4 research outputs found

    Leveraging social media data using latent dirichlet allocation and naïve bayes for mental health sentiment analytics on Covid-19 pandemic

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    In Malaysia, during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the negative impact on mental health became noticeable. The public's psychological and behavioral responses have risen as the COVID-19 outbreak progresses. A high impression of severity, vulnerability, impact, and fear was the element that influenced higher anxiety. Social media data can be used to track Malaysian sentiments in the COVID-19 era. However, it is often found on the internet in text format with no labels, and manually decoding this data is usually complicated. Furthermore, traditional data-gathering approaches, such as filling out a survey form, may not completely capture the sentiments. This study uses a text mining technique called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) on social media to discover mental health topics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, a model is developed using a hybrid approach, combining both lexicon-based and Naïve Bayes classifier. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measures are used to evaluate the sentiment classification. The result shows that the best lexicon-based technique is VADER with 72% accuracy compared to TextBlob with 70% accuracy. These sentiments results allow for a better understanding and handling of the pandemic. The top three topics are identified and further classified into positive and negative comments. In conclusion, the developed model can assist healthcare workers and policymakers in making the right decisions in the upcoming pandemic outbreaks


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    These days, Social Media which is includes (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin) is an extremely well known social correspondence media. Indi-viduals use Social Media to express their musings, thoughts, sonnets, and distresses on them. In the period of data superhighway, greater part of the young people are not sharing their challenges, issues, irregularity, power-lessness and disappointment with their folks in Kurdistan of Iraq. Be that as it may, they share with their companions on Social Media. Hence, their companions are making remarks, giving havens and affections to them. Because of absence of instruction and encounters on innovation, gatekeepers in Kurdistan don't know about the correspondences and addictions on social Medias. In this manner, there are producing holes in social relationships in the community. In this paper, a review has based and finding the effect of social media on personal and community relationships. Calculation dissects the practices of youngsters' by gathering data from a survey. Guardians and educators conclusions are additionally viewed as about the exercises of understudies on home and foundations. Here, age cutoff points of focused adolescents are somewhere in the range of 16 and 60. From this investigation, powerless connection amongst guardians and their adolescent youngsters have been taken note. The significant issue was that teenagers are investing more energy on social media and guardians need them to the table amid contemplate time and educational time

    Pais online: o uso de smartphones e redes sociais nos estilos parentais e no rendimento académico dos/as filhos/as

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    Considerando a influência do uso destes dispositivos na qualidade das interações familiares que, por sua vez, têm o poder de condicionar o rendimento académico das crianças, o presente estudo pretende analisar a relação entre o uso do smartphone e das redes sociais, os estilos parentais e o rendimento académico dos/as filhos/as dos/as utilizadores/as. O estudo conta com a participação de 101 (N=101) pais e encarregados de Educação maioritariamente com idades compreendidas entre os 40 e 45 anos de idade de ambos os sexos detentores de um smartphone e com conta no Facebook e respetivos filhos/as e/ou educandos/as alunos do 5º e 6º ano do 2º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Os instrumentos utilizados para obtenção dos dados foram o Questionário Sociodemográfico, Questionário de Uso do Smartphone e das Redes Sociais e o Questionário de Dimensões e Estilos Parentais. Os resultados apontam para a existência de uma relação entre o uso do smartphone e das redes sociais e o estilo parental autoritário e permissivo que, por sua vez, considerando a sua influência sobre esta dimensão, tem uma relação indireta no rendimento académico; Parents online: The use of smartphone and social network sites in parenting styles and child academic performance Abstrat: Considering the influence of the time and frequency of smartphone and social networking use plays on the quality of family interactions that, in turn, have the power to affect children's academic performance, the present study intends to analyze the relation between the use of smartphone and social networking, parenting styles and academic performance of the user’s children. The participants of the study were (N = 101) parents and guardians with ages between 40 and 45 years, of both genders, and respective children and/or students from 5th and 6th grade of the 2nd cycle of Basic Education, smartphone owners and with a Facebook account. The instruments used in order to obtain the data were Sociodemographic Questionnaire, The Smartphone and Social Network Usage Questionnaire and the Parental Dimensions and Styles Questionnaire. The results point to the existence of a relation between the use of the smartphone and social networking platforms and the authoritarian and permissive parenting style which, in turn, considering its influence on this dimension, has an indirect relation on academic performance