3 research outputs found

    Voice Over Internet Protocol Performance Evaluation in 6to4 Tunneling Network

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    Registry reported that their regional already in exhausted state. The IPv6 was proposed to substitute IPv4 network, but the implementation of this version cased many problems such as hardware compatibility. As temporary solution to this problem, 6to4 tunneling transition mechanism is introduced as one of many solutions. This mechanism used IPv4 network as communication media between two IPv6 networks. Thus, this kind of mechanism will affect the performance of Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP demanded real-time communication by using UDP protocol between nodes. Unlike normal communication mode, real-time mode required data to be sent immediately ignoring the quality of data. This research evaluated the performance of 6to4 tunneling mechanism for Voice over Internet Protocol’s communication between two nodes in native IPv6 networks.

    On IPv6 Slow Adoption; Why We Might Approach it Wrongly?

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    The slow adoption of IPv6, despite its numerous advantages over IPv4, is a pressing issue in many regions, including Indonesia. This challenge is particularly significant given the increasing demand for Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the need for a sustainable, scalable, and flexible network infrastructure. In response to this issue, our research introduces the Design Thinking-Inspired Technology Adoption (DTITA) model. This innovative approach leverages design thinking principles to facilitate the adoption of new and challenging technologies. DTITA incorporates the five stages of design thinking alongside traditional technology adoption factors, such as perceived usefulness, ease of use, and social influence. The DTITA model aims to create user-centric solutions that address new technologies' unique challenges and barriers. By placing the user at the center of the design process, we were able to develop solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also highly accessible and relevant to users. Through a survey involving individuals from the education industry, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), content providers, government institutions, and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, we identified key barriers impeding the widespread implementation of IPv6. This study provides valuable insights into the application of design thinking in the context of technology adoption, particularly in the case of IPv6. It contributes to the broader discourse on technology adoption and offers practical recommendations for stakeholders and decision-makers in Indonesia


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    Con el rápido avance de la tecnología ha aumentado la cantidad de dispositivos que deben utilizar internet. Esto ha ocasionado un agotamiento de direcciones IPv4. El Grupo de Trabajo de Ingeniería (IETF) ya había previsto este problema de IPv4 por ese motivo creó el protocolo de Internet versión 6 (IPv6) con una capacidad de 340 sextillones de direcciones IP. Sin embargo, IPv6 es incompatible con IPv4, debido a esto, crearon los Mecanismos de transición para que se realice una migración gradual y que ambos protocolos de internet coexistan en una sola red. En el presente trabajo se implementó dos mecanismos: IPv6IP e ISATAP considerando que en los trabajos previos obtuvieron buenos resultados en rendimiento. Estos mecanismos se medirán con las siguientes métricas: Latencia, Rendimiento, Uso del CPU y pérdida de paquetes. Se uso la herramienta Wireshark para capturar los paquetes y obtener las variables que se necesitan para las métricas antes mencionadas. Se implemento la topología de red en el Laboratorio de Sistemas Inteligentes de la Universidad Señor de Sipán, haciendo uso de Routers el cual se configuraron los mecanismos, además de Switch y laptops para realizar las pruebas respectivas. El mecanismo de transición IPv6IP en las métricas tuvo como resultado: Uso del CPU (1 -2 %), Latencia (2-3 ms), Pérdida de paquetes (0%), Rendimiento (24,53 – 501,20 bits/s ) frente a ISATAP que arrojó los siguientes resultados: Uso del CPU (1 -6%), Latencia (2-4 ms), Pérdida de paquetes (0%), Rendimiento (21,33 – 422,77 bits/s). Se evidencia que el mecanismo de Transición IPv6IP obtiene resultados favorables.Tesi