9 research outputs found

    Implementation of a web-based educational tool for digital signal processing teaching using the technological acceptance model

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    This paper presents an exploratory study about the improvement and validation of a Web-based educational tool. The tool, designed with Shockwave and Macromedia Director, is used as a teaching methodology in an undergraduate course using modern microprocessors, architectures, and applications. An information system theory, called the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM), has been applied to detect both the use of the tool and the external variables that have a significant influence over it. The obtained results illustrate the strengths and weaknesses to be reinforced and have been taken into account to implement the final version of the tool. The proposed method may be extended to similar tools and experiments to fill the lack of scientific studies in the validation and acceptance of computer-based educational tool

    Aplicación de tecnologías multimedia para el aprendizaje asíncrono de instrumentación electrónica

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    El Congreso TAEE'06, organizado por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,tuvo lugar entre el 12 de julio y el 15 de julio de 2006El avance de las TIC y el empleo de herramientas hipermedia para el aprendizaje asíncrono adquieren un nuevo significado dentro del nuevo marco del Espacio de Europeo de Educación Superior. Éste introduce un cambio en el paradigma organizativo y educativo de la universidad con la incorporación de la nueva filosofía de crédito europeo. Este hecho nos motiva a crear un bloque de herramientas educativas que se adapten a la nueva filosofía y, entre ellas, una herramienta multimedia para aprendizaje asíncrono de instrumentación electrónic

    Herramienta multimedia de apoyo a la enseñanza práctica de Instrumentación electrónica

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    El Congreso TAEE'08, organizado por la Universidad de Zaragoza, tuvo lugar entre el 2 de julio y el 5 de julio de 2008 en el Campus Rio Ebro de ZaragozaEl avance de las TIC y el empleo de herramientas multimedia para el aprendizaje asíncrono adquieren un nuevo significado dentro del nuevo marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Éste introduce un cambio en el paradigma organizativo y educativo de la universidad con la incorporación de la nueva filosofía de crédito europeo. Este hecho nos motiva a crear un bloque de herramientas educativas que se adapten a la nueva filosofía y, entre ellas, una herramienta multimedia para aprendizaje asíncrono de instrumentación electrónica

    Análisis de una herramienta educativa remota sobre procesadores digitales de señal desde la perspectiva de los modelos de aceptación tecnológica

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio exploratorio sobre el desarrollo de un modelo estructural y de medida basado en el Modelo de Aceptación Tecnológica (TAM, Technology Acceptance Model) para una herramienta educativa con acceso remoto vía Web. El objetivo del trabajo consiste no sólo en medir el uso de la herramienta sino obtener también las variables externas con una influencia significativa en su uso, para poder planificar futuras mejoras de la herramienta. La herramienta, diseñada con Shockwave™ y Macromedia Director™, es un entorno educativo con acceso Web aplicado en una asignatura del grado de ingeniería de telecomunicación relacionada con modernas arquitecturas microprocesadoras y sus aplicaciones, aunque la metodología propuesta podría ser extendida a herramientas similares. Uno de los objetivos del trabajo es precisamente cubrir la falta de estudios científicos en la validación de este tipo de herramientas educativas.This paper is presenting an exploratory study about the development of a structural and a measurement model based on the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) to be applied to a Web remote learning tool. The goal of this work is not only to measure the use of the tool but to obtain the external variables with a significant influence over this use, for future improvements planning. The tool, designed using Shockwave™ y Macromedia Director™, is a Web educational environment applied in an undergraduate advanced microprocessor course, although this methodology could be easily extended to similar tools. Another goal of this work is precisely to fill the lack of scientific studies about the validation of e-learning educational tools

    A novel approach of multimedia instruction applications in engineering education

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    Effective use of educational technology depends on knowledge of why and how to utilize technology to solve teaching and learning problems. The present study first conducts a systematic literature review of the limited studies undertaken on multimedia instruction applications for engineering education to critique the current status of knowledge in this area. The conventional qualitative content analysis method was employed for data analysis. The results highlighted the incompatibility of three basic educational elements i.e. engineering curriculum, educational resources and engineering students’ learning characteristics all of which posed major challenges in teaching and learning engineering courses. Multimedia instruction enhances engineering students’ understanding of engineering concepts, procedures, problems and solutions through direct visualization. Furthermore, it could indirectly assist students in achieving higher order learning levels and skills through enhancing or supporting educational resources and increasing students’ motivation. Mobile multimedia instruction and a student-generated multimedia learning approach to improve engineering education are suggested for future research

    The Implementation of Web-Based Basic English Grammar Material of Adverbs for the First-Year Students of English Education Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar

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    Based on the results of this study, it shows that the grammar test results reached the fairly good category with an average score of 64.09 from 24 students. Based on the favorable results, it can be seen that the use of this website meets the indicators, including acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, cost, and sustainability. Meanwhile, the web-based practicality shows a percentage of 74.66% which is categorized as a practical product that has also achieved the indicators of practicality including attractiveness, development process, interest or motivation, ease of use, functionality and usability, and realibity and usability

    A novel approach of multimedia instruction applications in engineering education

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    Effective use of educational technology depends on knowledge of why and how to utilize technology to solve teaching and learning problems. The present study first conducts a systematic literature review of the limited studies undertaken on multimedia instruction applications for engineering education to critique the current status of knowledge in this area. The conventional qualitative content analysis method was employed for data analysis. The results highlighted the incompatibility of three basic educational elements i.e. engineering curriculum, educational resources and engineering students’ learning characteristics all of which posed major challenges in teaching and learning engineering courses. Multimedia instruction enhances engineering students’ understanding of engineering concepts, procedures, problems and solutions through direct visualization. Furthermore, it could indirectly assist students in achieving higher order learning levels and skills through enhancing or supporting educational resources and increasing students’ motivation. Mobile multimedia instruction and a student-generated multimedia learning approach to improve engineering education are suggested for future research. © 2005-2016 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserve