6 research outputs found

    Kinematics analysis of 6-DOF parallel micro-manipulators with offset u-joints : a case study

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    This paper analyses the kinematics of a special 6-DOF parallel micro-manipulator with offset RR-joint configuration. Kinematics equations are derived and numerical methodologies to solve the inverse and forward kinematics are presented. The inverse and forward kinematics of such robots compared with those of 6-UCU parallel robots are more complicated due to the existence of offsets between joints of RR-pairs. The characteristics of RR-pairs used in this manipulator are investigated and kinematics constraints of these offset U-joints are mathematically explained in order to find the best initial guesses for the numerical solution. Both inverse and forward kinematics of the case study 6-DOF parallel micro-manipulator are modelled and computational analyses are performed to numerically verify accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed methodologies

    Функціонально-оріентована елементна база проектування систем гідро- і пневмоприводів

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    Impedance control of a spherical parallel platform

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    This article describes the impedance control of an in-parallel actuated orientation platform. The algorithm is based on a representation of platform orientation which exploits the equivalent axis of rotation: this approach is more intuitive and easier to visualize than conventional methods based on Cardan or Euler angles. Moreover, since for small angular displacements the Mozzi’s axis lies very close to angular velocity, impedance control algorithms based on such representation provides better performances and smoother motions. Results of numerical simulations and experimental tests are shown and commented with reference to the spherical parallel machine

    Impedance Control of a Spherical Parallel Platform

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    This article describes the impedance control of an in-parallel actuated orientation platform. The algorithm is based on a representation of platform orientation which exploits the equivalent axis of rotation: this approach is more intuitive and easier to visualize than conventional methods based on Cardan or Euler angles. Moreover, since for small angular displacements the Mozzi's axis lies very close to angular velocity, impedance control algorithms based on such representation provides better performances and smoother motions. Results of numerical simulations and experimental tests are shown and commented with reference to the spherical parallel machine

    Impedance Control of a Spherical Parallel Platform

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    This article describes the impedance control of an in-parallel actuated orientation platform. The algorithm is based on a representation of platform orientation which exploits the equivalent axis of rotation: this approach is more intuitive and easier to visualize than conventional methods based on Cardan or Euler angles. Moreover, since for small angular displacements the Mozzi’s axis lies very close to angular velocity, impedance control algorithms based on such representation provides better performances and smoother motions. Results of numerical simulations and experimental tests are shown and commented with reference to the spherical parallel machine