8 research outputs found

    The effects of peer instruction through social learning environment towards students’ cognitive load and learning performance

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    The use of social media like Facebook as an educational tool has been reported to be able to promote learning and serve as a learning platform. However, Facebook also contributes to promote increased mental demand or Cognitive Load (CL). It is a challenge to learning due to the limitation of the working memory for information processing can have effects on learning performance. This situation has not been well emphasized by most instructors. Studies reported that Peer Instruction (PI) learning strategy has the potential to reduce CL while also improving learning performance but implementation of PI in social media is rather new. Thus, this study focuses on the development of a framework for best practices on the use of social media for education through enhancing learning performance and reducing CL using PI. A two-phase study was implemented for this purpose where Phase 1 involved a survey to 226 students at a Malaysian public university to identify students’ experience of CL during learning on social media. Findings confirm that students experience distractions during learning on Facebook with third party activities identified as the most distracting. Phase 2 was a mixed method study design involving a purposeful sample of 12 postgraduate students who underwent learning with Facebook. This study investigates the effect of PI for enhancing learning performance and reducing CL. Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed a significant reduction in students CL (p < 0.05) with a corresponding significant improvement in learning performance (p < 0.05) when PI was employed as an instructional strategy. A qualitative study involved collection of student reflections, participation data in whole class discussions and data from a focus group session were analysed using NVivo 10 CAQDAS software to aid the coding process. Findings showed CL sources on learning with social media include mental, time and affective demands. PI was found to bring about the reduction of CL through the following elements; ConcepTests, voting, peer discussion and mediated pre-class reading. A modified framework of PI implementation was developed that incorporates online mode, whole-class peer discussions in pre-class and post-class settings, pre-class ConcepTests, voting and mediated pre-class reading as means to reduce cognitive load. It highlights how the advantages of social media can be optimized. Findings from the study have implications for curriculum and instructional design and how it can support learning by reducing CL through PI

    Analisis Pengaruh Beban Kerja dan Pengawasan terhadap Stres Kerja dan Kinerja Karyawan Departemen Produksi PT. XYZ

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    PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan galangan di kabupaten Lamongan yang bergerak di bidang reparasi kapal berada di kabupaten Lamongan yang berfokus melayani jasa perbaikan, perawatan, dan pemeliharaan kapal.Berdasarkan data penyebab keterlambatan reparasi kapal, kriteria yang paling dominan yaitu penambahan dan pengembangan pekerjaan reparasi kapal yang menyebabkan bertambahnya volume pekerjaan reparasi. Namun, bertambahnya volume pekerjaan dengan tidak diselingi dengan target waktu yang cukup mengakibatkan beban kerja berlebihan. Pengawasan juga mendukung beban kerja terhadap stres kerja bagi karyawan sehingga dapat berpengaruh pada kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengindentifikasi seberapa pengaruh beban kerja dan pengawasan terhadap stres kerja dan kinerja karyawan departemen produksi di PT. XYZ. Pengambilan data diambil dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan sampel 134 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu disproportionate sratified random sampling. Pengolahan data kuesioner tersebut menggunakan metode analisa dengan SEM-PLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa beban kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap stres kerja namun beban kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja. Sedangkan, pengawasan juga berpengaruh positif terhadap stres kerja dan kinerja. Namun, stres kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja. Untuk perbaikan perusahaan ke depan, PT. XYZ menetapkan dan meninjau ulang standar beban kerja dan standar lembur, menerapkan pengawasan yang efektif dan sistem reward bagi karyawan berprestasi, memberikan motivasi dan training sehingga hal ini dapat mengurangi stres kerja dan memberikan peningkatan kinerja perusahaan. ================================================================================================ PT. XYZ is a shipyard company in Lamongan district which is engaged in ship reparation located in Lamongan district focusing on ship repair services. Based on data on the cause of ship reparation delay, the most dominant criterion were the addition and development of ship repair work which causes the increase in the volume of repairs work. However, increasing the volume of work by not being punctuated with sufficient time targets leads to excessive workload. Supervision also supported the workload of work stress for employees so that it can effect on employee performance. This study aims to determine how the influence of workload and supervision of job stress and employee performance of production department in PT. XYZ. The data were collected using questionnaires distributed and sample 134 respondents using sampling technique was disproportionate sratified random sampling. Data processing questionnaire using the method of analysis with SEM-PLS. The results of this study indicate that workload has a positive effect on work stress but work stress does not affect on performance. Meanwhile, supervision also has a positive effect on work stress and performance. However, work stress does not affect on performance. For future company improvement, PT. XYZ sets and reviews workload standards and overtime standards, implements effective supervision and reward systems for achievement employees, provides motivation and training so that this can reduce work stress and improve company performance


