945 research outputs found

    Beyond Correlation Filters: Learning Continuous Convolution Operators for Visual Tracking

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    Discriminative Correlation Filters (DCF) have demonstrated excellent performance for visual object tracking. The key to their success is the ability to efficiently exploit available negative data by including all shifted versions of a training sample. However, the underlying DCF formulation is restricted to single-resolution feature maps, significantly limiting its potential. In this paper, we go beyond the conventional DCF framework and introduce a novel formulation for training continuous convolution filters. We employ an implicit interpolation model to pose the learning problem in the continuous spatial domain. Our proposed formulation enables efficient integration of multi-resolution deep feature maps, leading to superior results on three object tracking benchmarks: OTB-2015 (+5.1% in mean OP), Temple-Color (+4.6% in mean OP), and VOT2015 (20% relative reduction in failure rate). Additionally, our approach is capable of sub-pixel localization, crucial for the task of accurate feature point tracking. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our learning formulation in extensive feature point tracking experiments. Code and supplementary material are available at http://www.cvl.isy.liu.se/research/objrec/visualtracking/conttrack/index.html.Comment: Accepted at ECCV 201

    Long-Term Visual Object Tracking Benchmark

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    We propose a new long video dataset (called Track Long and Prosper - TLP) and benchmark for single object tracking. The dataset consists of 50 HD videos from real world scenarios, encompassing a duration of over 400 minutes (676K frames), making it more than 20 folds larger in average duration per sequence and more than 8 folds larger in terms of total covered duration, as compared to existing generic datasets for visual tracking. The proposed dataset paves a way to suitably assess long term tracking performance and train better deep learning architectures (avoiding/reducing augmentation, which may not reflect real world behaviour). We benchmark the dataset on 17 state of the art trackers and rank them according to tracking accuracy and run time speeds. We further present thorough qualitative and quantitative evaluation highlighting the importance of long term aspect of tracking. Our most interesting observations are (a) existing short sequence benchmarks fail to bring out the inherent differences in tracking algorithms which widen up while tracking on long sequences and (b) the accuracy of trackers abruptly drops on challenging long sequences, suggesting the potential need of research efforts in the direction of long-term tracking.Comment: ACCV 2018 (Oral

    Remove Cosine Window from Correlation Filter-based Visual Trackers: When and How

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    Correlation filters (CFs) have been continuously advancing the state-of-the-art tracking performance and have been extensively studied in the recent few years. Most of the existing CF trackers adopt a cosine window to spatially reweight base image to alleviate boundary discontinuity. However, cosine window emphasizes more on the central region of base image and has the risk of contaminating negative training samples during model learning. On the other hand, spatial regularization deployed in many recent CF trackers plays a similar role as cosine window by enforcing spatial penalty on CF coefficients. Therefore, we in this paper investigate the feasibility to remove cosine window from CF trackers with spatial regularization. When simply removing cosine window, CF with spatial regularization still suffers from small degree of boundary discontinuity. To tackle this issue, binary and Gaussian shaped mask functions are further introduced for eliminating boundary discontinuity while reweighting the estimation error of each training sample, and can be incorporated with multiple CF trackers with spatial regularization. In comparison to the counterparts with cosine window, our methods are effective in handling boundary discontinuity and sample contamination, thereby benefiting tracking performance. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks show that our methods perform favorably against the state-of-the-art trackers using either handcrafted or deep CNN features. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/lifeng9472/Removing_cosine_window_from_CF_trackers.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processin
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