297 research outputs found

    Matting Anything

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    In this paper, we propose the Matting Anything Model (MAM), an efficient and versatile framework for estimating the alpha matte of any instance in an image with flexible and interactive visual or linguistic user prompt guidance. MAM offers several significant advantages over previous specialized image matting networks: (i) MAM is capable of dealing with various types of image matting, including semantic, instance, and referring image matting with only a single model; (ii) MAM leverages the feature maps from the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and adopts a lightweight Mask-to-Matte (M2M) module to predict the alpha matte through iterative refinement, which has only 2.7 million trainable parameters. (iii) By incorporating SAM, MAM simplifies the user intervention required for the interactive use of image matting from the trimap to the box, point, or text prompt. We evaluate the performance of MAM on various image matting benchmarks, and the experimental results demonstrate that MAM achieves comparable performance to the state-of-the-art specialized image matting models under different metrics on each benchmark. Overall, MAM shows superior generalization ability and can effectively handle various image matting tasks with fewer parameters, making it a practical solution for unified image matting. Our code and models are open-sourced at https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Matting-Anything.Comment: Project web-page: https://chrisjuniorli.github.io/project/Matting-Anything

    3D-TV Production from Conventional Cameras for Sports Broadcast

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    3DTV production of live sports events presents a challenging problem involving conflicting requirements of main- taining broadcast stereo picture quality with practical problems in developing robust systems for cost effective deployment. In this paper we propose an alternative approach to stereo production in sports events using the conventional monocular broadcast cameras for 3D reconstruction of the event and subsequent stereo rendering. This approach has the potential advantage over stereo camera rigs of recovering full scene depth, allowing inter-ocular distance and convergence to be adapted according to the requirements of the target display and enabling stereo coverage from both existing and ‘virtual’ camera positions without additional cameras. A prototype system is presented with results of sports TV production trials for rendering of stereo and free-viewpoint video sequences of soccer and rugby

    MoSculp: Interactive Visualization of Shape and Time

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    We present a system that allows users to visualize complex human motion via 3D motion sculptures---a representation that conveys the 3D structure swept by a human body as it moves through space. Given an input video, our system computes the motion sculptures and provides a user interface for rendering it in different styles, including the options to insert the sculpture back into the original video, render it in a synthetic scene or physically print it. To provide this end-to-end workflow, we introduce an algorithm that estimates that human's 3D geometry over time from a set of 2D images and develop a 3D-aware image-based rendering approach that embeds the sculpture back into the scene. By automating the process, our system takes motion sculpture creation out of the realm of professional artists, and makes it applicable to a wide range of existing video material. By providing viewers with 3D information, motion sculptures reveal space-time motion information that is difficult to perceive with the naked eye, and allow viewers to interpret how different parts of the object interact over time. We validate the effectiveness of this approach with user studies, finding that our motion sculpture visualizations are significantly more informative about motion than existing stroboscopic and space-time visualization methods.Comment: UIST 2018. Project page: http://mosculp.csail.mit.edu

    Automatic and topology-preserving gradient mesh generation for image vectorization

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    Demonska vjera polazi od toga da se ne nalazi isključivo u nevjeri, nego je ona onkraj nevjere. Ovim radom smo prvo željeli prikazati glavne postavke najbitnijih elemenata teologalne vjere da bismo kasnije kroz filozofske teze F. Hadjadja prikazali glavna obilježja vjere zlih demona koja su duhovnog karaktera i predstavljaju veliku opasnost za čovjeka i njegovu vjeru. Unatoč različitim tumačenjima, Hadjadj želi upozoriti na to da se zli demoni ne nalaze samo među ateistima, agnosticima i ostalim pokretima koji, na neki način, niječu Božu opstojnost, nego ti zli demoni zapravo vjeruju, pa zato za polazište uzima redak iz Jakovljeve poslanice u kojoj piše da oni „vjeruju i dršću”. Na kraju smo ovim radom prikazali važnost sinteze duše i tijela, odnosno utjelovljenja u kršćanstvu jer je misterij katoličke vjere misterij utjelovljenja i nemoguće je odbacivati tjelesnost kao što je to slučaj u različitim spiritualističkim dimenzijama.Demonic faith is not strictly associated with infidelity itself, but rather exists beyond it. This work aims to present the main postulates of the most crucial elements of the theological faith in order to show, using F. Hadjadj's philosophical thesis, the main characteristics associated with evil demons, which are of the spiritual nature and present great danger for man and his faith. Despite various interpretations, Hadjadj wishes to point out that evil demons do not dwel lonly within atheists, agnostics and other movements which, in a way, negate the existence of God, but that these evil demons actually do believe, and therefore he uses as a starting point the line from the Epistle of Jacob that states that demons „believe and tremble”. In the end, this work presented the importance of the body-soul synthesis, which is the incarnation in Christianity, since the mistery of the Catholic faith is the mistery of the incarnation, and it is impossible to discard corporeality, which is the case in various spiritual dimensions