787 research outputs found

    The Palaeographical Method under the Light of a Digital Approach

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    This paper has the twofold aim of reflecting upon a humanities computing approach to palaeography, and of making such reflections - together with its related experimental results - fruitful at the implementation level. Firstly, the paper explores the methodological issues related to the use of a digital tool to support the palaeographical analysis of medieval handwriting. It claims that humanities computing methods can assist in making explicit those processes of the palaeographical research that encompass detailed analyses, in particular of the handwriting and, more generally, of other idiosyncratic features of written cultural artefacts. Thus, palaeographical tools are to be contextualised and used within a broader methodological framework where their role is to mediate the vision, the comparison, the representation, the analysis and the interpretation of these objects. Secondly, the paper attempts to evaluate the experimentations carried out with a specific software and, in so doing, to test a humanities computing approach to palaeography at a practical level, so as to direct future implementations. Some of these implementations have already been carried out by the current developers of the application in question with whom the author collaborates closely, while others are still in progress and in need of future iterative refinements

    Manuscript transcription by crowdsourcing: Transcribe Bentham

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    Transcribe Bentham is testing the feasibility of outsourcing the work of manuscript transcription to members of the public. UCL Library Services holds 60,000 folios of manuscripts of the philosopher and jurist Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). Transcribe Bentham will digitise 12,500 Bentham folios, and, through a wiki-based interface, allow volunteer transcribers to take temporary ownership of manuscript images and to create TEI-encoded transcription text for final approval by UCL experts. Approved transcripts will be stored and preserved, with the manuscript images, in UCL's public Digital Collections repository. The project makes innovative use of traditional Library material. It will stimulate public engagement with UCL's scholarly archive collections and the challenges of palaeography and manuscript transcription; it will raise the profile of the work and thought of Jeremy Bentham; and it will create new digital resources for future use by professional researchers. Towards the end of the project, the transcription tool will be made available to other projects and services

    Artificial intelligence based writer identification generates new evidence for the unknown scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa)

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    The Dead Sea Scrolls are tangible evidence of the Bible's ancient scribal culture. This study takes an innovative approach to palaeography-the study of ancient handwriting-as a new entry point to access this scribal culture. One of the problems of palaeography is to determine writer identity or difference when the writing style is near uniform. This is exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa). To this end, we use pattern recognition and artificial intelligence techniques to innovate the palaeography of the scrolls and to pioneer the microlevel of individual scribes to open access to the Bible's ancient scribal culture. We report new evidence for a breaking point in the series of columns in this scroll. Without prior assumption of writer identity, based on point clouds of the reduced-dimensionality feature-space, we found that columns from the first and second halves of the manuscript ended up in two distinct zones of such scatter plots, notably for a range of digital palaeography tools, each addressing very different featural aspects of the script samples. In a secondary, independent, analysis, now assuming writer difference and using yet another independent feature method and several different types of statistical testing, a switching point was found in the column series. A clear phase transition is apparent in columns 27-29. We also demonstrated a difference in distance variances such that the variance is higher in the second part of the manuscript. Given the statistically significant differences between the two halves, a tertiary, post-hoc analysis was performed using visual inspection of character heatmaps and of the most discriminative Fraglet sets in the script. Demonstrating that two main scribes, each showing different writing patterns, were responsible for the Great Isaiah Scroll, this study sheds new light on the Bible's ancient scribal culture by providing new, tangible evidence that ancient biblical texts were not copied by a single scribe only but that multiple scribes, while carefully mirroring another scribe's writing style, could closely collaborate on one particular manuscript

    Digital Paleography: Using the Digital Representation of Jawi Manuscripts to Support Paleographic Analysis

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    Palaeography is the study of ancient handwritten manuscripts to date the age and to localize ancient and medieval scripts. It also deals with analysing the development of the letters shape. Ancient Jawi manuscripts are one of the least studiedarea. Nowadays, over 7789 known Jawi manuscripts are kept in custody of various libraries in Malaysia. Most of these manuscripts were undated with unknown authors and location of origin. Analysing the different types of writing styles and recognizing the manuscript illuminations can discover this important information. In this paper, we discuss the palaeographical analysis from the perspective of computer science and propose a general framework for that. This process involves investigation of Arabic influence on the Jawi manuscript writings, establishing the palaeographical type of the script, and classification of writing styles based on local and global Jawi image features

    Digital Paleography: Using the Digital Representation of Jawi Manuscripts to Support Paleographic Analysis

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    Palaeography is the study of ancient handwritten manuscripts to date the age and to localize ancient and medieval scripts. It also deals with analysing the development of the letters shape. Ancient Jawi manuscripts are one of the least studiedarea. Nowadays, over 7789 known Jawi manuscripts are kept in custody of various libraries in Malaysia. Most of these manuscripts were undated with unknown authors and location of origin. Analysing the different types of writing styles and recognizing the manuscript illuminations can discover this important information. In this paper, we discuss the palaeographical analysis from the perspective of computer science and propose a general framework for that. This process involves investigation of Arabic influence on the Jawi manuscript writings, establishing the palaeographical type of the script, and classification of writing styles based on local and global Jawi image features

    Arabic Calligraphy Classification using Triangle Model for Digital Jawi Paleography Analysis

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    Calligraphy classification of the ancient manuscripts gives useful information to paleographers. Researches on digital paleography using calligraphy are done on the manuscripts to identify unidentified place of origin, number of writers, and the date of ancient manuscripts. Information that are used are features from characters, tangent value and features known as Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). For Digital Jawi Paleography, a novel technique is proposed based on the triangle. This technique defines three important coordinates in the image of each character and translates it into triangle geometry form. The features are extracted from the triangle to represent the Jawi (Arabic writing in Malay language) characters. Experiments have been conducted using seven Unsupervised Machine Learning (UML) algorithms and one Supervised Machine Learning (SML). This stage focuses on the accuracy of Arabic calligraphy classification. Hence, the model and test data are Arabic calligraphy letters taken from calligraphy books. The number of model is 711 for the UML and 1019 for the SML. Twelve features are extracted from the formed triangles used

    Arabic Calligraphy Identification for Digital Jawi Paleography using Triangle Blocks

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    Palaeography is the study of ancient handwritten manuscripts to date the age and to localize ancient and medieval scripts. It also deals with analysing the development of the letters shape. Ancient Jawi manuscripts are one of the least studied area. Nowadays, over 7789 known Jawi manuscripts are kept in custody of various libraries in Malaysia. Most of these manuscripts were undated with unknown authors and location of origin. Analysing the different types of writing styles and recognizing the manuscript illuminations can discover this important information. In this paper, we discuss the palaeographical analysis from the perspective of computer science and propose a general framework for that. This process involves investigation of Arabic influence on the Jawi manuscript writings, establishing the palaeographical type of the script, and classification of writing styles based on local and global Jawi image features

    Codicological Descriptions in the Digital Age

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    Although some of the traditional roles played by codicological descriptions in the print era have not changed when translated to digital environments, other roles have been redefined and new ones have emerged. It has become apparent that in digital form the relationship of codicological descriptions to the books they describe has undergone fundamental changes. This article offers an analysis of three of the most significant of these changes: 1) the emergence of new purposes of and uses for these descriptions, especially with respect to the usefulness of the highly specific and specialized technical language common to codicological descriptions; 2) a movement from a one-to-one relationship between a description and the codex that it represents to a one-to-many relationship between codices, descriptions, metadata, and digital images; and 3) the significance of a shift from the symmetry of using books to study other books to the asymmetry of using digital tools to represent and analyze books
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