4,571 research outputs found

    Fractional Integral and Generalized Stieltjes Transforms for Hypergeometric Functions as Transmutation Operators

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    For each of the eight nn-th derivative parameter changing formulas for Gauss hypergeometric functions a corresponding fractional integration formula is given. For both types of formulas the differential or integral operator is intertwining between two actions of the hypergeometric differential operator (for two sets of parameters): a so-called transmutation property. This leads to eight fractional integration formulas and four generalized Stieltjes transform formulas for each of the six different explicit solutions of the hypergeometric differential equation, by letting the transforms act on the solutions. By specialization two Euler type integral representations for each of the six solutions are obtained

    Fast Large Scale Structure Perturbation Theory using 1D FFTs

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    The usual fluid equations describing the large-scale evolution of mass density in the universe can be written as local in the density, velocity divergence, and velocity potential fields. As a result, the perturbative expansion in small density fluctuations, usually written in terms of convolutions in Fourier space, can be written as a series of products of these fields evaluated at the same location in configuration space. Based on this, we establish a new method to numerically evaluate the 1-loop power spectrum (i.e., Fourier transform of the 2-point correlation function) with one-dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms. This is exact and a few orders of magnitude faster than previously used numerical approaches. Numerical results of the new method are in excellent agreement with the standard quadrature integration method. This fast model evaluation can in principle be extended to higher loop order where existing codes become painfully slow. Our approach follows by writing higher order corrections to the 2-point correlation function as, e.g., the correlation between two second-order fields or the correlation between a linear and a third-order field. These are then decomposed into products of correlations of linear fields and derivatives of linear fields. The method can also be viewed as evaluating three-dimensional Fourier space convolutions using products in configuration space, which may also be useful in other contexts where similar integrals appear.Comment: 10+4 pages, published versio

    Geometrical foundations of fractional supersymmetry

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    A deformed qq-calculus is developed on the basis of an algebraic structure involving graded brackets. A number operator and left and right shift operators are constructed for this algebra, and the whole structure is related to the algebra of a qq-deformed boson. The limit of this algebra when qq is a nn-th root of unity is also studied in detail. By means of a chain rule expansion, the left and right derivatives are identified with the charge QQ and covariant derivative DD encountered in ordinary/fractional supersymmetry and this leads to new results for these operators. A generalized Berezin integral and fractional superspace measure arise as a natural part of our formalism. When qq is a root of unity the algebra is found to have a non-trivial Hopf structure, extending that associated with the anyonic line. One-dimensional ordinary/fractional superspace is identified with the braided line when qq is a root of unity, so that one-dimensional ordinary/fractional supersymmetry can be viewed as invariance under translation along this line. In our construction of fractional supersymmetry the qq-deformed bosons play a role exactly analogous to that of the fermions in the familiar supersymmetric case.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    An Integral Equation Involving Legendre Functions

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    Rodrigues’s formula can be applied also to (1.1) and (1.3) but here the situation is slightly more involved in that the integrals with respect to σ^2 are of fractional order and their inversion requires the knowledge of differentiation and integration of fractional order. In spite of this complication the method has its merits and seems more direct than that employed in [1] and [3]. Moreover, once differentiation and integration of fractional order are used, it seems appropriate to allow a derivative of fractional order with respect to σ^-1 to appear so that the ultraspherical polynomial in (1.3) may be replaced by an (associated) Legendre function. This will be done in the present paper