7 research outputs found

    Sub-6GHz Assisted MAC for Millimeter Wave Vehicular Communications

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    Sub-6GHz vehicular communications (using DSRC, ITS-G5 or C-V2X) have been developed to support active safety applications. Future connected and automated driving applications can require larger bandwidth and higher data rates than currently supported by sub-6GHz V2X technologies. This has triggered the interest in developing mmWave vehicular communications. However, solutions are necessary to solve the challenges resulting from the use of high-frequency bands and the high mobility of vehicles. This paper contributes to this active research area by proposing a sub-6GHz assisted mmWave MAC that decouples the mmWave data and control planes. The proposal offloads mmWave MAC control functions (beam alignment, neighbor identification and scheduling) to a sub-6GHz V2X technology, and reserves the mmWave channel for the data plane. This approach improves the operation of the MAC as the control functions benefit from the longer range, and the broadcast and omnidirectional transmissions of sub-6GHz V2X technologies. This simulation study demonstrates that the proposed sub-6GHz assisted mmWave MAC reduces the control overhead and delay, and increases the spatial sharing compared to a mmWave-only configuration (IEEE 802.11ad tailored to vehicular networks). The proposed MAC is here evaluated for V2V communications using 802.11p for the control plane and 802.11ad for the data plane. However, the proposal is not restricted to these technologies, and can be adapted to other technologies such as C-V2X and 5G NR.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Evaluation of IEEE 802.11ad for mmWave V2V Communications

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    Autonomous vehicles can construct a more accurate perception of their surrounding environment by exchanging rich sensor data with nearby vehicles. Such exchange can require larger bandwidths than currently provided by ITS-G5/DSRC and Cellular V2X. Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications can provide higher bandwidth and could complement current V2X standards. Recent studies have started investigating the potential of IEEE 802.11ad to support high bandwidth vehicular communications. This paper introduces the first performance evaluation of the IEEE 802.11ad MAC (Medium Access Control) and beamforming mechanism for mmWave V2V communications. The study highlights existing opportunities and shortcomings that should guide the development of mmWave communications for V2V communications.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Towards Ultra-Low-Latency mmWave Wi-Fi for Multi-User Interactive Virtual Reality

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    The need for cables with high-fidelity Virtual Reality (VR) headsets remains a stumbling block on the path towards interactive multi-user VR. Due to strict latency constraints, designing fully wireless headsets is challenging, with the few commercially available solutions being expensive. These solutions use proprietary millimeter wave (mmWave) communications technologies, as extremely high frequencies are needed to meet the throughput and latency requirements of VR applications. In this work, we investigate whether such a system could be built using specification-compliant IEEE 802.11ad hardware, which would significantly reduce the cost of wireless mmWave VR solutions. We present a theoretical framework to calculate attainable live VR video bitrates for different IEEE 802.11ad channel access methods, using 1 or more head-mounted displays connected to a single Access Point (AP). Using the ns-3 simulator, we validate our theoretical framework, and demonstrate that a properly configured IEEE 802.11ad AP can support at least 8 headsets receiving a 4K video stream for each eye, with transmission latency under 1 millisecond.Comment: Published at 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM

    A Detailed Characterization of 60 GHz Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11ad)

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    The emergence of wireless local area network (WLAN) standards and the global system of mobile communication (GSM) in the early 1990s incited tremendous growth in the demand for wireless connectivity. Iterative technological enhancements to cellular and WLAN improved wireless capacity and created a breadth of new mobile applications. The continued increase in display resolutions and image quality combined with streaming displacing satellite/cable has created unprecedented demands on wireless infrastructure. Data-caps on cellular networks deter over consumption and increasingly shift the growing burden to Wi-Fi networks. The traditional 2.4/5 GHz Wi-Fi bands have become overloaded and the increasing number of wireless devices in the home, public, and workplace create difficult challenges to deliver quality service to large numbers of client stations. In dense urban areas, the wireless medium is subjected to increased interference due to overlapping networks and other devices communicating in the same frequency bands. Improvements to conventional Wi-Fi are approaching their theoretical limits and higher order enhancements require idealized conditions which are seldom attainable in practice. In an effort to supplant to scaling capacity requirements a very high frequency WLAN amendment has been proposed (IEEE 802.11ad). IEEE 802.11ad, also referred to as Wireless Gigabit (WiGig), operates in the globally unlicensed 60 GHz band and offers channel bandwidths nearly 100x as wide as 802.11n. The higher bandwidth facilitates multi-Gbps throughput even with the use of lower complexity modulation coding schemes (MCS). IEEE 802.11ad relies heavily on rate adaptation and high beamforming gain to mitigate interference and fading as signals in the 60 GHz band suffer from higher atmospheric ab- sorption and free space path loss (FSPL). Due to the unique nature of 60 GHz wireless there have been numerous research efforts. Many studies have been directed at simulation and modeling of the 60 GHz channel. However modeling the channel is difficult as real- world environments are highly dynamic with varying link quality and conditions which cannot be accurately predicted by conventional techniques. Some research is focused on medium access control (MAC) enhancements to improve overall capacity by coordinating concurrent links or reducing communication overhead for example. Lastly, there has been a limited amount of real world testing of 802.11ad due to lack of availability of commercial platforms and measurement instrumentation. Some researchers tested early generation devices in certain use cases such as in vehicles for media streaming, in data centers to augment the wired network, or in basic indoor and outdoor environments. This research contains two main components. In the first study, analytical models are applied to estimate line of sight (LOS) 802.11ad performance for realistic antenna param- eters. The second part contains a comprehensive evaluation of performance and reliability of early generation 802.11ad hardware. This characterization emphasizes environmen- tal performance (e.g. conference room, cubical farm, open office), multiple-client testing (multiclient), multiple network interference (spatial re-use), and stability in the presence of station mobility, physical obstructions, and antenna misalignment. In order to evaluate 802.11ad, early generation platforms from technology vendors were used in extensive test suites. The hardware tested included docks for wireless personal area networking (WPAN) applications, client laptop stations, and reference design access points (APs). Finally, a customized proof-of-concept (PoC) platform was engineered which allowed finer control over front end antenna configuration parameters such as: topology, placement and orienta- tion. The PoC also served as a suitable means to identify practical limitations and system design engineering challenges associated with supporting directional multi-Gbps (DMG) communication in the 60 GHz band

    Bayesian Learning Strategies in Wireless Networks

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    This thesis collects the research works I performed as a Ph.D. candidate, where the common thread running through all the works is Bayesian reasoning with applications in wireless networks. The pivotal role in Bayesian reasoning is inference: reasoning about what we don’t know, given what we know. When we make inference about the nature of the world, then we learn new features about the environment within which the agent gains experience, as this is what allows us to benefit from the gathered information, thus adapting to new conditions. As we leverage the gathered information, our belief about the environment should change to reflect our improved knowledge. This thesis focuses on the probabilistic aspects of information processing with applications to the following topics: Machine learning based network analysis using millimeter-wave narrow-band energy traces; Bayesian forecasting and anomaly detection in vehicular monitoring networks; Online power management strategies for energy harvesting mobile networks; Beam training and data transmission optimization in millimeter-wave vehicular networks. In these research works, we deal with pattern recognition aspects in real-world data via supervised/unsupervised learning methods (classification, forecasting and anomaly detection, multi-step ahead prediction via kernel methods). Finally, the mathematical framework of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), which also serves as the basis for reinforcement learning, is introduced, where Partially Observable MDPs use the notion of belief to make decisions about the state of the world in millimeter-wave vehicular networks. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the considerable potential of inference from insightful perspectives, detailing the mathematical framework and how Bayesian reasoning conveniently adapts to various research domains in wireless networks