50 research outputs found

    Image Analysis for MRI Based Brain Tumor Detection and Feature Extraction Using Biologically Inspired BWT and SVM

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    The segmentation, detection, and extraction of infected tumor area from magnetic resonance (MR) images are a primary concern but a tedious and time taking task performed by radiologists or clinical experts, and their accuracy depends on their experience only. So, the use of computer aided technology becomes very necessary to overcome these limitations. In this study, to improve the performance and reduce the complexity involves in the medical image segmentation process, we have investigated Berkeley wavelet transformation (BWT) based brain tumor segmentation. Furthermore, to improve the accuracy and quality rate of the support vector machine (SVM) based classifier, relevant features are extracted from each segmented tissue. The experimental results of proposed technique have been evaluated and validated for performance and quality analysis on magnetic resonance brain images, based on accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and dice similarity index coefficient. The experimental results achieved 96.51% accuracy, 94.2% specificity, and 97.72% sensitivity, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed technique for identifying normal and abnormal tissues from brain MR images. The experimental results also obtained an average of 0.82 dice similarity index coefficient, which indicates better overlap between the automated (machines) extracted tumor region with manually extracted tumor region by radiologists. The simulation results prove the significance in terms of quality parameters and accuracy in comparison to state-of-the-art techniques

    Detection and segmentation the affected brain using ThingSpeak platform based on IoT cloud analysis

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    The world has accelerated around a new industrial revolution called the Internet of Things, as this technology is expected to enter all aspects of industrial life, commercial and civil applications. The Internet of Things stands for highly important applications in the world of medical applications, which is the access to linking all medical clinics in the world into a single network capable of analyzing patient data and presenting it to medical professionals anywhere in the world. One of the medical applications in the Internet of Things is the discovery of a healthy human brain. This work proposes a health care system based on medical image analysis processes in the programmable ThingSpeak platform using MATLAB built into the platform within the cloud. The analysis is done using the MATLAB program within the Windows operating system and then the analysis is performed within ThingSpeak platform. The analysis includes classification process by using SVM classifier linear kernel in which we achieved 99.4% classification rate as well as using RBF kernel, which achieved 98.6% classification accuracy in classifying infected brains from healthy ones and the work was supported by cross validation technology to ensure effective classification accuracy. The patient brain is segmented then the tumor segment is isolated, its area is calculated, and the tumor boundaries are found, based on the k-mean technique, to support the specialist doctor when performing the analysis process in the cloud environment. Through this work we achieved a match in the analysis processes within the local environment, and ThingSpeak platform environment by 100%, and in order to support our work, we have automated the analysis, visualization and data transfer processes within the cloud and MATLAB environment

    Deep Learning-aided Brain Tumor Detection: An Initial ‎Experience based Cloud Framework ‎

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    Lately, the uncertainty of diagnosing diseases increased and spread due to the huge intertwined and ambiguity of symptoms, that leads to overwhelming and hindering the reliability of the diagnosis ‎process. Since tumor detection from ‎MRI scans depends mainly on the specialist experience, ‎misdetection will result an inaccurate curing that might cause ‎critical harm consequent results. In this paper, detection service for brain tumors is introduced as ‎an aiding function for both patients and specialist. The ‎paper focuses on automatic MRI brain tumor detection under a cloud based framework for multi-medical diagnosed services. The proposed CNN-aided deep architecture contains two phases: the features extraction phase followed by a detection phase. The contour ‎detection and binary segmentation were applied to extract the region ‎of interest and reduce the unnecessary information before injecting the data into the model for training. The brain tumor ‎data was obtained from Kaggle datasets, it contains 2062 cases, ‎‎1083 tumorous and 979 non-tumorous after preprocessing and ‎augmentation phases. The training and validation phases have been ‎done using different images’ sizes varied between (16, 16) to ‎‎ (128,128). The experimental results show 97.3% for detection ‎accuracy, 96.9% for Sensitivity, and 96.1% specificity. Moreover, ‎using small filters with such type of images ensures better and faster ‎performance with more deep learning.

    Automated Brain Tumor Detection from MRI Scans using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The brain, as the central nervous system's most critical part, can develop abnormal growths of cells known as tumors. Cancer is the term used to describe malignant tumors. Medical imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are commonly used to detect cancerous regions in the brain. Other techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET), cerebral arteriography, lumbar puncture, and molecular testing, are also utilized for brain tumor detection. MRI scans provide detailed information concerning delicate tissue, which aids in diagnosing brain tumors. MRI scan images are analyzed to assess the disease condition objectively. The proposed system aims to identify abnormal brain images from MRI scans accurately. The segmented mask can estimate the tumor's density, which is helpful in therapy. Deep learning techniques are employed to automatically extract features and detect abnormalities from MRI images. The proposed system utilizes a convolutional neural network (CNN), a popular deep learning technique, to analyze MRI images and identify abnormal brain scans with high accuracy. The system's training process involves feeding the CNN with large datasets of normal and abnormal MRI images to learn how to differentiate between the two. During testing, the system classifies MRI images as either normal or abnormal based on the learned features. The system's ability to accurately identify abnormal brain scans can aid medical practitioners in making informed decisions and providing better patient care. Additionally, the system's ability to estimate tumor density from the segmented mask provides additional information to guide therapy. The proposed system offers a promising solution for improving the accuracy and efficiency of brain tumor detection from MRI images, which is critical for early detection and treatment

