2,369 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of IMS network: the proposal of new algorithms for S-CSCF assignment

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    This article is focused on the proposal of three load balancing methods which can be used for a selection of S-CSCF (Serving-Call Session Control Server) server in IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) during the registration procedures of subscribers. All presented methods are implemented and evaluated for various inter-arrival and service times in the mathematical model based on queueing theory. In this article, two methods based on performance parameters (such as utilizations, etc.) and one method based on number of registered subscribers to each of available S-CSCF server are described. The main advantage of third method is that all related information is obtained from traffic analysis through I-CSCF (Interrogating-CSCF) node. Also, the designed methods are compared with other selection algorithms presented in previous research works by others researchers (Hwang et col., Cho et col. or Tirana et col.). The article shows that the implemented methods can optimize the service latency of whole IMS network

    Towards a scalable video interactivity solution over the IMS

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-76).Rapid increase in bandwidth and the interactive and scalability features of the Internet provide a precedent for a converged platform that will support interactive television. Next Generation Network platforms such as the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) support Quality of Service (QoS), fair charging and possible integration with other services for the deployment of IPTV services. IMS architecture supports the use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for session control and the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) for media control. This study aims to investigate video interactivity designs over the Internet using an evaluation framework to examine the performance of both SIP and RTSP protocols over the IMS over different access networks. It proposes a Three Layered Video Interactivity Framework (TLVIF) to reduce the video processing load on a server

    Effective Performance Metrics for Multimedia Mission-critical Communication Systems

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    Linking session based services with transport plane resources in IP multimedia subsystems.

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    The massive success and proliferation of Internet technologies has forced network operators to recognise the benefits of an IP-based communications framework. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) has been proposed as a candidate technology to provide a non-disruptive strategy in the move to all-IP and to facilitate the true convergence of data and real-time multimedia services. Despite the obvious advantages of creating a controlled environment for deploying IP services, and hence increasing the value of the telco bundle, there are several challenges that face IMS deployment. The most critical is that posed by the widespread proliferation ofWeb 2.0 services. This environment is not seen as robust enough to be used by network operators for revenue generating services. However IMS operators will need to justify charging for services that are typically available free of charge in the Internet space. Reliability and guaranteed transport of multimedia services by the efficient management of resources will be critical to differentiate IMS services. This thesis investigates resource management within the IMS framework. The standardisation of NGN/IMS resource management frameworks has been fragmented, resulting in weak functional and interface specifications. To facilitate more coherent, focused research and address interoperability concerns that could hamper deployment, a Common Policy and Charging Control (PCC) architecture is presented that defines a set of generic terms and functional elements. A review of related literature and standardisation reveals severe shortcomings regarding vertical and horizontal coordination of resources in the IMS framework. The deployment of new services should not require QoS standardisation or network upgrade, though in the current architecture advanced multimedia services are not catered for. It has been found that end-to-end QoS mechanisms in the Common PCC framework are elementary. To address these challenges and assist network operators when formulating their iii NGN strategies, this thesis proposes an application driven policy control architecture that incorporates end-user and service requirements into the QoS negotiation procedure. This architecture facilitates full interaction between service control and resource control planes, and between application developers and the policies that govern resource control. Furthermore, a novel, session based end-to-end policy control architecture is proposed to support inter-domain coordination across IMS domains. This architecture uses SIP inherent routing information to discover the routes traversed by the signalling and the associated routes traversed by the media. This mechanism effectively allows applications to issue resource requests from their home domain and enable end-to-end QoS connectivity across all traversed transport segments. Standard interfaces are used and transport plane overhaul is not necessary for this functionality. The Common PCC, application driven and session based end-to-end architectures are implemented in a standards compliant and entirely open source practical testbed. This demonstrates proof of concept and provides a platform for performance evaluations. It has been found that while there is a cost in delay and traffic overhead when implementing the complete architecture, this cost falls within established criteria and will have an acceptable effect on end-user experience. The open nature of the practical testbed ensures that all evaluations are fully reproducible and provides a convenient point of departure for future work. While it is important to leave room for flexibility and vendor innovation, it is critical that the harmonisation of NGN/IMS resource management frameworks takes place and that the architectures proposed in this thesis be further developed and integrated into the single set of specifications. The alternative is general interoperability issues that could render end-to-end QoS provisioning for advanced multimedia services almost impossible

    Protocols, performance assessment and consolidation on interfaces for standardization – D3.3

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    The following document presents a detailed description of the protocol for the “ Control Channels for the Cooperation of the Cognitive Management System ” (C4MS) which provides the necessary means to enable proper management of Opportunistic Networks. Additionally, the document defines the methodology that was applied for the purpose of signalling evaluation. The protocol overview presented in section 2 of the main document, provides the C4MS principles. The section includes, among others, the description of the protocol identifiers, procedures, protocol state machines and message format as well as the security asp ects. Section 3 provides a high-level description of the data structures defined within the scope of OneFIT project. The data structures are classified into five categories, i.e.: Profiles, Context, Decisions,Knowledge and Policies. The high level description is complemented by some detailed data structures in the Appendix to D3.3 Section 3[10]. Section 4 provides details on the evaluation methodology applied for the purpose of C4MS performance assessment. The section presents the evaluation plan along with a description of metrics that are to be exploited in the scope of WP3. Section 5 and Section 6 are composed of the signalling evaluation results. Section 5 focuses on the estimation of the signalling load imposed by ON management in different ON phases. Additionally some results for the initialization phase (not explicitly mentioned in the previous phases of the project)and security related aspects are also depicted. Section 6 on the other hand is focused on the evaluation of the signalling traffic generated by different ON related algorithms. Conclusions to the document are drawn in section 7. Detailed description of the C4MS procedures, implementation options based on IEEE 802.21, DIAMTER and 3GPP are depicted in the appendix to the D3.3[10] . Additionally, the appendix incorporates the detailed definition of the information data structures and final set of Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) provided for the OneFIT project.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Using decoys to block SPIT in the IMS

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-111)In recent years, studies have shown that 80-85% of e-mails sent were spam. Another form of spam that has just surfaced is VoIP (Voice over Internet Telephony) spam. Currently, VoIP has seen an increasing numbers of users due to the cheap rates. With the introduction of the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), the number of VoIP users are expected to increase dramatically. This calls for a cause of concern, as the tools and methods that have been used for blocking email spam may not be suitable for real-time voice calls. In addition, VoIP phones will have URI type addresses, so the same methods that were used to generate automated e-mail spam messages can be employed for unsolicited voice calls. Spammers will always be present to take advantage of and adapt to trends in communication technology. Therefore, it is important that IMS have structures in place to alleviate the problems of spam. Recent solutions proposed to block SPIT (Spam over Internet Telephony) have the following shortcomings: restricting the users to trusted senders, causing delays in voice call set-up, reducing the efficiency of the system by increasing burden on proxies which have to do some form of bayesian or statistical filtering, and requiring dramatic changes in the protocols being used. The proposed decoying system for the IMS fits well with the existing protocol structure, and customers are oblivious of its operation

    Multimedia session continuity in the IP multimedia subsystem : investigation and testbed implementation

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-94).The advent of Internet Protocol (IP) based rich multimedia services and applications has seen rapid growth and adoption in recent years, with an equally increasing user base. Voice over IP (VoIP) and IP Television (IPTV) are key examples of services that are blurring the lines between traditional stove-pipe approach network infrastructures. In these, each service required a different network technology to be provisioned, and could only be accessed through a specific end user equipment (UE) technology. The move towards an all-IP core network infrastructure and the proliferation of multi-capability multi-interface user devices has spurred a convergence trend characterized by access to services and applications through any network, any device and anywhere

    Evaluating Extensions to IMS Session Setup for Multicast-based Many-to-Many Services

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    Telecommunication networks are converging towards an all-IP paradigm that integrates a broad set of value-added services. In this context, the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is being developed by the 3GPP as a key element to achieve the convergence. Additionally, multiparty services are nowadays acquiring an increasing interest from the industry. In this respect, network multicast provides a cost-effective solution to deliver these services to the user. Nevertheless, although network multicast is being considered as an enabler for one-to-many services (e.g. IPTV) in the IMS, the specifications for many-to-many services still follow a unicast approach (e.g. push-to-talk and conference). This paper describes extensions to the session control procedures in the IMS, to support multicast based multi-user services. The idea was first described in a prior work, but this paper presents enhancements to provide a comprehensive solution and to improve the grade of service (GOS) perceived by the users. In addition, the GOS achieved by the proposal is evaluated. First, the bandwidth utilization for the multicast-based multi-user services is analyzed and compared against the unicast scenario. Next, the GOS is evaluated using an analytical approach, by obtaining the mathematical expressions for the session and user plane setup delays. Finally, the GOS is also evaluated using an experimental approach, and the results are compared with values recommended by the ITU-T
