27 research outputs found

    MAC/PHY Co-Design of CSMA Wireless Networks Using Software Radios.

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    In the past decade, CSMA-based protocols have spawned numerous network standards (e.g., the WiFi family), and played a key role in improving the ubiquity of wireless networks. However, the rapid evolution of CSMA brings unprecedented challenges, especially the coexistence of different network architectures and communications devices. Meanwhile, many intrinsic limitations of CSMA have been the main obstacle to the performance of its derivatives, such as ZigBee, WiFi, and mesh networks. Most of these problems are observed to root in the abstract interface of the CSMA MAC and PHY layers --- the MAC simply abstracts the advancement of PHY technologies as a change of data rate. Hence, the benefits of new PHY technologies are either not fully exploited, or they even may harm the performance of existing network protocols due to poor interoperability. In this dissertation, we show that a joint design of the MAC/PHY layers can achieve a substantially higher level of capacity, interoperability and energy efficiency than the weakly coupled MAC/PHY design in the current CSMA wireless networks. In the proposed MAC/PHY co-design, the PHY layer exposes more states and capabilities to the MAC, and the MAC performs intelligent adaptation to and control over the PHY layer. We leverage the reconfigurability of software radios to design smart signal processing algorithms that meet the challenge of making PHY capabilities usable by the MAC layer. With the approach of MAC/PHY co-design, we have revisited the primitive operations of CSMA (collision avoidance, carrier signaling, carrier sensing, spectrum access and transmitter cooperation), and overcome its limitations in relay and broadcast applications, coexistence of heterogeneous networks, energy efficiency, coexistence of different spectrum widths, and scalability for MIMO networks. We have validated the feasibility and performance of our design using extensive analysis, simulation and testbed implementation.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95944/1/xyzhang_1.pd

    Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this chapter, we present a literature survey of an emerging, cutting-edge, and multi-disciplinary field of research at the intersection of Robotics and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) which we refer to as Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks (RWSN). We define a RWSN as an autonomous networked multi-robot system that aims to achieve certain sensing goals while meeting and maintaining certain communication performance requirements, through cooperative control, learning and adaptation. While both of the component areas, i.e., Robotics and WSN, are very well-known and well-explored, there exist a whole set of new opportunities and research directions at the intersection of these two fields which are relatively or even completely unexplored. One such example would be the use of a set of robotic routers to set up a temporary communication path between a sender and a receiver that uses the controlled mobility to the advantage of packet routing. We find that there exist only a limited number of articles to be directly categorized as RWSN related works whereas there exist a range of articles in the robotics and the WSN literature that are also relevant to this new field of research. To connect the dots, we first identify the core problems and research trends related to RWSN such as connectivity, localization, routing, and robust flow of information. Next, we classify the existing research on RWSN as well as the relevant state-of-the-arts from robotics and WSN community according to the problems and trends identified in the first step. Lastly, we analyze what is missing in the existing literature, and identify topics that require more research attention in the future

    The role of communication systems in smart grids: Architectures, technical solutions and research challenges

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    The purpose of this survey is to present a critical overview of smart grid concepts, with a special focus on the role that communication, networking and middleware technologies will have in the transformation of existing electric power systems into smart grids. First of all we elaborate on the key technological, economical and societal drivers for the development of smart grids. By adopting a data-centric perspective we present a conceptual model of communication systems for smart grids, and we identify functional components, technologies, network topologies and communication services that are needed to support smart grid communications. Then, we introduce the fundamental research challenges in this field including communication reliability and timeliness, QoS support, data management services, and autonomic behaviors. Finally, we discuss the main solutions proposed in the literature for each of them, and we identify possible future research directions

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    Wireless Real-Time Communication in Tunnel-like Environments using Wireless Mesh Networks: The WICKPro Protocol

