3 research outputs found

    Influence of Customised Advertisements of High-End Smartphones in OTT Platforms on the Consumer Buying Intentions of Millennial & Generation Z

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    This study identifies and analyses the customizedadvertisements in different OTT platforms, productfeatures/attributes of high-end smartphones, anddemographic factors that influence consumer purchasedecisions, owing to personalized/targeted ads specific tothe city of Delhi. It discusses the existing knowledgepertaining to growing targeted ads by brands across OTTplatforms, and based on the literature review, and aconceptual framework is developed. India's favorabledemographic profile, the growing middle class, highdisposable income and young population have helped thebrands to witness tremendous growth through the OTTplatforms in the last 2-3 years. The study examines whatinfluences Indian consumers' purchase decisions amidstthis growth by considering all aspects of a personalizedadvertisement and analyzing how they differ based ondemographic variables such as gender, age, income,personality traits, and other factors. The study seeks tosegment Indian Millennial and Generation Z consumerson the basis of a model built on the major demographicdata identified. A questionnaire was administered to 246 respondents of Millennial and Generation Z within thecity of Delhi. The data obtained was analyzed usingFactor Analysis and One-way ANOVA in SPSS. It wasobserved that previous purchase behavior, visual appeal,and personalization are some of the major value factorsaffecting the purchase decisions of Indian Millennial andGeneration Z consumers. Age and income have asignificant impact on consumer buying decisions. Theresearch was conducted within the city of Delhi alone,which may not be generalized to the entire country

    The effect of overall service quality on customer satisfaction: The moderating role of travel experience

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between overall service quality and customer satisfaction, further, this relationship is examined in terms of travel experience as a moderator. The study mainly focuses on eco-tourism and collected data from tourists travelling to China. Convenience sampling was used for data collection and a questionnaire used from previous studies. AMOS software analyzed the data collected from 341 respondents. The results highlighted that there is a significant and positive relationship between overall service quality and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the presence of travel experience as a moderator strengthens this relationship. This research is limited to eco-tourism and future studies could be done from the perspective of any other country with a large sample size

    As novas dinâmicas de marketing nas telecomunicações : caso Vodafone Portugal

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    A presente dissertação pretende investigar as novas dinâmicas de marketing que as operadoras de telecomunicações estão a implementar para se destacar face ao crescimento dos serviços Over-The-Top (OTT), como a Netflix, o WhatsApp e o YouTube. Desta forma, o enquadramento teórico aborda a história das telecomunicações, as principais temáticas provenientes da convergência entre os serviços OTT e as operadoras de telecomunicações, e das estratégias de marketing implementadas pelo setor das telecomunicações. Destacamos entre estas o Brand Equity, o Brand Loyalty e o Celebrity Endorsement. A investigação empírica consistiu num Estudo de Caso Único sobre a Vodafone Portugal de modo a compreender que estratégias a operadora adota para se destacar num mercado sobrelotado. Neste ponto percebemos então que fatores como a comunicação, publicidade e inovação são elementos chave para a empresa enquanto marca num ambiente de crescimento dos serviços OTT.This dissertation aims to investigate which marketing dynamics are adopted by telecommunications operators in order to face the growing popularity of Over-The-Top (OTT) services as Netflix, WhatsApp and YouTube. In the theoretical framework, we focused on the history of telecommunications, the convergence between OTT services and telecommunications operators’ main subjects, and marketing strategies implemented by the telecommunications’ sector. Among those strategies we highlight Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty and Celebrity Endorsement. Finally, in the empirical research we opted for a single Case Study based on Vodafone Portugal in order to clarify which strategies this operator is developing to stand out in an overloaded market. The research found that communication, advertising and innovation as decisive factors to the company as a brand in the face of the growth of OTT services