1,974 research outputs found

    Bayesian wavelet de-noising with the caravan prior

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    According to both domain expert knowledge and empirical evidence, wavelet coefficients of real signals tend to exhibit clustering patterns, in that they contain connected regions of coefficients of similar magnitude (large or small). A wavelet de-noising approach that takes into account such a feature of the signal may in practice outperform other, more vanilla methods, both in terms of the estimation error and visual appearance of the estimates. Motivated by this observation, we present a Bayesian approach to wavelet de-noising, where dependencies between neighbouring wavelet coefficients are a priori modelled via a Markov chain-based prior, that we term the caravan prior. Posterior computations in our method are performed via the Gibbs sampler. Using representative synthetic and real data examples, we conduct a detailed comparison of our approach with a benchmark empirical Bayes de-noising method (due to Johnstone and Silverman). We show that the caravan prior fares well and is therefore a useful addition to the wavelet de-noising toolbox.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures, 4 table

    Generative Model with Coordinate Metric Learning for Object Recognition Based on 3D Models

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    Given large amount of real photos for training, Convolutional neural network shows excellent performance on object recognition tasks. However, the process of collecting data is so tedious and the background are also limited which makes it hard to establish a perfect database. In this paper, our generative model trained with synthetic images rendered from 3D models reduces the workload of data collection and limitation of conditions. Our structure is composed of two sub-networks: semantic foreground object reconstruction network based on Bayesian inference and classification network based on multi-triplet cost function for avoiding over-fitting problem on monotone surface and fully utilizing pose information by establishing sphere-like distribution of descriptors in each category which is helpful for recognition on regular photos according to poses, lighting condition, background and category information of rendered images. Firstly, our conjugate structure called generative model with metric learning utilizing additional foreground object channels generated from Bayesian rendering as the joint of two sub-networks. Multi-triplet cost function based on poses for object recognition are used for metric learning which makes it possible training a category classifier purely based on synthetic data. Secondly, we design a coordinate training strategy with the help of adaptive noises acting as corruption on input images to help both sub-networks benefit from each other and avoid inharmonious parameter tuning due to different convergence speed of two sub-networks. Our structure achieves the state of the art accuracy of over 50\% on ShapeNet database with data migration obstacle from synthetic images to real photos. This pipeline makes it applicable to do recognition on real images only based on 3D models.Comment: 14 page

    Dynamic Denoising of Tracking Sequences

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2008.920795In this paper, we describe an approach to the problem of simultaneously enhancing image sequences and tracking the objects of interest represented by the latter. The enhancement part of the algorithm is based on Bayesian wavelet denoising, which has been chosen due to its exceptional ability to incorporate diverse a priori information into the process of image recovery. In particular, we demonstrate that, in dynamic settings, useful statistical priors can come both from some reasonable assumptions on the properties of the image to be enhanced as well as from the images that have already been observed before the current scene. Using such priors forms the main contribution of the present paper which is the proposal of the dynamic denoising as a tool for simultaneously enhancing and tracking image sequences.Within the proposed framework, the previous observations of a dynamic scene are employed to enhance its present observation. The mechanism that allows the fusion of the information within successive image frames is Bayesian estimation, while transferring the useful information between the images is governed by a Kalman filter that is used for both prediction and estimation of the dynamics of tracked objects. Therefore, in this methodology, the processes of target tracking and image enhancement "collaborate" in an interlacing manner, rather than being applied separately. The dynamic denoising is demonstrated on several examples of SAR imagery. The results demonstrated in this paper indicate a number of advantages of the proposed dynamic denoising over "static" approaches, in which the tracking images are enhanced independently of each other

    Astrophysically robust systematics removal using variational inference: application to the first month of Kepler data

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    Space-based transit search missions such as Kepler are collecting large numbers of stellar light curves of unprecedented photometric precision and time coverage. However, before this scientific goldmine can be exploited fully, the data must be cleaned of instrumental artefacts. We present a new method to correct common-mode systematics in large ensembles of very high precision light curves. It is based on a Bayesian linear basis model and uses shrinkage priors for robustness, variational inference for speed, and a de-noising step based on empirical mode decomposition to prevent the introduction of spurious noise into the corrected light curves. After demonstrating the performance of our method on a synthetic dataset, we apply it to the first month of Kepler data. We compare the results, which are publicly available, to the output of the Kepler pipeline's pre-search data conditioning, and show that the two generally give similar results, but the light curves corrected using our approach have lower scatter, on average, on both long and short timescales. We finish by discussing some limitations of our method and outlining some avenues for further development. The trend-corrected data produced by our approach are publicly available.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sparse Correlation Kernel Analysis and Reconstruction

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    This paper presents a new paradigm for signal reconstruction and superresolution, Correlation Kernel Analysis (CKA), that is based on the selection of a sparse set of bases from a large dictionary of class- specific basis functions. The basis functions that we use are the correlation functions of the class of signals we are analyzing. To choose the appropriate features from this large dictionary, we use Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression and compare this to traditional Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the tasks of signal reconstruction, superresolution, and compression. The testbed we use in this paper is a set of images of pedestrians. This paper also presents results of experiments in which we use a dictionary of multiscale basis functions and then use Basis Pursuit De-Noising to obtain a sparse, multiscale approximation of a signal. The results are analyzed and we conclude that 1) when used with a sparse representation technique, the correlation function is an effective kernel for image reconstruction and superresolution, 2) for image compression, PCA and SVM have different tradeoffs, depending on the particular metric that is used to evaluate the results, 3) in sparse representation techniques, L_1 is not a good proxy for the true measure of sparsity, L_0, and 4) the L_epsilon norm may be a better error metric for image reconstruction and compression than the L_2 norm, though the exact psychophysical metric should take into account high order structure in images

    Saliency Prediction for Mobile User Interfaces

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    We introduce models for saliency prediction for mobile user interfaces. A mobile interface may include elements like buttons, text, etc. in addition to natural images which enable performing a variety of tasks. Saliency in natural images is a well studied area. However, given the difference in what constitutes a mobile interface, and the usage context of these devices, we postulate that saliency prediction for mobile interface images requires a fresh approach. Mobile interface design involves operating on elements, the building blocks of the interface. We first collected eye-gaze data from mobile devices for free viewing task. Using this data, we develop a novel autoencoder based multi-scale deep learning model that provides saliency prediction at the mobile interface element level. Compared to saliency prediction approaches developed for natural images, we show that our approach performs significantly better on a range of established metrics.Comment: Paper accepted at WACV 201
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