaufman-Parlett algorithm. The decomposition can be used in a direct solution algorithm for indefinite systems, but it can also be used to construct effective preconditioners. Combinations of the latter with conjugate gradient type methods have been demonstrated to be very useful

    Constraint-Preconditioned Krylov Solvers for Regularized Saddle-Point Systems

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    We consider the iterative solution of regularized saddle-point systems. When the leading block is symmetric and positive semi-definite on an appropriate subspace, Dollar, Gould, Schilders, and Wathen (2006) describe how to apply the conjugate gradient (CG) method coupled with a constraint preconditioner, a choice that has proved to be effective in optimization applications. We investigate the design of constraint-preconditioned variants of other Krylov methods for regularized systems by focusing on the underlying basis-generation process. We build upon principles laid out by Gould, Orban, and Rees (2014) to provide general guidelines that allow us to specialize any Krylov method to regularized saddle-point systems. In particular, we obtain constraint-preconditioned variants of Lanczos and Arnoldi-based methods, including the Lanczos version of CG, MINRES, SYMMLQ, GMRES(m) and DQGMRES. We also provide MATLAB implementations in hopes that they are useful as a basis for the development of more sophisticated software. Finally, we illustrate the numerical behavior of constraint-preconditioned Krylov solvers using symmetric and nonsymmetric systems arising from constrained optimization.Comment: Accepted for publication in the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computin
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