7 research outputs found

    Piecewise linear regularized solution paths

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    We consider the generic regularized optimization problem β^(λ)=argminβL(y,Xβ)+λJ(β)\hat{\mathsf{\beta}}(\lambda)=\arg \min_{\beta}L({\sf{y}},X{\sf{\beta}})+\lambda J({\sf{\beta}}). Efron, Hastie, Johnstone and Tibshirani [Ann. Statist. 32 (2004) 407--499] have shown that for the LASSO--that is, if LL is squared error loss and J(β)=β1J(\beta)=\|\beta\|_1 is the 1\ell_1 norm of β\beta--the optimal coefficient path is piecewise linear, that is, β^(λ)/λ\partial \hat{\beta}(\lambda)/\partial \lambda is piecewise constant. We derive a general characterization of the properties of (loss LL, penalty JJ) pairs which give piecewise linear coefficient paths. Such pairs allow for efficient generation of the full regularized coefficient paths. We investigate the nature of efficient path following algorithms which arise. We use our results to suggest robust versions of the LASSO for regression and classification, and to develop new, efficient algorithms for existing problems in the literature, including Mammen and van de Geer's locally adaptive regression splines.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001370 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Physarum Powered Differentiable Linear Programming Layers and Applications

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    Consider a learning algorithm, which involves an internal call to an optimization routine such as a generalized eigenvalue problem, a cone programming problem or even sorting. Integrating such a method as layers within a trainable deep network in a numerically stable way is not simple -- for instance, only recently, strategies have emerged for eigendecomposition and differentiable sorting. We propose an efficient and differentiable solver for general linear programming problems which can be used in a plug and play manner within deep neural networks as a layer. Our development is inspired by a fascinating but not widely used link between dynamics of slime mold (physarum) and mathematical optimization schemes such as steepest descent. We describe our development and demonstrate the use of our solver in a video object segmentation task and meta-learning for few-shot learning. We review the relevant known results and provide a technical analysis describing its applicability for our use cases. Our solver performs comparably with a customized projected gradient descent method on the first task and outperforms the very recently proposed differentiable CVXPY solver on the second task. Experiments show that our solver converges quickly without the need for a feasible initial point. Interestingly, our scheme is easy to implement and can easily serve as layers whenever a learning procedure needs a fast approximate solution to a LP, within a larger network

    The analytic edge - image reconstruction from edge data via the Cauchy Integral

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    A novel image reconstruction algorithm from edges (image gradients) follows from the Sokhostki-Plemelj Theorem of complex analysis, an elaboration of the standard Cauchy (Singular) Integral. This algorithm demonstrates the use of Singular Integral Equation methods to image processing, extending the more common use of Partial Differential Equations (e.g. based on variants of the Diffusion or Poisson equations). The Cauchy Integral approach has a deep connection to and sheds light on the (linear and non-linear) diffusion equation, the retinex algorithm and energy-based image regularization. It extends the commonly understood local definition of an edge to a global, complex analytic structure - the analytic edge - the contrast weighted kernel of the Cauchy Integral. Superposition of the set of analytic edges provides a "filled-in" image which is the piece-wise analytic image corresponding to the edge (gradient data) supplied. This is a fully parallel operation which avoids the time penalty associated with iterative solutions and thus is compatible with the short time (about 150 milliseconds) that is biologically available for the brain to construct a perceptual image from edge data. Although this algorithm produces an exact reconstruction of a filled-in image from the gradients of that image, slight modifications of it produce images which correspond to perceptual reports of human observers when presented with a wide range of "visual contrast illusion" images

    Image reconstruction by linear programming

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    A common way of image denoising is to project a noisy image to the subspace of admissible images made for instance by PCA. However, a major drawback of this method is that all pixels are updated by the projection, even when only a few pixels are corrupted by noise or occlusion. We propose a new method to identify the noisy pixels by ℓ1-norm penalization and update the identified pixels only. The identification and updating of noisy pixels are formulated as one linear program which can be solved efficiently. Especially, one can apply the ν-trick to directly specify the fraction of pixels to be reconstructed. Moreover, we extend the linear program to be able to exploit prior knowledge that occlusions often appear in contiguous blocks (e.g. sunglasses on faces). The basic idea is to penalize boundary points and interior points of the occluded area differently. We are able to show the ν-property also for this extended LP leading a method which is easy to use. Experimental results impressively demonstrate the power of our approach.

    Image Reconstruction by Linear Programming

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    A common way of image denoising is to project a noisy image to the subspace of admissible images made for instance by PCA. However, a major drawback of this method is that all pixels are updated by the projection, even when only a few pixels are corrupted by noise or occlusion. We propose a new method to identify the noisy pixels by # 1 -norm penalization and update the identified pixels only. The identification and updating of noisy pixels are formulated as one linear program which can be solved efficiently. Especially, one can apply the #-trick to directly specify the fraction of pixels to be reconstructed. Moreover, we extend the linear program to be able to exploit prior knowledge that occlusions often appear in contiguous blocks (e.g. sunglasses on faces). The basic idea is to penalize boundary points and interior points of the occluded area differently