5 research outputs found

    Computer vision for advanced driver assistance systems

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    Computer vision for advanced driver assistance systems

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    Image Alignment by Piecewise Planar Region Matching

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    Robust image registration is a challenging problem, especially when dealing with severe changes in illumination and viewpoint. Previous methods assume a global geometric model (e.g., homography) and, hence, are only able to align images under predefined constraints (e.g., planar scenes and parallax-free camera motion). However, these constraints may not hold for natural scenes and uncontrolled imaging conditions. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel method which approximates image regions with planes by incorporating piecewise local geometric models. The approximated planar regions are obtained by exploiting a hierarchical figure-ground segmentation method. Each such planar region assumes an affine transformation. To achieve the alignment of the planar regions, an energy function is defined which employs intensity, a key-point descriptor, and geometric information under a global constraint. By re-segmenting and re-merging planar regions iteratively in an energy minimization framework, the method is able to align images even under significant changes in illumination and viewpoint. Experiments on two datasets show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art, especially in the case of large appearance variations and it is, therefore, applicable to web-images (i.e., unconstrained setting) which are taken from the same scene with different viewpoints