    Ensemble Classifications of Wavelets based GLCM Texture Feature from MR Human Head Scan Brain Slices Analysis

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    This paper presents an automatic image analysis of multi-model views of MR brain using ensemble classifications of wavelets based texture feature. Primarily, an input MR image has pre-processed for an enhancement process. Then, the pre-processed image is decomposed into different frequency sub-band image using 2D stationary and discrete wavelet transform. The GLCM texture feature information is extracted from the above low-frequency sub band image of 2D discrete and stationary wavelet transform. The extracted texture features are given as an input to ensemble classifiers of Gentle Boost and Bagged Tree classifiers to recognize the appropriate image samples. Image abnormality has extracted from the recognized abnormal image samples of classifiers using multi-level Otsu thresholding. Finally, the performance of two ensemble classifiers performance has analyzed using sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and MCC measures of two different wavelet based GLCM texture features. The resultant proposed feature extraction technique achieves the maximum level of accuracy is 90.70% with the fraction of 0.78 MCC value

    DiaMe: IoMT deep predictive model based on threshold aware region growing technique

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    Medical images magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis is a very challenging domain especially in the segmentation process for predicting tumefactions with high accuracy. Although deep learning techniques achieve remarkable success in classification and segmentation phases, it remains a rich area to investigate, due to the variance of tumefactions sizes, locations and shapes. Moreover, the high fusion between tumors and their anatomical appearance causes an imprecise detection for tumor boundaries. So, using hybrid segmentation technique will strengthen the reliability and generality of the diagnostic model. This paper presents an automated hybrid segmentation approach combined with convolution neural network (CNN) model for brain tumor detection and prediction, as one of many offered functions by the previously introduced IoMT medical service “DiaMe”. The developed model aims to improve extracting region of interest (ROI), especially with the variation sizes of tumor and its locations; and hence improve the overall performance of detecting the tumor. The MRI brain tumor dataset obtained from Kaggle, where all needed augmentation, edge detection, contouring and binarization are presented. The results showed 97.32% accuracy for detection, 96.5% Sensitivity, and 94.8% for specificity

    NaĂŻve Bayesian Classification Based Glioma Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix Method

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    Brain tumors vary widely in size and form, making detection and diagnosis difficult. This study's main aim is to identify abnormal brain images., classify them from normal brain images, and then segment the tumor areas from the categorised brain images. In this study, we offer a technique based on the Nave Bayesian classification approach that can efficiently identify and segment brain tumors. Noises are identified and filtered out during the preprocessing phase of tumor identification. After preprocessing the brain image, GLCM and probabilistic properties are extracted. Naive Bayesian classifier is then used to train and label the retrieved features. When the tumors in a brain picture have been categorised, the watershed segmentation approach is used to isolate the tumors. This paper's brain pictures are from the BRATS 2015 data collection. The suggested approach has a classification rate of 99.2% for MR pictures of normal brain tissue and a rate of 97.3% for MR images of aberrant Glioma brain tissue. In this study, we provide a strategy for detecting and segmenting tumors that has a 97.54% Probability of Detection (POD), a 92.18% Probability of False Detection (POFD), a 98.17% Critical Success Index (CSI), and a 98.55% Percentage of Corrects (PC). The recommended Glioma brain tumour detection technique outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches in POD, POFD, CSI, and PC because it can identify tumour locations in abnormal brain images

    2D Encoding Convolution Neural Network Algorithm for Brain Tumour Prediction

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    In contemporary times, biomedical imaging plays a pivotal role in addressing various patient-related concerns.  Brain imaging, particularly through techniques like MRI, offers valuable insights crucial for surgical procedures, radiotherapy, treatment planning, and stereotactic neurosurgery. To facilitate the accurate identification of cancerous cells within the brain using MRI, deep learning and image classification techniques have been deployed. These technologies have paved the way for the development of automated tumor detection methods, which not only save valuable time for radiologists but also consistently deliver proven levels of accuracy. In contrast, the conventional approach to defect detection in magnetic resonance brain images relies on manual human inspection, a method rendered impractical due to the sheer volume of data This paper outlines an approach aimed at detecting and classifying brain tumors within patient MRI images. Additionally, it conducts a performance comparison of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models in this context

    An Automated Method for Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Level Set

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     In this paper, an automatic method has been proposed for tumor segmentation. In this method, a new energy function by introducing the feature tumor is determined implemented by level set. Multi-scale Morphology Fuzzy filter is applied to the image and its output determines the tumor feature. The initial contour selection is important in active contour models. Therefor the initial contour has been selected automatically by using Hough transform and morphology function. Experimental results on MR images verify the desirable performance of the proposed model in comparison with other methods

    Empirical Study of MRI Brain Tumor Edge Detection Algorithms

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    A brain tumor refers to the abnormal growth of cells that can be found in the brain or the skull. MRI is a type of advanced medical imaging that provides detailed information about the anatomy of the human soft tissues. Medical experts perform tumor segmentation using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data, which is an essential part of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Tumor detection refers to the methods that are used to diagnose cancer or other types of diseases. Edge detection is also one of the common methods that come under the process of treating medical images. The main objective of edge detection is discovering information about the shapes, transmission, and reflection of images. In this paper, we investigated the performance comparison MRI brain tumor edge detection Algorithms. The Canny, and Prewitt are used for investigation. As result, Canny edge detection is better than Prewitt in term of clarity and visibility for the tumor