1,074 research outputs found

    Human ≠ AGI

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    Terms Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Human-Level Artificial Intelligence (HLAI) have been used interchangeably to refer to the Holy Grail of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research, creation of a machine capable of achieving goals in a wide range of environments. However, widespread implicit assumption of equivalence between capabilities of AGI and HLAI appears to be unjustified, as humans are not general intelligences. In this paper, we will prove this distinction

    Artificial Intelligence Is No Match for Human Stupidity: Ethical Reflections on Avatars and Agents

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    What should our ethical concerns be in a future with ‘Artificially Intelligent’ agents? The zeitgeist of AI agents often envisions a future encompassing a hyper intelligent singularity. In this worldview, AI “monsters” appear very separate from us as, abstracted, ethically ungrounded omnipotent overlords. A world of superintelligences that have moved beyond our comprehension, with no ethical restraint. In this polemic, I explore a different future. I examine how realistic digital humans pose a very real ethical dilemma, as we assume intelligence based on their appearance, leading to an abdication of responsibility. I explore the future of realistic digital agents and avatars, and ask: what does this human-like form say about us? How will we judge ourselves when the computer, looks like us? I argue that the singularity is unlikely and thus the primary ethical concern is not some superhuman AI intelligence, but in how we, ourselves, treat these digital humans

    The Neganthropocene

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    In the essays and lectures here titled Neganthropocene, Stiegler opens an entirely new front moving beyond the dead-end “banality” of the Anthropocene. Stiegler stakes out a battleplan to proceed beyond, indeed shrugging off, the fulfillment of nihilism that the era of climate chaos ushers in

    SURPRISING ENERGY FUTURES : Neo-Carbon Energy Futures Clinique V

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    This report describes the process and results of futures clinique Surprising Energy Futures: Anticipating Discontinuities and Testing Resilience of Renewable Energy World with Black Swans, held on 17 May 2017 at Sitra, Helsinki. The event was the fifth futures clinique within the foresight part of the research project Neo-Carbon Enabling Neo-Growth Society – Transformative Scenarios 2050, conducted by Finland Futures Research Centre. The aim of the event was to contribute to the four transformative societal scenarios of Neo-Carbon Energy project. The event consisted of presentations and intermittent working sessions. Dr. Karlheinz SteinmĂŒller discussed the topic of Black Swans and VUCA World, with comments by Prof. Jarno LimnĂ©ll

    The Web at 25 in the U.S.: Digital Life in 2025

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    This report is part of an effort by the Pew Research Center's Internet Project in association with Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center to look at the future of the Internet, the Web, and other digital activities. This is the first of eight reports based on a canvassing of hundreds of experts about the future of such things as privacy, cybersecurity, the "Internet of things," and net neutrality. In this case we asked experts to make their own predictions about the state of digital life by the year 2025. We will also explore some of the economic change driven by the spectacular progress that made digital tools faster and cheaper. And we will report on whether Americans feel the explosion of digital information coursing through their lives has helped them be better informed and make better decisions

    How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Understanding ‘alien’ thought

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    The Landscape of Artificial Intelligence Ethics: Analysis of Developments, Challenges, and Comparison of Different Markets

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementArtificial Intelligence has become a disruptive force in the everyday lives of billions of people worldwide, and the impact it has will only increase in the future. Be it an algorithm that knows precisely what we want before we are consciously aware of it or a fully automized and weaponized drone that decides in a fraction of a second if it may strike a lethal attack or not. Those algorithms are here to stay. Even if the world could come together and ban, e.g., algorithm-based weaponized systems, there would still be many systems that unintentionally harm individuals and whole societies. Therefore, we must think of AI with Ethical considerations to mitigate the harm and bias of human design, especially with the data on which the machine consciousness is created. Although it may just be an algorithm for a simple automated task, like visual classification, the outcome can have discriminatory results with long-term consequences. This thesis explores the developments and challenges of Artificial Intelligence Ethics in different markets based on specific factors, aims to answer scientific questions, and seeks to raise new ones for future research. Furthermore, measurements and approaches for mitigating risks that lead to such harmful algorithmic decisions and identifying global differences in this field are the main objectives of this research

    AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs

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    This report is the latest in a sustained effort throughout 2014 by the Pew Research Center's Internet Project to mark the 25th anniversary of the creation of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-Lee (The Web at 25).The report covers experts' views about advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, and their impact on jobs and employment
