25 research outputs found

    Modelling and control of lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator systems

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    This thesis studies the mathematical description and the low-level control structures for underwater robotic systems performing motion and interaction tasks. The main focus is on the study of lightweight underwater-vehicle manipulator systems. A description of the dynamic and hydrodynamic modelling of the underwater vehicle-manipulator system (UVMS) is presented and a study of the coupling effects between the vehicle and manipulator is given. Through simulation results it is shown that the vehicle’s capabilities are degraded by the motion of the manipulator, when it has a considerable mass with respect to the vehicle. Understanding the interaction effects between the two subsystems is beneficial in developing new control architectures that can improve the performance of the system. A control strategy is proposed for reducing the coupling effects between the two subsystems when motion tasks are required. The method is developed based on the mathematical model of the UVMS and the estimated interaction effects. Simulation results show the validity of the proposed control structure even in the presence of uncertainties in the dynamic model. The problem of autonomous interaction with the underwater environment is further addressed. The thesis proposes a parallel position/force control structure for lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator systems. Two different strategies for integrating this control law on the vehicle-manipulator structure are proposed. The first strategy uses the parallel control law for the manipulator while a different control law, the Proportional Integral Limited control structure, is used for the vehicle. The second strategy treats the underwater vehicle-manipulator system as a single system and the parallel position/force law is used for the overall system. The low level parallel position/force control law is validated through practical experiments using the HDT-MK3-M electric manipulator. The Proportional Integral Limited control structure is tested using a 5 degrees-of-freedom underwater vehicle in a wave-tank facility. Furthermore, an adaptive tuning method based on interaction theory is proposed for adjusting the gains of the controller. The experimental results show that the method is advantageous as it decreases the complexity of the manual tuning otherwise required and reduces the energy consumption. The main objectives of this thesis are to understand and accurately represent the behaviour of an underwater vehiclemanipulator system, to evaluate this system when in contact with the environment and to design informed low-level control structures based on the observations made through the mathematical study of the system. The concepts presented in this thesis are not restricted to only vehicle-manipulator systems but can be applied to different other multibody robotic systems

    Coupled and decoupled force/motion controllers for an underwater vehicle-manipulator system

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    Autonomous interaction with the underwater environment has increased the interest of scientists in the study of control structures for lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator systems. This paper presents an essential comparison between two different strategies of designing control laws for a lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator system. The first strategy aims to separately control the vehicle and the manipulator and hereafter is referred to as the decoupled approach. The second method, the coupled approach, proposes to control the system at the operational space level, treating the lightweight underwater vehicle-manipulator system as a single system. Both strategies use a parallel position/force control structure with sliding mode controllers and incorporate the mathematical model of the system. It is demonstrated that both methods are able to handle this highly non-linear system and compensate for the coupling effects between the vehicle and the manipulator. The results demonstrate the validity of the two different control strategies when the goal is located at various positions, as well as the reliable behaviour of the system when different environment stiffnesses are considered

    The Coupling Effect: Experimental Validation of the Fusion of Fossen and Featherstone to Simulate UVMS Dynamics in Julia

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    As Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems (UVMSs) have gotten smaller and lighter over the past years, it is becoming increasingly important to consider the coupling forces between the manipulator and the vehicle when planning and controlling the system. A number of different models have been proposed, each using different rigid body dynamics or hydrodynamics algorithms, or purporting to consider different dynamic effects on the system, but most go without experimental validation of the full model, and in particular, of the coupling effect between the two systems. In this work, we return to a model combining Featherstone's rigid body dynamics algorithms with Fossen's equations for underwater dynamics by using the Julia package RigidBodyDynamics.jl. We compare the simulation's output with experimental results from pool trials with a ten degree of freedom UVMS that integrates a Reach Alpha manipulator with a BlueROV2. We validate the model's usefulness and identify its strengths and weaknesses in studying the dynamic coupling effect.Comment: 7 pages. Submitted to ICRA 2024. Major revision from previous paper. Predictive work with recurrent neural networks is excluded, replaced with a more in-depth description of the dynamic model, along with experimental validation of the model. Additional author added (Evan Palmer). The vehicle being examined is also changed from a Seabotix model to a BlueROV2, a more common platfor

    The effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of suger palm fiber/polypropylene composites

