34,717 research outputs found

    Farmers' behavior and the provision of public goods: towards an analytical framework

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    The new CAP reform aims to stimulate the role of agriculture as provider of public goods. An analytical framework is developed to model farmers’ decision making and to gain insight into farmers’ behavior in response to a number of policy instruments. The framework integrates characteristics of farm, farmer, market, as well as the policy instruments. Theoretical analysis suggests that attitudes, off-farm employment opportunities, non-pecuniary benefits and expectations of future developments can play important roles in farmer’s decision making regarding the provision of public goods. Empirical research is needed to test the hypothesis

    Learning Agreement Pilots evaluation : synthesis report

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    Swine production networks are becoming a significant part of the Minnesota swine industry, with at least 30 production networks in operation as of late 1995. There are probably at least 450 producers involved, representing at least nine percent of the state s sow inventory. Not counted in these numbers are a few other networks involved only in data-sharing or marketing as well as a large number of farmer-to-farmer custom/contract arrangements. We interviewed 20 producers involved in networks. None of the networks we surveyed had been in operation very long, with most in business no more than a year or two. It is too early to predict what their long-term success will be. Most of the respondents seemed pleased with the arrangements so far. An example financial analysis of a 1,400 sow network is presented in the paper. Pig pricing formulas and custom rates are discussed for sharing risks among the farrower, nursery and finisher members of the network. The staff paper is 34 pages plus a 26 page annotated reading list of other publications on networking and segregated early weaning.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Assessment Report 2012 Nike, USA AA0000000017

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_2012_Nike_AR_USA_AA0000000017.pdf: 57 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Teacher Incentives

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    This paper considers hidden teacher effort in educational production and discusses the implications of multiple teacher effort dimensions on optimum incentive contracts in a theoretical framework. The analysis of educational production in a multitask framework is a new and unique contribution of this paper to the economics of education. We first characterize the first-best and second-best outcomes. The model is extended to address specific questions concerning teacher incentive schemes: We compare input- to output-based accountability measures and study the implication of the level of aggregation in performance measures. Against the background of the empirical evidence on the effectiveness of teacher incentives, we argue that performance measures should be as broad as possible. Further, we present the optimum contract for motivated teachers. Finally, if education is produced in teacher teams, we establish the conditions for optimum team-based and individual incentives: The larger the spillover effects across teacher efforts and the better the measurability of educational achievement, the stronger the case for team-based incentives

    Bus economics

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    Principal aspects of bus economics (mainly using British examples) including cost structure, elasticities of demand, deregulation, competition, privatisation, latest legislatio