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    En los últimos años, las redes inalámbricas se están utilizando cada vez más en entornos industriales debido a sus ventajas respecto a redes cableadas: menor coste de instalación, soporte de movilidad, instalación en lugares donde los cables pueden ser problemáticos y mayor facilidad de reconfiguración. Estas redes inalámbricas normalmente deben proporcionar comunicación en tiempo real para satisfacer los requerimientos de las aplicaciones. Podemos encontrar ejemplos de comunicación en tiempo real con redes inalámbricas para entornos industriales en el campo de la automatización industrial y en el control de procesos, donde redes inalámbricas de radiofrecuencia han sido utilizadas para posibilitar comunicación en tiempo real con un despliegue sencillo. Asimismo, la industria también está interesada en comunicaciones en tiempo real en entornos subterráneos, puesto que existen diversas actividades que se llevan a cabo en escenarios tales como túneles y minas, incluyendo operaciones de minería, vigilancia, intervención y rescate. Las redes inalámbricas malladas (Wireless Mesh Networks, WMNs) representan una solución prometedora para conseguir comunicaci ón en tiempo real en entornos inalámbricos, dado que proporcionan una red troncal inalámbrica formada por encaminadores (routers) que es utilizada por terminales móviles. Sin embargo, las WMNs también presentan algunos retos: la naturaleza multisalto de estas redes causa interferencias entre flujos e interferencias de un flujo consigo mismo, además de que la propagación inalámbrica sufre shadowing y propagación multicamino. El estándar IEEE 802.11 ha sido ampliamente utilizado en redes WMNs debido a su bajo coste y la operación en bandas frecuenciales sin licencia. El problema es que su protocolo de acceso al medio (Medium Access Control, MAC) no es determinista y que sus comunicaciones sufren los problemas del terminal oculto y expuesto. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el soporte de comunicaciones en tiempo real en entornos tipo túnel utilizando redes WMNs. Con este objetivo, desarrollamos un protocolo MAC y de nivel de red denominado WIreless Chain networK Protocol (WICKPro) que funciona sobre IEEE 802.11. Más concretamente, en este trabajo diseñamos dos versiones de este protocolo para proporcionar soporte de tráfico de tiempo real firme (Firm Real-Time, FRT) y de tiempo real no estricto (Soft Real-Time, SRT): FRT-WICKPro y SRT-WICKPro. Asimismo, proponemos un algoritmo de hand-off conocido como Double-Threshold Hand-off (DoTHa) para el manejo de la movilidad en SRT-WICKPro WICKPro utiliza un esquema de paso de testigo para solventar las interferencias entre flujos y de un flujo consigo mismo, así como los problemas del terminal oculto y expuesto, dado que este esquema no permite que dos nodos transmitan al mismo tiempo. Esta solución es razonable para redes pequeñas donde el re uso espacial es imposible o limitado. Para tratar la naturaleza no determinista de IEEE 802.11, combinamos el esquema de paso de testigo con una planificación cíclica global. Como es habitual en planificación cíclica, el hiperperiodo es dividido en un conjunto de ciclos secundarios. FRT-WICKPro inicia el paso de testigo de forma síncrona para satisfacer estrictamente dichos ciclos secundarios, mientras que SRT-WICKPro implementa un paso de testigo asíncrono y permite sobrepasar los ciclos secundarios, por lo que desacopla los ciclos secundarios reales de los te_oricos. Finalmente, DoTHa lidia con el shadowing y la propagación multicamino. Para abordar el shadowing, DoTHa permite llevar a cabo el proceso de hand-off en la región conectada y en la región de transición de un enlace, mientras que la propagación multicamino es ignorada para el proceso de hand-off porque la potencia recibida es promediada. Nuestras propuestas fueron validadas en experimentos de laboratorio y de campo, así como en simulación. Como un estudio de caso, llevamos a cabo la teleoperación de un robot móvil en dos entornos confinados: los pasillos de un edificio y el túnel del Somport. El túnel del Somport es un antiguo túnel ferroviario fuera de servicio que conecta España y Francia por los Pirineos Centrales. Aunque los robots autónomos son cada vez más importantes, la tecnología no está suficientemente madura para manejar entornos con alto dinamismo como sistemas de fabricación reconfigurables, o para realizar decisiones de vida o muerte, por ejemplo después de un desastre con contaminación radiactiva. Las aplicaciones que pueden beneficiarse de la teleoperación de robots móviles incluyen la monitorización en tiempo real y el uso de maquinaria robotizada, por ejemplo camiones dumper y máquinas tuneladoras, que podrían ser operadas remotamente para evitar poner en peligro vidas humanas.Industrial applications have been shifting towards wireless networks in recent years because they present several advantages compared with their wired counterparts: lower deployment cost, mobility support, installation in places where cables may be problematic, and easier reconfiguration. These industrial wireless networks usually must provide real-time communication to meet application requirements. Examples of wireless real-time communication for industrial applications can be found in factory automation and process control, where Radio Frequency wireless communication technologies have been employed to support flexible real-time communication with simple deployment. Likewise, industry is also interested in real-time communication in underground environments, since there are several activities that are carried out in scenarios such as tunnels and mines, including mining, surveillance, intervention, and rescue operations. Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are promising enablers to achieve wireless real-time communication because they provide a wireless backbone comprised by dedicated routers that is utilized by mobile terminals. However, WMNs also present several challenges: wireless multi-hopping causes inter-flow and intra-flow interferences, and wireless propagation suffers shadowing and multi-path fading. The IEEE 802.11 standard has been widely used in WMNs due to its low cost and the operation in unlicensed frequency bands. The downside is that its Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is non-deterministic, and that its communications suffer from the hidden and exposed terminal problems. This PhD thesis focuses on real-time communication in tunnel-like environments by using WMNs. Particularly, we develop a MAC and network protocol on top of the IEEE 802.11 standard to provide real-time capabilities, so-called WIreless Chain networK Protocol (WICKPro). Two WICKPro versions are designed to provide Firm Real-Time (FRT) or Soft Real-Time (SRT) traffic support: FRT-WICKPro and SRT-WICKPro. We also propose a hand-off algorithm dubbed Double-Threshold Hand-off (DoTHa) to manage mobility in SRT-WICKPro. WICKPro employs a token-passing scheme to solve the inter-flow and intra-flow interferences as well as the hidden and exposed terminal problems, since this scheme does not allow two nodes to transmit at the same time. This is a reasonable solution for small-scale networks where spatial reuse is impossible or limited. The non-deterministic nature of IEEE 802.11 is faced by combining the token-passing mechanism with a polling approach based on a global cyclic packet schedule. As usual in cyclic scheduling, the hyper-period is divided into minor cycles. FRT-WICKPro triggers the token synchronously and fulfills strictly minor cycles, whereas SRT-WICKPro carries out asynchronous token-passing and lets minor cycles be overrun, thereby decoupling the theoretic and the actual minor cycles. Finally, DoTHa deals with shadowing and multi-path fading. Shadowing is addressed by providing the opportunity of triggering hand-off in the connected and transitional regions of a link, while multi-path fading is neglected for hand-off purposes by smoothing the received signal power. We tested our proposals in laboratory and field experiments, as well as in simulation. As a case study, we carried out the tele-operation of a mobile robot within two confined environments: the corridors of a building and the Somport tunnel. The Somport tunnel is an old out-of-service railway tunnel that connects Spain and France through the Central Pyrenees. Although autonomous robots are becoming more and more important, technology is not mature enough to manage highly dynamic environments such as reconfigurable manufacturing systems, or to make life-and-death decisions, e.g., after a disaster with radioactivity contamination. Applications that can benefit from mobile robot tele-operation include real-time monitoring and the use of robotized machinery, for example, dumper trucks and tunneling machines, which could be remotely operated to avoid endangering human lives

