4 research outputs found

    Temporal Sub-sampling of Audio Feature Sequences for Automated Audio Captioning

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    Audio captioning is the task of automatically creating a textual description for the contents of a general audio signal. Typical audio captioning methods rely on deep neural networks (DNNs), where the target of the DNN is to map the input audio sequence to an output sequence of words, i.e. the caption. Though, the length of the textual description is considerably less than the length of the audio signal, for example 10 words versus some thousands of audio feature vectors. This clearly indicates that an output word corresponds to multiple input feature vectors. In this work we present an approach that focuses on explicitly taking advantage of this difference of lengths between sequences, by applying a temporal sub-sampling to the audio input sequence. We employ a sequence-to-sequence method, which uses a fixed-length vector as an output from the encoder, and we apply temporal sub-sampling between the RNNs of the encoder. We evaluate the benefit of our approach by employing the freely available dataset Clotho and we evaluate the impact of different factors of temporal sub-sampling. Our results show an improvement to all considered metrics

    Sequence Temporal Sub-Sampling for Automated Audio Captioning

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    Audio captioning is a novel task in machine learning which involves the generation of textual description for an audio signal. For example, a method for audio captioning must be able to generate descriptions like “two people talking about football”, or “college clock striking” from the corresponding audio signals. Audio captioning is one of the tasks in the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2020 (DCASE2020). Most audio captioning methods use the encoder-decoder deep neural networks architecture as a function to map the extracted features from input audio sequence to the output captions. However, the length of an output caption is considerably less than the length of an input audio signal, for example, 10 words versus 2000 audio feature vectors. This thesis work reports an attempt to take advantage of this difference in length by employing temporal sub-sampling in the encoder-decoder neural networks. The method is evaluated using the Clotho audio captioning dataset and the DCASE2020 evaluation metrics. Experimental results show that temporal sequence sub-sampling is able to improve all considered metrics, as well as memory and time complexity while training and calculating predicted output

    Impact of temporal subsampling on accuracy and performance in practical video classification

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    In this paper we evaluate three state-of-the-art neural-network-based approaches for large-scale video classification, where the computational efficiency of the inference step is of particular importance due to the ever increasing amount of data throughput for video streams. Our evaluation focuses on finding good efficiency vs. accuracy tradeoffs by evaluating different network configurations and parameterizations. In particular, we investigate the use of different temporal subsampling strategies, and show that they can be used to effectively trade computational workload against classification accuracy. Using a subset of the YouTube-8M dataset, we demonstrate that workload reductions in the order of 10Ă—, 50Ă— and 100Ă— can be achieved with accuracy reductions of only 1.3%, 6.2% and 10.8%, respectively. Our results show that temporal subsampling is a simple and generic approach that behaves consistently over the considered classification pipelines and which does not require retraining of the underlying networks