3 research outputs found

    Impact of the geometric field of view on drivers’ speed perception and lateral position in driving simulators

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    Driving simulators have become an effective tool in road safety research. In recent years, the validity of simulators raised debates concerning the extant to which driving in the simulator resembles driving in the reality. Different types of driving simulators with different characteristics have been developed to study driver behavior, however, the fidelity and reliability of such systems are questionable if no proper validation is conducted. Regarding the visual aspect, the fidelity of the simulators can be assessed based on the field of view of the simulator screens. Drivers’ speed perception and lateral position were compared for two different geometric field of view (GFOV) angles (i.e., 60 and 135 degrees). Results from the ANOVA tests showed that drivers highly underestimate their driving speed while driving for the condition with 60 degrees of GFOV compared to the condition with 135 degrees of GFOV. Furthermore, drivers drove closer to the real-world situations in the condition with 135 degree of GFOV compared to the condition with 60 degree. Results of this study suggest that, using incorrect GFOV for any simulator would generate biased results in speed and lateral position. Therefore, a proper calibration criterion of the GFOV for the simulators is essential. This study recommends using a scale factor (GFOV/FOV) of 1.00 for virtual environment offered by the simulation scenarios such as GFOV of 135 degree for simulators having three screens with 135 degree of field of view (FOV)

    Improving geometric road design through a virtual reality visualization technique

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    Traffic accidents could often be avoided with more in-depth studies of traffic and the geometric layout, using, for example, driving simulators to simulate traffic conditions. The objective of this study is to qualitatively evaluate three types of visualization techniques for examining a road project (one in a 2D printed project and the others using a driving simulator in a virtual immersion system and screen visualization). The results were evaluated by the Analytic Hierarchy Process-AHP method, used to establish different weights for the analyzed variables. For this, a questionnaire was applied to undergraduate students in Civil Engineering to compare the techniques. The results show that the immersive simulation visualization has sufficient quality and can contribute to the validation of geometric designs

    Do detection-based warning strategies improve vehicle yielding behavior at uncontrolled midblock crosswalks?

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    Pedestrians being the most vulnerable road users account for a large proportion of injuries and fatalities from road traffic crashes. Pedestrians are involved in around one-third of the whole fatalities coming from the road traffic crashes in the state of Qatar. In areas with uncontrolled midblock crosswalks, it is very crucial to improve drivers’ alertness and yielding behavior. The objective of this driving simulator study is to investigate the impact of pedestrian detection strategies and pavement markings on driving behavior at high-speed uncontrolled crosswalks. To this end, an untreated condition (i.e. Control) was compared with three treatment conditions. The three treated conditions included two detection strategies, i.e., advance variable message sign (VMS) and LED lights, and road markings with pedestrian encircled. Each condition was tested with a yield/stop controlled marked crosswalk for two situations, i.e. with vs. without a pedestrian present. The experiment was conducted using the driving simulator at Qatar University. In total, 67 volunteers possessing a valid Qatari driving license participated in the study. Different analyses were conducted on vehicle-pedestrian interactions, driving speed, variations in acceleration/deceleration and lateral position. The results showed that both the LED and VMS conditions were helpful in increasing yielding rates up to 98.4 % and reducing the vehicle-pedestrian conflicts significantly. Furthermore, both treatments were effective in motivating drivers to reduce vehicle speed in advance. Considering the findings of this study, we recommend LED and VMS conditions as potentially effective solutions to improve safety at yield/stop controlled crosswalks.The NPRP award [NPRP 9-360-2-150] from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library