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    The rising concern towards environmental issues besides the requirement for more flexible polymer-based material has led to increasing of interest in studying about green composite. Sugar palm fiber (SPF) is a versatile fiber plant employed with wide range of application such as in automotive, packaging and buildings construction. This research was aimed to study the effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of sugar palm fiber/polypropylene (SPFPP) composite by using different surface treatments such as silane (Si), atmospheric glow discharge plasma (Agd) and maleic anhydride (Ma). Silane treatment was carried out by using immersion method, the Agd plasma was conducted using polymerization and lastly polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride by using melting approach. The SPFPP composite was prepared by using injection moulding with fiber content var­ied from 10-30wt%. The effect of interface enhancement on morphology, mechanical properties and water uptakes of SPFPP composites were then investigated by using FfIR, FESEM, tensile test and water absorption test. Overall, the outcome shows that aJl types of surface treatments had improved the interface of SPFPP composite, thus improving its tensile properties compared to the benchmark untreated SPFPP (Ut­SPFPP) composites and polypropylene. The 30wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the highest improvement in tensile properties with 58% and 27% increase in the respective Young's Modulus and tensile strength value compared to Ut-SPFPP composite, while 10wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the smallest reduction in elongation compared to Neat PP. On the other hand, the 30wt% Si-SPFPP composite shows the lowest water absorption with 20% reduction respective to Ut-SPFPP composite. In conclusion, the surface treatments have proven succesfull in enhancing the natural fiber-polymer in­terface and improve the tensile properties of SPFPP composite with Ma-SPFPP shows the highest improvement, foJlowed by Agd-SPFPP and Si-SPFPP composites

    The effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of suger palm fiber/polypropylene composites

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    The rising concern towards environmental issues besides the requirement for more flexible polymer-based material has led to increasing of interest in studying about green composite. Sugar palm fiber (SPF) is a versatile fiber plant employed with wide range of application such as in automotive, packaging and buildings construction. This research was aimed to study the effect of surface treatment on composite interface, tensile properties and water absorption of sugar palm fiber/polypropylene (SPFPP) composite by using different surface treatments such as silane (Si), atmospheric glow discharge plasma (Agd) and maleic anhydride (Ma). Silane treatment was carried out by using immersion method, the Agd plasma was conducted using polymerization and lastly polypropylene grafted maleic anhydride by using melting approach. The SPFPP composite was prepared by using injection moulding with fiber content var­ied from 10-30wt%. The effect of interface enhancement on morphology, mechanical properties and water uptakes of SPFPP composites were then investigated by using FfIR, FESEM, tensile test and water absorption test. Overall, the outcome shows that aJl types of surface treatments had improved the interface of SPFPP composite, thus improving its tensile properties compared to the benchmark untreated SPFPP (Ut­SPFPP) composites and polypropylene. The 30wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the highest improvement in tensile properties with 58% and 27% increase in the respective Young's Modulus and tensile strength value compared to Ut-SPFPP composite, while 10wt% Ma-SPFPP composite shows the smallest reduction in elongation compared to Neat PP. On the other hand, the 30wt% Si-SPFPP composite shows the lowest water absorption with 20% reduction respective to Ut-SPFPP composite. In conclusion, the surface treatments have proven succesfull in enhancing the natural fiber-polymer in­terface and improve the tensile properties of SPFPP composite with Ma-SPFPP shows the highest improvement, foJlowed by Agd-SPFPP and Si-SPFPP composites

    TWINBOT: Autonomous Underwater Cooperative Transportation

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    Underwater Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair operations are nowadays performed using Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) deployed from dynamic-positioning vessels, having high daily operational costs. During the last twenty years, the research community has been making an effort to design new Intervention Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (I-AUV), which could, in the near future, replace the ROVs, significantly decreasing these costs. Until now, the experimental work using I-AUVs has been limited to a few single-vehicle interventions, including object search and recovery, valve turning, and hot stab operations. More complex scenarios usually require the cooperation of multiple agents, i.e., the transportation of large and heavy objects. Moreover, using small, autonomous vehicles requires consideration of their limited load capacity and limited manipulation force/torque capabilities. Following the idea of multi-agent systems, in this paper we propose a possible solution: using a group of cooperating I-AUVs, thus sharing the load and optimizing the stress exerted on the manipulators. Specifically, we tackle the problem of transporting a long pipe. The presented ideas are based on a decentralized Task-Priority kinematic control algorithm adapted for the highly limited communication bandwidth available underwater. The aforementioned pipe is transported following a sequence of poses. A path-following algorithm computes the desired velocities for the robots’ end-effectors, and the on-board controllers ensure tracking of these setpoints, taking into account the geometry of the pipe and the vehicles’ limitations. The utilized algorithms and their practical implementation are discussed in detail and validated through extensive simulations and experimental trials performed in a test tank using two 8 DOF I-AUV

    Task priority control of underwater intervention systems: Theory and applications

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    This paper presents a unifying task priority control architecture for underwater vehicle manipulator systems. The proposed control framework can be applied to different operative scenarios such as waypoint navigation, assisted teleoperation, interaction, landing and grasping. This work extends the results of the TRIDENT and MARIS projects, which were limited to the execution of grasping actions, to other applications taken from the DexROV and ROBUST projects. In particular, simulation results show how the control framework can be used, for example, for pipeline inspection scenarios and deep sea mining exploration