10 research outputs found

    Implementing Neural Networks Efficiently

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    Neural networks and machine learning algorithms in general require a flexible environment where new algorithm prototypes and experiments can be set up as quickly as possible with best possible computational performance. To that end, we provide a new framework called Torch7, that is especially suited to achieve both of these competing goals. Torch7 is a versatile numeric computing framework and machine learning library that extends a very lightweight and powerful programming language Lua. Its goal is to provide a flexible environment to design, train and deploy learning machines. Flexibility is obtained via Lua, an extremely lightweight scripting language. High performance is obtained via efficient OpenMP/SSE and CUDA implementations of low-level numeric routines. Torch7 can also easily be interfaced to third-party software thanks to Lua’s light C interface

    A convolutional neural network to classify American Sign Language fingerspelling from depth and colour images

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    Sign language is used by approximately 70 million1 people throughout the world, and an automatic tool for interpreting it could make a major impact on communication between those who use it and those who may not understand it. However, computer interpretation of sign language is very difficult given the variability in size, shape and position of the fingers or hands in an image. Hence, this paper explores the applicability of deep learning for interpreting sign language. The paper develops a convolutional neural network aimed at classifying fingerspelling images using both image intensity and depth data. The developed convolutional network is evaluated by applying it to the problem of finger spelling recognition for American Sign Language. The evaluation shows that the developed convolutional network performs better than previous studies and has precision of 82% and recall of 80%. Analysis of the confusion matrix from the evaluation reveals the underlying difficulties of classifying some particular signs which is discussed in the paper

    Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene Labeling

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    The goal of the scene labeling task is to assign a class label to each pixel in an image. To ensure a good visual coherence and a high class accu-racy, it is essential for a model to capture long range (pixel) label dependencies in images. In a feed-forward architecture, this can be achieved simply by considering a sufficiently large input context patch, around each pixel to be labeled. We propose an approach that consists of a re-current convolutional neural network which al-lows us to consider a large input context while limiting the capacity of the model. Contrary to most standard approaches, our method does not rely on any segmentation technique nor any task-specific features. The system is trained in an end-to-end manner over raw pixels, and mod-els complex spatial dependencies with low infer-ence cost. As the context size increases with the built-in recurrence, the system identifies and cor-rects its own errors. Our approach yields state-of-the-art performance on both the Stanford Back-ground Dataset and the SIFT Flow Dataset, while remaining very fast at test time. 1

    Optimizing deep learning networks using multi-armed bandits

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    Deep learning has gained significant attention recently following their successful use for applications such as computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language processing. These deep learning models are based on very large neural networks, which can require a significant amount of memory and hence limit the range of applications. Hence, this study explores methods for pruning deep learning models as a way of reducing their size, and computational time, but without sacrificing their accuracy. A literature review was carried out, revealing existing approaches for pruning, their strengths, and weaknesses. A key issue emerging from this review is that there is a trade-off between removing a weight or neuron and the potential reduction in accuracy. Thus, this study develops new algorithms for pruning that utilize a framework, known as a multi-armed bandit, which has been successfully applied in applications where there is a need to learn which option to select given the outcome of trials. There are several different multi-arm bandit methods, and these have been used to develop new algorithms including those based on the following types of multi-arm bandits: (i) Epsilon-Greedy (ii) Upper Confidence Bounds (UCB) (iii) Thompson Sampling and (iv) Exponential Weight Algorithm for Exploration and Exploitation (EXP3). The algorithms were implemented in Python and a comprehensive empirical evaluation of their performance was carried out in comparison to both the original neural network models and existing algorithms for pruning. The existing methods that are compared include: Random Pruning, Greedy Pruning, Optimal Brain Damage (OBD) and Optimal Brain Surgeon (OBS). The thesis also includes an empirical comparison with a number of other learning methods such as KNN, decision trees, SVM, NaĂŻve Bayes, LDA, QDA, logistic regression, Gaussian process classifier, kernel ridge regression, LASSO regression, linear regression, Bayesian Ridge regression, boosting, bagging and random forests. The results on the data sets show that some of the new methods (i) generalize better than the original model and most of the other methods such as KNN and decision trees (ii) outperform OBS and OBD in terms of reduction in size, generalization, and computational time (iii) outperform the greedy algorithm in terms of accuracy