599 research outputs found

    Detail-preserving and Content-aware Variational Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction

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    Accurate recovery of 3D geometrical surfaces from calibrated 2D multi-view images is a fundamental yet active research area in computer vision. Despite the steady progress in multi-view stereo reconstruction, most existing methods are still limited in recovering fine-scale details and sharp features while suppressing noises, and may fail in reconstructing regions with few textures. To address these limitations, this paper presents a Detail-preserving and Content-aware Variational (DCV) multi-view stereo method, which reconstructs the 3D surface by alternating between reprojection error minimization and mesh denoising. In reprojection error minimization, we propose a novel inter-image similarity measure, which is effective to preserve fine-scale details of the reconstructed surface and builds a connection between guided image filtering and image registration. In mesh denoising, we propose a content-aware p\ell_{p}-minimization algorithm by adaptively estimating the pp value and regularization parameters based on the current input. It is much more promising in suppressing noise while preserving sharp features than conventional isotropic mesh smoothing. Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our DCV method is capable of recovering more surface details, and obtains cleaner and more accurate reconstructions than state-of-the-art methods. In particular, our method achieves the best results among all published methods on the Middlebury dino ring and dino sparse ring datasets in terms of both completeness and accuracy.Comment: 14 pages,16 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transaction on image processin

    A Total Fractional-Order Variation Model for Image Restoration with Non-homogeneous Boundary Conditions and its Numerical Solution

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    To overcome the weakness of a total variation based model for image restoration, various high order (typically second order) regularization models have been proposed and studied recently. In this paper we analyze and test a fractional-order derivative based total α\alpha-order variation model, which can outperform the currently popular high order regularization models. There exist several previous works using total α\alpha-order variations for image restoration; however first no analysis is done yet and second all tested formulations, differing from each other, utilize the zero Dirichlet boundary conditions which are not realistic (while non-zero boundary conditions violate definitions of fractional-order derivatives). This paper first reviews some results of fractional-order derivatives and then analyzes the theoretical properties of the proposed total α\alpha-order variational model rigorously. It then develops four algorithms for solving the variational problem, one based on the variational Split-Bregman idea and three based on direct solution of the discretise-optimization problem. Numerical experiments show that, in terms of restoration quality and solution efficiency, the proposed model can produce highly competitive results, for smooth images, to two established high order models: the mean curvature and the total generalized variation.Comment: 26 page

    The jump set under geometric regularisation. Part 1: Basic technique and first-order denoising

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    Let u \in \mbox{BV}(\Omega) solve the total variation denoising problem with L2L^2-squared fidelity and data ff. Caselles et al. [Multiscale Model. Simul. 6 (2008), 879--894] have shown the containment Hm1(JuJf)=0\mathcal{H}^{m-1}(J_u \setminus J_f)=0 of the jump set JuJ_u of uu in that of ff. Their proof unfortunately depends heavily on the co-area formula, as do many results in this area, and as such is not directly extensible to higher-order, curvature-based, and other advanced geometric regularisers, such as total generalised variation (TGV) and Euler's elastica. These have received increased attention in recent times due to their better practical regularisation properties compared to conventional total variation or wavelets. We prove analogous jump set containment properties for a general class of regularisers. We do this with novel Lipschitz transformation techniques, and do not require the co-area formula. In the present Part 1 we demonstrate the general technique on first-order regularisers, while in Part 2 we will extend it to higher-order regularisers. In particular, we concentrate in this part on TV and, as a novelty, Huber-regularised TV. We also demonstrate that the technique would apply to non-convex TV models as well as the Perona-Malik anisotropic diffusion, if these approaches were well-posed to begin with