5 research outputs found

    Requisitos da integração de instrumentos para a avaliação de performance em sistemas ERP

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    JEL Classification System: C63 - Computational Techniques; L25 - Firm Performance.Nos anos 90 assistiu-se à adopção dos sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) por parte das empresas como forma de ter um único repositório centralizado de todas as transacções efectuadas pela empresa, facilitando, dessa forma, a introdução dos dados, o seu processamento e recolha para análise de resultados. Esses sistemas têm sido utilizados como infra-estrut ura tecnológica de suporte às operações das empresas com vantagens sobre os sistemas anteriores desenvolvidos internamente. Entre as muitas vantagens, destacam-se a possibilidade de integrar os diversos departamentos da empresa, a actualização permanente da base tecnológica e os benefícios relacionados ao outsourcing do desenvolvimento de aplicações, como por exemplo, a redução dos custos de informática (TCO – Total Cost of Ownership) ou a estandardização dos processos de negócio. Por outro lado, a concorrência e a globalização dos mercados exigem dos gestores a rápida e oportuna tomada de decisão, o que, num espaço temporal de reduzido alcance, pode reflectir-se em ganhos e/ou perdas significativas para as empresas. Neste contexto tem-se assistido, cada vez mais, à difusão e implementação de sistemas de informação capazes de assegurar o rápido e fiável acesso à informação crítica para o processo de tomada de decisão. Entre os tipos de sistemas de informação mais utilizados de auxílio ao processo de tomada de decisão, destacam-se no actual cenário mundial, os sistemas de medição e gestão da performance empresarial, mais conhecidos por EIS (executive information systems) ou BPMS (business performance management systems). Mais não são que instrumentos de avaliação de performance implementados tecnologicamente para responder às necessidades de informação do controlo de gestão. Este trabalho é um estudo dos requisitos da integração entre estes dois tipos de sistemas, suas características, processos de funcionamento, implementação, vantagens, desvantagens e possíveis impactos nas organizações. Além da pesquisa bibliográfica, foi levada a cabo uma consulta a algumas personalidades ligadas à área em estudo através da elaboração de entrevistas. Procurouse identificar e analisar as diversas opiniões que cada um dos entrevistados tinha, pontos de convergência e perspectivas de interesse, de acordo com a natureza profissional. Pretende-se com tal, colaborar para o aprofundamento do conhecimento sobre esses sistemas e para o desenvolvimento de um modelo teórico que permita analisar os benefícios que essa integração possa trazer para as empresas, bem como as dificuldades com ela relacionadas.The ninetieths witnessed the adoption of ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems by corporations as a way to have a single central repository for all business operating transactions, facilitating data entry tasks, data processing and gathering for analysis. These companies are using these systems to provide the technological infrastructure they need to conduct their businesses with advantages over custom systems developed by the internal IT staff. They include enterprise integration features, they update the information technology used by the company and they may be associated with outsourcing benefits, such as cost reductions (TCO – Total Cost of Ownership) or even business processes standardisation. On the other hand, the competitiveness and markets globalization demands fast and opportune decision making actions, with which a narrow timeframe, it can produce significant wins and/or losses for the companies. In this context, it has been observed the proliferation of information systems capable of assuring reliability and fast access to critical business information, as well as maintaining the strategic resources life cycle. Belong the most well known decision support systems, we can find some of the best executive information systems or business performance management systems, like the balanced scorecard or even the tableau de bord. These are complex performance measurement systems, technically implemented to accomplish the requirements for the management controlling professionals. This thesis is a study of integration requirements between these two kinds of systems (ERP and BPMS), their characteristics, implementation and utilization processes, as well as their benefits, disadvantages and impacts on the adopting organizations. Besides the literature review, it was taken an interview with some personalities professionally linked to the document subject. The purpose was analyzing their opinions, convergence of point of views and perspectives of interest, in accordance with their specialized nature. Our goal is to help enriching the knowledge about these systems integration and developing a theoretical model aiming its benefits and implementation difficulties

    Value Mapping Framework Involving Stakeholders For Supply Chain Improvement When Implementing Information Technology Projects

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    Successful Supply Chain Management (SCM) depends on how well an organization performs internal and external communications with trading partners, executes the logistics component, and understands/monitors related costs of conducting its business. The use of information technology (IT) is considered a prerequisite for the effective control of today\u27s complex supply chains. Increased communication technology has redefined how businesses work together, raised customer expectations, and placed new demands on supply chain performance. IT components with proven and rapid return-on-investment are favored to support critical supply chain processes such as leaner manufacturing processes, consumer-driven supply chains, and customer responsiveness. The use of IT in the digital era has become critical and it is treated as a major competitive tool for success. Complex and comprehensive IT infrastructures support the firm\u27s communications network, databases, and operating systems. Information technology facilitates the creation of value. However, the creation of value is defined by the different groups of stakeholders. Therefore, stakeholders must be integrated into this process of change management that uses IT as the enabler. Supply chains are due to change when higher levels of performance and/or adaptation are required as mandated by changes in the business structure and/or benchmarking and/or regulations. One of the major problems for any supply chain executive is to understand and manage these changes. These changes usually require the implementation of an IT project. Therefore, the successful design, execution, and completion of these IT projects are important for the supply chain. SCM is now a strategic function addressed at the highest levels of the organization in concert with multiple stakeholders on both the supplier and customer side of the table. The aim of this dissertation is to develop a value mapping framework involving stakeholders to improve supply chain performance when implementing IT projects. The framework has components that help define the supply chain, measure the size of the issues, identify necessary changes in the metrics to improve performance, measure the organizational consequences of these changes, and develop and follow a plan to implement IT projects to achieve the new goals of performance. Through this new framework, these IT projects will be able to bring the supply chain from a current state As is to a future state To be ; capturing the existing and desired states of the proposed changes which are aligned with the objectives and goals of the organization. Therefore, the IT project can be designed, executed, and completed. One unique component of this framework is the inclusion of the stakeholders at different stages. This framework identifies the group of stakeholders to be taken into consideration in order to define the future To be state. In addition, the framework identifies the value creation of the To be system as seen by the stakeholders