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    Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala rahmat-Nya sehingga Buku ini dapat tersusun hingga selesai. Dan harapan saya semoga Buku ini dapat menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman ,serta bermanfaat bagi para pembaca,khususnya Mahasiswa ITN yang:,terutama di Bidang Teknik Industri. Untuk ke depannya masukan yang dapat memperbaiki maupun menambah isi Buku agar menjadi lebih baik lagi kami nantikan . Saya menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dalam Buku ini, Oleh karena itu saya sangat mengharapkan masukan yang bermanfaat ,demi kebaikan buku ini,dari Para Pembaca. Rasa. Terima kasih saya sampaikan pada Seluruh Penulis,yang buku atau Jurnalnya saya gunakan sebagai bahan referensi dalam Penulisan buku ini. Pada Penerbitan sebelumnya telah Terbit Buku tentang Pengantar Ergonomi,dan kami Lanjutkan Buku berikutnya ini yang berjudul Buku Kognitif Ergonomi. . Kognitif Ergonomi adalah cabang dari ilmu ergonomi yang berfokus pada karakteristik pikiran manusia dan berhubungan dengan aktivitas dan interaksi serta bagaimana informasi diperoleh, digunakan, disimpan, dan dipanggil kembali. Peran kognitif ergonomi dalam desain dan ruang dapat memudahkan penyandang disabilitas intelektual dalam beraktivitas sehingga peran pendamping dapat dikurangi . Harapan kami,Buku ini bermanfaat bagi seluruh Mahasiswa maupun Masyarakat pada umumnya. Terimakasih

