1,226 research outputs found

    Camera-based Image Forgery Localization using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Camera fingerprints are precious tools for a number of image forensics tasks. A well-known example is the photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) noise pattern, a powerful device fingerprint. Here, to address the image forgery localization problem, we rely on noiseprint, a recently proposed CNN-based camera model fingerprint. The CNN is trained to minimize the distance between same-model patches, and maximize the distance otherwise. As a result, the noiseprint accounts for model-related artifacts just like the PRNU accounts for device-related non-uniformities. However, unlike the PRNU, it is only mildly affected by residuals of high-level scene content. The experiments show that the proposed noiseprint-based forgery localization method improves over the PRNU-based reference

    OCR Graph Features for Manipulation Detection in Documents

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    Detecting manipulations in digital documents is becoming increasingly important for information verification purposes. Due to the proliferation of image editing software, altering key information in documents has become widely accessible. Nearly all approaches in this domain rely on a procedural approach, using carefully generated features and a hand-tuned scoring system, rather than a data-driven and generalizable approach. We frame this issue as a graph comparison problem using the character bounding boxes, and propose a model that leverages graph features using OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Our model relies on a data-driven approach to detect alterations by training a random forest classifier on the graph-based OCR features. We evaluate our algorithm's forgery detection performance on dataset constructed from real business documents with slight forgery imperfections. Our proposed model dramatically outperforms the most closely-related document manipulation detection model on this task

    Analysis of adversarial attacks against CNN-based image forgery detectors

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    With the ubiquitous diffusion of social networks, images are becoming a dominant and powerful communication channel. Not surprisingly, they are also increasingly subject to manipulations aimed at distorting information and spreading fake news. In recent years, the scientific community has devoted major efforts to contrast this menace, and many image forgery detectors have been proposed. Currently, due to the success of deep learning in many multimedia processing tasks, there is high interest towards CNN-based detectors, and early results are already very promising. Recent studies in computer vision, however, have shown CNNs to be highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, small perturbations of the input data which drive the network towards erroneous classification. In this paper we analyze the vulnerability of CNN-based image forensics methods to adversarial attacks, considering several detectors and several types of attack, and testing performance on a wide range of common manipulations, both easily and hardly detectable

    A Novel Fingerprint Encryption Based on Image and Feature Mosaic

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    Mobile smart devices in the digital era are enhancing personal information security by adopting fingerprint encryption technology, but due to the small size of mobile smart devices, the area of fingerprint image that can be detected is reduced, resulting in the lack of extractable fingerprint feature information, and traditional fingerprint encryption technology is difficult to apply to small area fingerprint images. To solve the application difficulties of small area fingerprint image encryption, a novel small area fingerprint encryption algorithm based on feature and image mosaic was proposed, and the encryption efficiency of the algorithm was verified using FVC2002 and XDFinger database. Results show that the small area fingerprint recognition algorithm based on feature and image mosaic is significantly improved in encryption efficiency, failure capture rate decreases from 36% to 7%, true acceptance rate increases from 44% to 68%, and the feasibility and reliability of the method is verified. Conclusions can promote the application of small area fingerprint encryption technology in mobile smart devices

    Mitigation of H.264 and H.265 Video Compression for Reliable PRNU Estimation

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    The photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU) is a distinctive image sensor characteristic, and an imaging device inadvertently introduces its sensor's PRNU into all media it captures. Therefore, the PRNU can be regarded as a camera fingerprint and used for source attribution. The imaging pipeline in a camera, however, involves various processing steps that are detrimental to PRNU estimation. In the context of photographic images, these challenges are successfully addressed and the method for estimating a sensor's PRNU pattern is well established. However, various additional challenges related to generation of videos remain largely untackled. With this perspective, this work introduces methods to mitigate disruptive effects of widely deployed H.264 and H.265 video compression standards on PRNU estimation. Our approach involves an intervention in the decoding process to eliminate a filtering procedure applied at the decoder to reduce blockiness. It also utilizes decoding parameters to develop a weighting scheme and adjust the contribution of video frames at the macroblock level to PRNU estimation process. Results obtained on videos captured by 28 cameras show that our approach increases the PRNU matching metric up to more than five times over the conventional estimation method tailored for photos