    Supervisory Wireless Control for Critical Industrial Applications

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    Towards LoRa mesh networks for the IoT

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    There are several LPWAN radio technologies providing wireless communication to the billions of connected devices that form the so-called IoT. Among them, LoRa has emerged in recent years as a popular solution for low power embedded devices to transmit data at long distances on a reduced energy budget. Most often, LoRa is used as the physical layer of LoRaWAN, an open standard that defines a MAC layer and specifies the star-of-stars topology, operation, roles and mechanisms for an integrated, full-stack IoT architecture. Nowadays, millions of devices use LoRaWAN networks in all sorts of agriculture, smart cities and buildings, industry, logistics and utilities scenarios. Despite its success in all sorts of IoT domains and environments, there are still use cases that would benefit from more flexible network topologies than LoRaWAN's star-of-stars. For instance, in scenarios where the deployment and operation of the backbone network infrastructure is technically or economically challenging, a more flexible model may improve certain performance metrics. As a first major contribution, this thesis investigates the effects of adding multi-hop capability to LoRaWAN, by means of the realistic use case of a communication system based on this architecture that provides a coordinated response in the aftermath of natural disasters like an earthquake. The capacity of end nodes to forward packets and perform multi-hop transmissions is explored, as a strategy to overcome gateway infrastructure failures, and analyzed for challenges, benefits and drawbacks in a massive system with thousands of devices. LoRa is also used as a stand-alone radio technology, independently from the LoRaWAN architecture. Its CSS modulation offers many advantages in LPWANs for IoT deployments. In particular, its different SFs available determine a trade-off between transmission time (i.e., data rate) and sensitivity (i.e., distance reach), and also generate quasi-orthogonal signals that can be demodulated concurrently by different receivers. The second major contribution of this thesis is the design of a minimalistic distance-vector routing protocol for embedded IoT devices featuring a LoRa transceiver, and the proposal of a path cost calculation metric that takes advantage of the multi-SF capability to reduce end-to-end transmission time. The protocol is evaluated through simulation and compared with other well-known routing strategies, analyzing and discussing its suitability for heterogeneous IoT LoRa mesh networks.Hi ha diverses tecnologies de ràdio LPWAN que proporcionen comunicació sense fils als milers de milions de dispositius connectats que conformen l'anomenada IoT. D'entre elles, LoRa ha emergit en els darrers anys com una solució popular per a què dispositius encastats amb pocs recursos transmetin dades a llargues distàncies amb un cost energètic reduït. Tot sovint, LoRa s'empra com la capa física de LoRaWAN, un estàndard obert que defineix una capa MAC i que especifica la topologia en estrella d'estrelles, l'operació, els rols i els mecanismes per implementar una arquitectura de la IoT integrada. A dia d'avui, milions de dispositius fan servir xarxes LoRaWAN en escenaris d'agricultura, edificis i ciutats intel·ligents, indústria, logística i subministraments. Malgrat el seu èxit en tot tipus d'entorns i àmbits de la IoT, encara romanen casos d'ús que es beneficiarien de topologies de xarxa més flexibles que l'estrella d'estrelles de LoRaWAN. Per exemple, en escenaris on el desplegament i l'operació de la infraestructura troncal de xarxa és tècnicament o econòmica inviable, una topologia més flexible podria millorar certs aspectes del rendiment. Com a primera contribució principal, en aquesta tesi s'investiguen els efectes d'afegir capacitat de transmissió multi-salt a LoRaWAN, mitjançant el cas d'ús realista d'un sistema de comunicació, basat en aquesta arquitectura, per proporcionar una resposta coordinada en els moments posteriors a desastres naturals, tals com un terratrèmol. En concret, s'explora l'estratègia d'afegir la capacitat de reenviar paquets als nodes finals per tal d'eludir les fallades en la infraestructura, i se n'analitzen els reptes, beneficis i inconvenients per a un sistema massiu amb milers de dispositius LoRa s'empra també com a tecnologia de ràdio de forma autònoma, independentment de l'arquitectura LoRaWAN. La seva modulació CSS li confereix molts avantatges en xarxes LPWAN per a desplegaments de la IoT. En particular, els diferents SFs disponibles hi determinen un compromís entre la durada de les transmissions (i.e., la taxa de dades) i la sensibilitat en la recepció (i.e., l'abast en distància), alhora que generen senyals quasi-ortogonals que poden ser desmodulades de forma concurrent per receptors diferents. La segona contribució principal d'aquesta tesi és el disseny d'un protocol d'encaminament dinàmic vector-distància per a dispositius de la IoT encastats amb un transceptor LoRa, i la proposta d'una mètrica per calcular el cost d'un camí que aprofita la capacitat multi-SF per minimitzar el temps de transmissió d'extrem a extrem. El protocol és avaluat mitjançant simulacions i comparat amb altres estratègies d'encaminament conegudes, analitzant la seva conveniència per a xarxes LoRa mallades per a la IoT.Existen varias tecnologías de radio LPWAN que proporcionan comunicación inalámbrica a los miles de millones de dispositivos conectados que forman el llamado IoT. De entre ellas, LoRa ha emergido en los últimos años como una solución popular para que dispositivos embebidos con pocos recursos transmitan datos a largas distancias con un coste energético reducido. Habitualmente, LoRa se usa como la capa física de LoRaWAN, un estándar abierto que define una capa MAC y que especi_ca la topología en estrella de estrellas, la operación, los roles y los mecanismos para implantar una arquitectura del IoT integrada. A día de hoy, millones de dispositivos utilizan redes LoRaWAN en escenarios de agricultura, edificios y ciudades inteligentes, industria, logística y suministros. A pesar de su éxito en todo tipo de entornos y ámbitos del IoT, existen casos de uso que se beneficiaran de topologías de red más flexibles que la estrella de estrellas de LoRaWAN. Por ejemplo, en escenarios en los que el despliegue y la operación de la infraestructura troncal de red es técnica o económicamente inviable, una topología más flexible podrá mejorar ciertos aspectos del rendimiento. Como primera contribución principal, en esta tesis se investigan los efectos de añadir capacidad de transmisión multi-salto a LoRaWAN, mediante el caso de uso realista de un sistema de comunicación basado en dicha arquitectura, para proporcionar una respuesta coordinada en los momentos posteriores a desastres naturales, tales como un terremoto. En concreto, se explora la estrategia de añadir la capacidad de reenviar paquetes a los nodos finales para sortear las fallas en la infraestructura, y se analizan los retos, beneficios e inconvenientes para un sistema masivo con miles de dispositivos. LoRa se usa también como tecnología de radio de forma autónoma, independientemente de la arquitectura LoRaWAN. Su modulación CSS le confiere muchas ventajas en redes LPWAN para despliegues de IoT. En particular, los distintos SFs disponibles determinan un compromiso entre la duración de las transmisiones (i.e., la tasa de datos) y la sensibilidad en la recepción (i.e., el alcance en distancia), a la vez que generan señales cuasi-ortogonales que pueden ser desmoduladas de forma concurrente por receptores distintos. En segundo lugar, esta tesis contiene el diseño de un protocolo de enrutamiento dinámico vector-distancia para dispositivos Internet of Things (IoT) embebidos con un transceptor LoRa, y propone una métrica para calcular el coste de un camino que aprovecha la capacidad multi-SF para minimizar el tiempo de transmisión de extremo a extremo. El protocolo es evaluado y comparado con otras estrategias de enrutamiento conocidas, analizando su conveniencia para redes LoRa malladas para el IoT.Postprint (published version