    The impact of organisational politics on information technology strategy

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 286-307).The study consulted literature from both academic and professional domains. None of the literature referred to has done any study on the impact of organisation politics on IT strategy. The research conducted empirical case studies in two South African organisations. The two organisations are different in terms of cultural and transformative settings. The study included the involvement of people, processes and technology in the development and implementation of IT strategy

    A framework for enhancing government service delivery using mobile technologies: an African countries context

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    Electronic government (e-government) is how the providers of public services interact with the citizen and business via electronic means. The internet is the most commonly used electronic channel. E-government can provide major benefits to citizens and businesses by making the delivery of public services more efficient and effective. However, recent advances in mobile technology have offered the potential to support government services at various levels. This has made it possible to deliver services to the citizens who have no convenient physical access to government services, for example, people living in rural areas and those who are continually on the move, such as business professionals. This study explores the possibilities of effectiveness, resistance, opportunities and issues related to supporting government services delivery through using mobile cellular technologies. This research study focused on the South African and Nigerian contexts. The focus was to explore various ways that the government can use mobile technologies to improve the provision of government services. A major output of this research work is a conceptual framework to guide mobile government implementation as a vehicle for delivery of government services. Literature from both academic and professional domains were consulted throughout the study. Furthermore, a case study research was conducted in two organisations, which are different in terms of cultural and transformative settings (one in South Africa and another in Nigeria). The study followed an interpretive research approach, and collected data through semi-structured interviews in the two organizations. The data gathered were relevant to the implementation of m-government systems. The study relied on two underpinning theoretical frameworks, namely Structuration Theory and Actor Network Theory to understand the socio-technical factors affecting the implementation of m-government systems in government organisations. The perspective of duality of structure and moments of translation from both Structuration Theory and Actor Network Theory were adopted to analyse the data collected in the case study organisations

    Análisis y estudio sobre el gobierno y gestión de los servicios de TI en el mercado español

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    Este proyecto es un informe completo sobre la investigación realizada con el objeto de conocer cuál es la situación en la investigación, difusión del conocimiento, e implantación en las organizaciones que operan en España, con respecto a diferentes protocolos, buenas prácticas y normativas relacionadas con Gobierno y Gestión de Servicios TI (GyGS TI). Para la mejor visualización y comprensión de este documento se ha dejado en el mismo formato en el que se entregará a los participantes en los cuestionarios, a los socios de itSMF, y a otro amplio grupo de personas que han mostrado interés en este Observatorio. De manera que, en el anexo, encontrarán el documento “An{lisis y Estudio sobre el Gobierno y Gestión de los Servicios TI en el Mercado Español” en su formato original. Este Observatorio ha sido realizado durante los años 2008 y 2010, el cual analiza la situación pasada sobre el Gobierno y Gestión de los Servicios de TI (GyGSTI) entre las empresas que operan en España, este análisis se realiza a través de los resultados del cuestionario realizado en 2008, y prepara un segundo cuestionario para la conocer la situación en el 2010. Al mismo tiempo, realiza un estudio sobre el conocimiento existente en torno al Gobierno y Gestión de Servicios TI, a través de estudiar los libros más representativos sobre GyGS TI, las publicaciones académicas de investigación de GyGS, las principales empresas de análisis TI, y la situación sobre la difusión en el mercado español sobre GyGS TI a través de las revistas especializadas. Igualmente, el estudio ofrecerá una visión de la implantación de GyGS TI para que las empresas de cualquier tamaño puedan tener acceso, y realizar una comparativa (benchmarking) sobre su estado frente a sus iguales. Para finalmente ofrecer una visión de la evolución temporal del 2008 al 2010 y unas tendencias futuras. El objetivo es, entonces, analizar el estado y la implantación del GyGS TI entre las empresas que operan en España, e igualmente analizar la creación y difusión del conocimiento sobre esta misma área. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This project is a comprehensive report on the investigation in order to know what the situation in the research, knowledge dissemination, and implementation in organizations operating in Spain, with respect to different protocols, best practices and regulations related to IT Governance and Service Management (IT G&SM). For best viewing and understanding the final document is left in the same format as that given to participants in the questionnaires, itSMF members, and another large group of people who have shown interest in this Observatory. So, in the Annex, will find the “Analysis and Study on the IT Government and Service Management in the Spanish Market” in its original format. This final document is the result of the Observatory carried out during the years 2008 and 2010, which analyzes the past situation on the Governance and Service Management of IT Services (IT G&SM) between companies operating in Spain, this analysis is performed through the results the survey conducted in 2008, and prepares a second questionnaire to ascertain the situation in 2010. At the same time, it is also carried out a study on the existing knowledge about IT Government and IT Service Management, by studying the most representative books on these fields, publications academic research, major IT analyst firms, and the situation on the IT GSM Spanish market through specialized magazines. As well as, the study will provide for companies of any size an overview of the implementation of IT GSM Spanish implantation, thus these companies will be able to benchmark theirselves with their peers. Finally, this document gives an overview of the temporal evolution from 2008 to 2010 and some future trends. The aim is, then, to analyze the status and implementation of IT GSM among companies operating in Spain, and also to discuss about the creation and dissemination of knowledge on this same area.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació