5 research outputs found

    Abella: A System for Reasoning about Relational Specifications

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    International audienceThe Abella interactive theorem prover is based on an intuitionistic logic that allows for inductive and co-inductive reasoning over relations. Abella supports the λ-tree approach to treating syntax containing binders: it allows simply typed λ-terms to be used to represent such syntax and it provides higher-order (pattern) unification, the ∇ quantifier, and nominal constants for reasoning about these representations. As such, it is a suitable vehicle for formalizing the meta-theory of formal systems such as logics and programming languages. This tutorial exposes Abella incrementally, starting with its capabilities at a first-order logic level and gradually presenting more sophisticated features, ending with the support it offers to the two-level logic approach to meta-theoretic reasoning. Along the way, we show how Abella can be used prove theorems involving natural numbers, lists, and automata, as well as involving typed and untyped λ-calculi and the π-calculus

    Implementing the Meta-Theory of Deductive Systems

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    . We exhibit a methodology for formulating and verifying metatheorems about deductive systems in the Elf language, an implementation of the LF Logical Framework with an operational semantics in the spirit of logic programming. It is based on the mechanical verification of properties of transformations between deductions, which relies on type reconstruction and schema-checking. The latter is justified by induction principles for closed LF objects, which can be constructed over a given signature. We illustrate our technique through several examples, the most extensive of which is an interpretation of classical logic in minimal logic through a continuation-passing-style transformation on proofs. 1 Introduction Formal deductive systems have become an important tool in computer science. They are used to specify logics, type systems, operational semantics and other aspects of languages. The role of such specifications is three-fold. Firstly, inference rules serve as a high-level notation w..

    Implementing the meta-theory of deductive systems

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