306 research outputs found

    Optimising Spatial and Tonal Data for PDE-based Inpainting

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    Some recent methods for lossy signal and image compression store only a few selected pixels and fill in the missing structures by inpainting with a partial differential equation (PDE). Suitable operators include the Laplacian, the biharmonic operator, and edge-enhancing anisotropic diffusion (EED). The quality of such approaches depends substantially on the selection of the data that is kept. Optimising this data in the domain and codomain gives rise to challenging mathematical problems that shall be addressed in our work. In the 1D case, we prove results that provide insights into the difficulty of this problem, and we give evidence that a splitting into spatial and tonal (i.e. function value) optimisation does hardly deteriorate the results. In the 2D setting, we present generic algorithms that achieve a high reconstruction quality even if the specified data is very sparse. To optimise the spatial data, we use a probabilistic sparsification, followed by a nonlocal pixel exchange that avoids getting trapped in bad local optima. After this spatial optimisation we perform a tonal optimisation that modifies the function values in order to reduce the global reconstruction error. For homogeneous diffusion inpainting, this comes down to a least squares problem for which we prove that it has a unique solution. We demonstrate that it can be found efficiently with a gradient descent approach that is accelerated with fast explicit diffusion (FED) cycles. Our framework allows to specify the desired density of the inpainting mask a priori. Moreover, is more generic than other data optimisation approaches for the sparse inpainting problem, since it can also be extended to nonlinear inpainting operators such as EED. This is exploited to achieve reconstructions with state-of-the-art quality. We also give an extensive literature survey on PDE-based image compression methods

    Exact asymptotics of the uniform error of interpolation by multilinear splines

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    The question of adaptive mesh generation for approximation by splines has been studied for a number of years by various authors. The results have numerous applications in computational and discrete geometry, computer aided geometric design, finite element methods for numerical solutions of partial differential equations, image processing, and mesh generation for computer graphics, among others. In this paper we will investigate the questions regarding adaptive approximation of C2 functions with arbitrary but fixed throughout the domain signature by multilinear splines. In particular, we will study the asymptotic behavior of the optimal error of the weighted uniform approximation by interpolating and quasi-interpolating multilinear splines

    Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation for Image Representation

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    Triangular meshes have gained much interest in image representation and have been widely used in image processing. This paper introduces a framework of anisotropic mesh adaptation (AMA) methods to image representation and proposes a GPRAMA method that is based on AMA and greedy-point removal (GPR) scheme. Different than many other methods that triangulate sample points to form the mesh, the AMA methods start directly with a triangular mesh and then adapt the mesh based on a user-defined metric tensor to represent the image. The AMA methods have clear mathematical framework and provides flexibility for both image representation and image reconstruction. A mesh patching technique is developed for the implementation of the GPRAMA method, which leads to an improved version of the popular GPRFS-ED method. The GPRAMA method can achieve better quality than the GPRFS-ED method but with lower computational cost.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure

    Exact asymptotics of the optimal Lp-error of asymmetric linear spline approximation

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    In this paper we study the best asymmetric (sometimes also called penalized or sign-sensitive) approximation in the metrics of the space LpL_p, 1⩽p⩽∞1\leqslant p\leqslant\infty, of functions f∈C2([0,1]2)f\in C^2\left([0,1]^2\right) with nonnegative Hessian by piecewise linear splines s∈S(△N)s\in S(\triangle_N), generated by given triangulations △N\triangle_N with NN elements. We find the exact asymptotic behavior of optimal (over triangulations △N\triangle_N and splines s∈S(△N)s\in S(\triangle_N) error of such approximation as N→∞N\to \infty

    Graph Wedgelets: Adaptive Data Compression on Graphs based on Binary Wedge Partitioning Trees and Geometric Wavelets

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    We introduce graph wedgelets - a tool for data compression on graphs based on the representation of signals by piecewise constant functions on adaptively generated binary graph partitionings. The adaptivity of the partitionings, a key ingredient to obtain sparse representations of a graph signal, is realized in terms of recursive wedge splits adapted to the signal. For this, we transfer adaptive partitioning and compression techniques known for 2D images to general graph structures and develop discrete variants of continuous wedgelets and binary space partitionings. We prove that continuous results on best m-term approximation with geometric wavelets can be transferred to the discrete graph setting and show that our wedgelet representation of graph signals can be encoded and implemented in a simple way. Finally, we illustrate that this graph-based method can be applied for the compression of images as well.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure
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