3 research outputs found

    Image compression in interactive applications in digital video broadcasting

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    V interaktivních aplikacích digitálního televizního vysílání se v hojné míře používají komprimované obrazy. V doktorské práci jsou prezentovány nové metody zefektivnění jejich přenosu v sítích digitálního televizního vysílání. Byly navrženy metody na principu adaptivní prostorové filtrace pro zlepšení vizuálního vjemu komprimovaných obrazů. Nová metoda optimalizace spočívá v aplikaci těchto metod na více komprimované (tedy datově menší) obrazy a zlepšení jejich vizuální kvality až v aplikaci. Dále byly analyzovány nové metody komprese JPEG2000 a H.264 pro kompresi obrazů. V práci je rovněž prezentována nová původní kombinovaná metoda komprese obrazů určených pro standardní a vysoké prostorové televizní rozlišení.Compressed images are used very frequently in interactive applications in digital video broadcasting. New methods increasing efficiency of the image transmission in digital video broadcasting networks are proposed. Adaptive spatial filtering methods have been proposed for enhancement of the visual perception of the compressed images. New optimalization method is based on application of the filtering algorithms on more compressed images (data size are reduced). Visual quality enhancement is processed in interactive application. Further, new compression methods JPEG2000 and H.264 for image compression have been analysed. Novel compound image compression method for standard and high spatial television resolution is proposed in the thesis.

    The technology acceptance of a TV platform for the elderly living alone or in public nursing homes

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    In Mexico, many seniors are alone for most of the day or live in public nursing homes. Simple interaction with computer systems is required for older people. This is why we propose the exploration of a medium well known by seniors, such as the television (TV). The primary objective of this study is to improve the quality of life of seniors through an easier reminder system, using the television set. A technological platform was designed based on interactive television, through which seniors and their caregivers can have a better way to track their daily activities. Finally, an evaluation of the technology adoption was performed with 50 seniors living in two public nursing homes. The evaluation found that the elderly perceived the system as useful, easy to use, and they had a positive attitude and good intention to use it. This helped to generate initial evidence that the system supported them in achieving a better quality of life, by reminding them to take their medications and increasing their rate of attendance to their medical appointments

    Image compression in digital video broadcasting

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    Abstract. Images form integral part of interactive services broadcasted in digital television. Natural images compression is always trade-off between visual quality and file size. Annoying artifacts arise in highly compressed images. The scope of this article is to investigate the possibilities of image compression enhancement for interactive services. The aim is to decrease size of the image file in such way that the following post-processing compensates the drop of the visual quality. A low-complex post-processing technique is evaluated. Proposed solution is suitable for decreasing downloading time of the images in digital video broadcasting services