    신체적 부하가 작업기억 과업 수행능력에 미치는 영향

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 산업공학과, 2018. 2. 박우진.Many workers, including soldiers, firefighters, and policemen, perform demanding physical work tasks while carrying heavy equipment. For example, soldiers carry around 30-50kg of military gear and perform prolonged standing and marching, and many other postural and movement tasks. The occupational activities of the workers carrying extra weights are not limited to physical tasks. They also perform various mental tasks along with physical ones – the mental and physical tasks are conducted close in time and often simultaneously. For example, in the case of soldiers, the mental tasks include comprehending dynamic battlefield situations, communicating information, making decisions, issuing and receiving operational orders, etc. In a similar context, workers in the medical field such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists frequently multitask and are faced with physical workload in addition to their high level of mental workload. For example, nurses are required to complete physical tasks such as lifting patients for transfer out of bed and from the floor, while completing mental tasks, all in an urgent and busy work environment. As mentioned above, many human work tasks consist of a physical component (physical sub-tasks) and a mental component (mental sub-tasks) – rarely are there work tasks that only requires the use of one component. Therefore, workers tend to experience both physical and mental workload while completing their work task. From the human information processing (HIP) point of view, physical and mental tasks constituting a work activity are thought to be mutually influential rather than independent. Indeed, such mutual relationships have been empirically demonstrated in many previous studies. The previous results on the inter-relationship between the concurrent physical and mental tasks lead to the hypothesis that the body-worn equipment weight or postural loading affects the performance of some of their mental tasks. Understanding how the body-worn equipment weight or postural loading affects the performance of different mental tasks will provide a basis for designing work tasks to maximize safety, performance and worker wellbeing. Despite the significance, however, few studies seem to have examined such relationships. Therefore, this study aimed to empirically investigate the effects of body-worn equipment weight or postural loading on a workers performance of basic working memory tasks while the worker is simultaneously performing a certain physical task. To accomplish these objectives, two major studies were conducted. In study 1, the effects of body-worn equipment weight on the performance of basic working memory tasks were examined. A backpack was adopted as a representative piece of body-worn equipment as it is widely used among workers, including soldiers and firefighters. Three types of physical tasks were considered in this study. They were flat-surface standing, walking along a predetermined route, and walking along a straight route, which are representative physical tasks performed by various workers including soldiers and firefighters. Also, three types of working memory tasks were considered so as to examine the different sub-components of the working memory system, that is, the visuo-spatial sketchpad, phonological loop and central executive systems. The results of data analyses showed that backpack weight affected working memory task scores differently in regards to the type of working memory task and physical task. Overall, working memory task scores had a tendency to decrease as backpack weight increased. In study 2, the effects of postural loading on the performance of basic working memory tasks were investigated. In the case of the physical task, a specific posture was held for a predetermined amount of time, and four posture groups were considered, each with a different amount of postural loading. Three types of working memory tasks were considered as in study 1. The data analyses revealed significant effects of postural loading on the scores of the working memory tasks. As postural loading increased, all of the three working memory task scores decreased. The study findings entail that reducing the body-worn equipment weight or postural loading can positively impact the worker's mental task performance in addition to reducing the worker's bodily stresses and the risks of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. This is especially important for situations where workers perform critical mental tasks along with demanding physical tasks, as in the work activities of soldiers, firefighters, pilots and medical team. Such results may contribute to the practical design of products or systems which require multitasking, by providing an experimental basis about the increased mental performance when using such products (or reducing the decrease of mental performance). Such results also provide empirical evidence about possible improvements for work tasks where multitasking of physical and mental tasks occurthis may be in the form of work station design or working posture improvement.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Research objectives 4 1.3 Dissertation outline 6 Chapter 2. Related literature 9 2.1 Physical workload and mental task performance 9 2.2 Postural loading and mental task performance 11 2.3 Working memory 13 Chapter 3. Body-worn equipment weight and working memory task performance 15 3.1 Background 15 3.2 Overview 18 3.3 Standing task 20 3.3.1 Method 20 3.3.2 Results 30 3.3.3 Discussion 38 3.4 Navigating task 48 3.4.1 Method 48 3.4.2 Results 56 3.4.3 Discussion 63 3.5 Standing, navigating and walking tasks 71 3.5.1 Method 71 3.5.2 Results 78 3.5.3 Discussion 94 3.6 Modeling the effect of backpack weight on working memory task performance distribution 100 3.6.1 Standing task 101 3.6.2 Navigating task 103 3.6.3 Walking task 105 3.6.4 Discussion 107 Chapter 4. Postural loading and working memory task performance 109 4.1 Background 109 4.2 Overview 112 4.3 Method 113 4.3.1 Participants 113 4.3.2 Experimental tasks 114 4.3.3 Procedures and dependent measures 117 4.3.4 Data analyses 121 4.4 Results 122 4.4.1 Working memory task scores 122 4.4.2 Postural sway measures 124 4.4.3 Heart rate 127 4.4.4 Physical discomfort and mental workload 128 4.5 Discussion 130 Chapter 5. Conclusion 139 5.1 Summary 139 5.2 Implications of the research 141 5.3 Limitations and future works 144 Bibliography 146 Appendix A. The ANOVA table for standing task 167 Appendix B. The ANOVA table for navigating task 191 Appendix C. Two-way ANOVA table 211 Appendix D. The ANOVA table for postural holding 223 Appendix E. The Corsi block task 247 Appendix F. The digit span task 250 Appendix G. The 3-back task 251 Abstract (in Korean) 253Docto

    Effect of physical and mental workload interactions on human attentional resources and performance

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    Many tasks in the real world require simultaneous processing of mental information alongside physical activity. Most of researchers have studied the impact of physical activities on simple cognitive tasks, but have neglected other important influences (such as different attentional resource pools, as well as gender). Therefore, this thesis proposes a new model that investigates the combined impact of physical and mental workload on different attentional resources (visual and auditory, verbal and spatial). This thesis presents three experimental studies that examined the effects of physical and mental workload interactions, as well as gender, on visual tasks performance and auditory tasks. This thesis uses different methods to evaluate the impacts of workload interactions on task performance: performance measure, physiological parameters and brain activity (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) method) and subjective assessment tools. Finally, this thesis translates the experimental studies setting into a field study to validate the model. Based on the experimental results, this research creates a new theoretical model that illustrates in general that physical activity is beneficial for performance on cognitive tasks (visual and auditory), particularly at low levels of workload interactions, while other workload interactions lead to worse performance on cognitive tasks. However, when physical activity was introduced, performance at the medium level of mental workload was equivalent to that in the low mental workload condition; furthermore, at the low mental workload, there were no differences in performance between low and medium physical workloads. The general pattern of results suggests that physical workload leads to better performance in these medium-demand conditions up to the higher level in the low-demand condition. A mechanism for this effect is proposed based on physiological arousal and brain oxygenation. This thesis further suggests that the NIRS is a valuable technique to reflect the influence of physical and mental workload interactions on brain activity. Finally, this thesis demonstrates the translation of experimental findings into a field setting to verify the new model as well as to make recommendations for job design.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo