604 research outputs found

    HF-SCA: Hands-Free Strong Customer Authentication Based on a Memory-Guided Attention Mechanisms

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    Strong customer authentication (SCA) is a requirement of the European Union Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2) which ensures that electronic payments are performed with multifactor authentication. While increasing the security of electronic payments, the SCA impacted seriously on the shopping carts abandonment: an Italian bank computed that 22% of online purchases in the first semester of 2021 did not complete because of problems with the SCA. Luckily, the PSD2 allows the use of transaction risk analysis tool to exempt the SCA process. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised novel combination of existing machine learning techniques able to determine if a purchase is typical or not for a specific customer, so that in the case of a typical purchase the SCA could be exempted. We modified a well-known architecture (U-net) by replacing convolutional blocks with squeeze-and-excitation blocks. After that, a memory network was added in a latent space and an attention mechanism was introduced in the decoding side of the network. The proposed solution was able to detect nontypical purchases by creating temporal correlations between transactions. The network achieved 97.7% of AUC score over a well-known dataset retrieved online. By using this approach, we found that 98% of purchases could be executed by securely exempting the SCA, while shortening the customer’s journey and providing an elevated user experience. As an additional validation, we developed an Alexa skill for Amazon smart glasses which allows a user to shop and pay online by merely using vocal interaction, leaving the hands free to perform other activities, for example driving a car

    Your Smart Home Can't Keep a Secret: Towards Automated Fingerprinting of IoT Traffic with Neural Networks

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    The IoT (Internet of Things) technology has been widely adopted in recent years and has profoundly changed the people's daily lives. However, in the meantime, such a fast-growing technology has also introduced new privacy issues, which need to be better understood and measured. In this work, we look into how private information can be leaked from network traffic generated in the smart home network. Although researchers have proposed techniques to infer IoT device types or user behaviors under clean experiment setup, the effectiveness of such approaches become questionable in the complex but realistic network environment, where common techniques like Network Address and Port Translation (NAPT) and Virtual Private Network (VPN) are enabled. Traffic analysis using traditional methods (e.g., through classical machine-learning models) is much less effective under those settings, as the features picked manually are not distinctive any more. In this work, we propose a traffic analysis framework based on sequence-learning techniques like LSTM and leveraged the temporal relations between packets for the attack of device identification. We evaluated it under different environment settings (e.g., pure-IoT and noisy environment with multiple non-IoT devices). The results showed our framework was able to differentiate device types with a high accuracy. This result suggests IoT network communications pose prominent challenges to users' privacy, even when they are protected by encryption and morphed by the network gateway. As such, new privacy protection methods on IoT traffic need to be developed towards mitigating this new issue

    On the subspace learning for network attack detection

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2019.O custo com todos os tipos de ciberataques tem crescido nas organizações. A casa branca do goveno norte americano estima que atividades cibernéticas maliciosas custaram em 2016 um valor entre US57bilho~eseUS57 bilhões e US109 bilhões para a economia norte americana. Recentemente, é possível observar um crescimento no número de ataques de negação de serviço, botnets, invasões e ransomware. A Accenture argumenta que 89% dos entrevistados em uma pesquisa acreditam que tecnologias como inteligência artificial, aprendizagem de máquina e análise baseada em comportamentos, são essenciais para a segurança das organizações. É possível adotar abordagens semisupervisionada e não-supervisionadas para implementar análises baseadas em comportamentos, que podem ser aplicadas na detecção de anomalias em tráfego de rede, sem a ncessidade de dados de ataques para treinamento. Esquemas de processamento de sinais têm sido aplicados na detecção de tráfegos maliciosos em redes de computadores, através de abordagens não-supervisionadas que mostram ganhos na detecção de ataques de rede e na detecção e anomalias. A detecção de anomalias pode ser desafiadora em cenários de dados desbalanceados, que são casos com raras ocorrências de anomalias em comparação com o número de eventos normais. O desbalanceamento entre classes pode comprometer o desempenho de algoritmos traficionais de classificação, através de um viés para a classe predominante, motivando o desenvolvimento de algoritmos para detecção de anomalias em dados desbalanceados. Alguns algoritmos amplamente utilizados na detecção de anomalias assumem que observações legítimas seguem uma distribuição Gaussiana. Entretanto, esta suposição pode não ser observada na análise de tráfego de rede, que tem suas variáveis usualmente caracterizadas por distribuições assimétricas ou de cauda pesada. Desta forma, algoritmos de detecção de anomalias têm atraído pesquisas para se tornarem mais discriminativos em distribuições assimétricas, como também para se tornarem mais robustos à corrupção e capazes de lidar com problemas causados pelo desbalanceamento de dados. Como uma primeira contribuição, foi proposta a Autosimilaridade (Eigensimilarity em inglês), que é uma abordagem baseada em conceitos de processamento de sinais com o objetivo de detectar tráfego malicioso em redes de computadores. Foi avaliada a acurácia e o desempenho da abordagem proposta através de cenários simulados e dos dados do DARPA 1998. Os experimentos mostram que Autosimilaridade detecta os ataques synflood, fraggle e varredura de portas com precisão, com detalhes e de uma forma automática e cega, i.e. em uma abordagem não-supervisionada. Considerando que a assimetria de distribuições de dados podem melhorar a detecção de anomalias em dados desbalanceados e assimétricos, como no caso de tráfego de rede, foi proposta a Análise Robusta de Componentes Principais baseada em Momentos (ARCP-m), que é uma abordagem baseada em distâncias entre observações contaminadas e momentos calculados a partir subespaços robustos aprendidos através da Análise Robusta de Componentes Principais (ARCP), com o objetivo de detectar anomalias em dados assimétricos e em tráfego de rede. Foi avaliada a acurácia do ARCP-m para detecção de anomalias em dados simulados, com distribuições assimétricas e de cauda pesada, como também para os dados do CTU-13. Os experimentos comparam nossa proposta com algoritmos amplamente utilizados para detecção de anomalias e mostra que a distância entre estimativas robustas e observações contaminadas pode melhorar a detecção de anomalias em dados assimétricos e a detecção de ataques de rede. Adicionalmente, foi proposta uma arquitetura e abordagem para avaliar uma prova de conceito da Autosimilaridade para a detecção de comportamentos maliciosos em aplicações móveis corporativas. Neste sentido, foram propostos cenários, variáveis e abordagem para a análise de ameaças, como também foi avaliado o tempo de processamento necessário para a execução do Autosimilaridade em dispositivos móveis.The cost of all types of cyberattacks is increasing for global organizations. The Whitehouse of the U.S. government estimates that malicious cyber activity cost the U.S. economy between US57billionandUS57 billion and US109 billion in 2016. Recently, it is possible to observe an increasing in numbers of Denial of Service (DoS), botnets, malicious insider and ransomware attacks. Accenture consulting argues that 89% of survey respondents believe breakthrough technologies, like artificial intelligence, machine learning and user behavior analytics, are essential for securing their organizations. To face adversarial models, novel network attacks and counter measures of attackers to avoid detection, it is possible to adopt unsupervised or semi-supervised approaches for network anomaly detection, by means of behavioral analysis, where known anomalies are not necessaries for training models. Signal processing schemes have been applied to detect malicious traffic in computer networks through unsupervised approaches, showing advances in network traffic analysis, in network attack detection, and in network intrusion detection systems. Anomalies can be hard to identify and separate from normal data due to the rare occurrences of anomalies in comparison to normal events. The imbalanced data can compromise the performance of most standard learning algorithms, creating bias or unfair weight to learn from the majority class and reducing detection capacity of anomalies that are characterized by the minority class. Therefore, anomaly detection algorithms have to be highly discriminating, robust to corruption and able to deal with the imbalanced data problem. Some widely adopted algorithms for anomaly detection assume a Gaussian distributed data for legitimate observations, however this assumption may not be observed in network traffic, which is usually characterized by skewed and heavy-tailed distributions. As a first important contribution, we propose the Eigensimilarity, which is an approach based on signal processing concepts applied to detection of malicious traffic in computer networks. We evaluate the accuracy and performance of the proposed framework applied to a simulated scenario and to the DARPA 1998 data set. The performed experiments show that synflood, fraggle and port scan attacks can be detected accurately by Eigensimilarity and with great detail, in an automatic and blind fashion, i.e. in an unsupervised approach. Considering that the skewness improves anomaly detection in imbalanced and skewed data, such as network traffic, we propose the Moment-based Robust Principal Component Analysis (mRPCA) for network attack detection. The m-RPCA is a framework based on distances between contaminated observations and moments computed from a robust subspace learned by Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA), in order to detect anomalies from skewed data and network traffic. We evaluate the accuracy of the m-RPCA for anomaly detection on simulated data sets, with skewed and heavy-tailed distributions, and for the CTU-13 data set. The Experimental evaluation compares our proposal to widely adopted algorithms for anomaly detection and shows that the distance between robust estimates and contaminated observations can improve the anomaly detection on skewed data and the network attack detection. Moreover, we propose an architecture and approach to evaluate a proof of concept of Eigensimilarity for malicious behavior detection on mobile applications, in order to detect possible threats in offline corporate mobile client. We propose scenarios, features and approaches for threat analysis by means of Eigensimilarity, and evaluate the processing time required for Eigensimilarity execution in mobile devices

    Fault diagnosis for IP-based network with real-time conditions

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    BACKGROUND: Fault diagnosis techniques have been based on many paradigms, which derive from diverse areas and have different purposes: obtaining a representation model of the network for fault localization, selecting optimal probe sets for monitoring network devices, reducing fault detection time, and detecting faulty components in the network. Although there are several solutions for diagnosing network faults, there are still challenges to be faced: a fault diagnosis solution needs to always be available and able enough to process data timely, because stale results inhibit the quality and speed of informed decision-making. Also, there is no non-invasive technique to continuously diagnose the network symptoms without leaving the system vulnerable to any failures, nor a resilient technique to the network's dynamic changes, which can cause new failures with different symptoms. AIMS: This thesis aims to propose a model for the continuous and timely diagnosis of IP-based networks faults, independent of the network structure, and based on data analytics techniques. METHOD(S): This research's point of departure was the hypothesis of a fault propagation phenomenon that allows the observation of failure symptoms at a higher network level than the fault origin. Thus, for the model's construction, monitoring data was collected from an extensive campus network in which impact link failures were induced at different instants of time and with different duration. These data correspond to widely used parameters in the actual management of a network. The collected data allowed us to understand the faults' behavior and how they are manifested at a peripheral level. Based on this understanding and a data analytics process, the first three modules of our model, named PALADIN, were proposed (Identify, Collection and Structuring), which define the data collection peripherally and the necessary data pre-processing to obtain the description of the network's state at a given moment. These modules give the model the ability to structure the data considering the delays of the multiple responses that the network delivers to a single monitoring probe and the multiple network interfaces that a peripheral device may have. Thus, a structured data stream is obtained, and it is ready to be analyzed. For this analysis, it was necessary to implement an incremental learning framework that respects networks' dynamic nature. It comprises three elements, an incremental learning algorithm, a data rebalancing strategy, and a concept drift detector. This framework is the fourth module of the PALADIN model named Diagnosis. In order to evaluate the PALADIN model, the Diagnosis module was implemented with 25 different incremental algorithms, ADWIN as concept-drift detector and SMOTE (adapted to streaming scenario) as the rebalancing strategy. On the other hand, a dataset was built through the first modules of the PALADIN model (SOFI dataset), which means that these data are the incoming data stream of the Diagnosis module used to evaluate its performance. The PALADIN Diagnosis module performs an online classification of network failures, so it is a learning model that must be evaluated in a stream context. Prequential evaluation is the most used method to perform this task, so we adopt this process to evaluate the model's performance over time through several stream evaluation metrics. RESULTS: This research first evidences the phenomenon of impact fault propagation, making it possible to detect fault symptoms at a monitored network's peripheral level. It translates into non-invasive monitoring of the network. Second, the PALADIN model is the major contribution in the fault detection context because it covers two aspects. An online learning model to continuously process the network symptoms and detect internal failures. Moreover, the concept-drift detection and rebalance data stream components which make resilience to dynamic network changes possible. Third, it is well known that the amount of available real-world datasets for imbalanced stream classification context is still too small. That number is further reduced for the networking context. The SOFI dataset obtained with the first modules of the PALADIN model contributes to that number and encourages works related to unbalanced data streams and those related to network fault diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed model contains the necessary elements for the continuous and timely diagnosis of IPbased network faults; it introduces the idea of periodical monitorization of peripheral network elements and uses data analytics techniques to process it. Based on the analysis, processing, and classification of peripherally collected data, it can be concluded that PALADIN achieves the objective. The results indicate that the peripheral monitorization allows diagnosing faults in the internal network; besides, the diagnosis process needs an incremental learning process, conceptdrift detection elements, and rebalancing strategy. The results of the experiments showed that PALADIN makes it possible to learn from the network manifestations and diagnose internal network failures. The latter was verified with 25 different incremental algorithms, ADWIN as concept-drift detector and SMOTE (adapted to streaming scenario) as the rebalancing strategy. This research clearly illustrates that it is unnecessary to monitor all the internal network elements to detect a network's failures; instead, it is enough to choose the peripheral elements to be monitored. Furthermore, with proper processing of the collected status and traffic descriptors, it is possible to learn from the arriving data using incremental learning in cooperation with data rebalancing and concept drift approaches. This proposal continuously diagnoses the network symptoms without leaving the system vulnerable to failures while being resilient to the network's dynamic changes.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Manuel Molina López.- Secretario: Juan Carlos Dueñas López.- Vocal: Juan Manuel Corchado Rodrígue

    Network intrusion detection system for DDoS attacks in ICS using deep autoencoders

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    Anomaly detection in industrial control and cyber-physical systems has gained much attention over the past years due to the increasing modernisation and exposure of industrial environments. Current dangers to the connected industry include the theft of industrial intellectual property, denial of service, or the compromise of cloud components; all of which might result in a cyber-attack across the operational network. However, most scientific work employs device logs, which necessitate substantial understanding and preprocessing before they can be used in anomaly detection. In this paper, we propose a network intrusion detection system (NIDS) architecture based on a deep autoencoder trained on network flow data, which has the advantage of not requiring prior knowledge of the network topology or its underlying architecture. Experimental results show that the proposed model can detect anomalies, caused by distributed denial of service attacks, providing a high detection rate and low false alarms, outperforming the state-of-the-art and a baseline model in an unsupervised learning environment. Furthermore, the deep autoencoder model can detect abnormal behaviour in legitimate devices after an attack. We also demonstrate the suitability of the proposed NIDS in a real industrial plant from the alimentary sector, analysing the false positive rate and the viability of the data generation, filtering and preprocessing procedure for a near real time scenario. The suggested NIDS architecture is a low-cost solution that uses only fifteen network-based features, requires minimal processing, operates in unsupervised mode, and is straightforward to deploy in real-world scenarios.Axencia Galega de Innovación | Ref. IN854A 2019/15Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial | Ref. CER-20191012Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. MTM2017-89422-PFinanciado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISU