842 research outputs found

    Report of the Stanford Linked Data Workshop

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    The Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources (SULAIR) with the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) conducted at week-long workshop on the prospects for a large scale, multi-national, multi-institutional prototype of a Linked Data environment for discovery of and navigation among the rapidly, chaotically expanding array of academic information resources. As preparation for the workshop, CLIR sponsored a survey by Jerry Persons, Chief Information Architect emeritus of SULAIR that was published originally for workshop participants as background to the workshop and is now publicly available. The original intention of the workshop was to devise a plan for such a prototype. However, such was the diversity of knowledge, experience, and views of the potential of Linked Data approaches that the workshop participants turned to two more fundamental goals: building common understanding and enthusiasm on the one hand and identifying opportunities and challenges to be confronted in the preparation of the intended prototype and its operation on the other. In pursuit of those objectives, the workshop participants produced:1. a value statement addressing the question of why a Linked Data approach is worth prototyping;2. a manifesto for Linked Libraries (and Museums and Archives and …);3. an outline of the phases in a life cycle of Linked Data approaches;4. a prioritized list of known issues in generating, harvesting & using Linked Data;5. a workflow with notes for converting library bibliographic records and other academic metadata to URIs;6. examples of potential “killer apps” using Linked Data: and7. a list of next steps and potential projects.This report includes a summary of the workshop agenda, a chart showing the use of Linked Data in cultural heritage venues, and short biographies and statements from each of the participants

    Bibliographic Control in the Digital Ecosystem

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    With the contributions of international experts, the book aims to explore the new boundaries of universal bibliographic control. Bibliographic control is radically changing because the bibliographic universe is radically changing: resources, agents, technologies, standards and practices. Among the main topics addressed: library cooperation networks; legal deposit; national bibliographies; new tools and standards (IFLA LRM, RDA, BIBFRAME); authority control and new alliances (Wikidata, Wikibase, Identifiers); new ways of indexing resources (artificial intelligence); institutional repositories; new book supply chain; “discoverability” in the IIIF digital ecosystem; role of thesauri and ontologies in the digital ecosystem; bibliographic control and search engines

    A Mixed-methods approach to indirect translation : A case study of the Finnish translations of modern Greek prose 1952–2004

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    In this dissertation, I study indirect translation. Indirect translation is a translation made from a translation, and it may include compilative and/or collaborative practices, that is, many source texts may be used, or the translator may collaborate with someone. The case study in this dissertation consists of 22 novels translated from Modern Greek into Finnish between 1952 and 2004. Indirect translation is studied from the perspectives of status (what translations are claimed to be), origin (what the genesis of a translation was like), and features (what kind of linguistic features translations have), and the findings are contextualized by examining the culture-bound norms governing the production of translations. The framework, proposed by Delabastita (2008), stems from descriptive translation studies (Toury 1995/2012). In this study, mixed methods are used. One the one hand, the materials are mixed, comprising paratexts, translator bios, the 22 novels, and a corpus of translated and non-translated Finnish novels. On the other hand, both quantitative and qualitative methods are employed, including paratextual analysis, methods of genetic translation criticism and textual criticism, and corpus research tools. In one article of this study, the analysis shows that, although bibliographical metadata offers information on the status of translations, this information is not always in line with whether the translations were done directly or indirectly. In another article, the origins of a compilative translation are studied to uncover how translators work when using several source texts. In the third article, the study of features suggests that the linguistic profile of indirect translations is different from those of direct translations and non-translated Finnish texts. In the fourth article, the study of norms shows that, in Finland, attitudes towards indirect translation are negative, and translators may use compilative and collaborative strategies to respond to criticisms. The mixed-methods approach allows us to gain a holistic picture of indirect translation. In addition, the present study shows that indirect translation challenges the idea of the source text–target text relationship as exclusive, binary, and unidirectional.Tämän väitöskirjan aiheena on välikielten kautta kääntäminen. Välikielinen käännös tehdään käännöksestä. Sen lähtöteksteinä voi myös toimia samanaikaisesti useampia käännöksiä (ns. kompilatiivinen käännös), minkä lisäksi kääntäjä voi tehdä yhteistyötä eri toimijoiden kanssa (ns. kollaboratiivinen käännös). Tutkimus koostuu neljästä artikkelista, ja siinä tutkitaan on 22 vuosina 1952–2004 suomennettua nykykreikkalaista romaania. Välikielten kautta kääntämistä tutkitaan tarkastelemalla käännösten statusta (mitä käännösten sanotaan olevan), syntyä (miten käännökset ovat syntyneet) ja piirteitä (millaisia käännösten kielelliset piirteet ovat). Löydökset kontekstualisoidaan käännösten syntyä määrittävien kulttuurisidonnaisten normien tarkastelun kautta. Dirk Delabastitan (2008) kehittämä viitekehys kuuluu deskriptiivisen käännöstieteen perinteeseen (Toury 1995/2012). Tutkimusasetelma on monimenetelmäinen. Aineisto koostuu parateksteistä, kääntäjien biografioista, 22 romaanista ja vertailukorpuksesta, joka sisältää suomeksi alunperin kirjoitettuja ja suomeksi käännettyjä romaaneja. Tutkimuksessa käytetään sekä määrällisiä että laadullisia menetelmiä: siinä yhdistellään paratekstien analyysia, geneettisen käännöskritiikin ja tekstikritiikin keinoja sekä korpuspohjaisen käännöstieteen työkaluja. Yksi artikkeleista osoittaa, että vaikka bibliografinen metadata sisältää tietoa käännösten statuksesta, se ei välttämättä kerro totuutta siitä, tehtiinkö käännökset suoraan vai välikielten kautta. Toisessa artikkelissa tutkitaan kompilatiivisen käännöksen syntyprosessia sen selvittämiseksi, miten kääntäjä käyttää useampaa lähtötekstiä. Kolmannessa artikkelissa havaitaan, että välikielten kautta tehtyjen käännösten kielelliset piirteet eroavat suorien käännösten ja suomeksi alunperin kirjoitettujen tekstien piirteistä. Neljännessä artikkelissa normien tarkastelu paljastaa, että asenteet välikielten kautta kääntämistä kohtaan ovat Suomessa negatiiviset ja että kääntäjät saattavat kääntää kompilatiivisesti ja/tai kollaboratiivisesti vastatakseen kritiikkiin. Monimenetelmäisen tutkimusotteen ansiosta välikielten kautta kääntämisestä saadaan holistinen kuva. Kaikkiaan välikielten kautta kääntäminen ja sen tutkiminen haastavat sen ajatuksen, että lähtö- ja tuloteksti ovat luonteeltaan toisensa poissulkeva pari, joiden suhde on yksisuuntainen

    Knowledge Management Systems in Museums: the Next Generation for Assimilating Museum Information Resources in an Electronic Environment

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    This thesis focuses on knowledge management practices, tools, and systems and how it can play a vital role for managing collections in museums. The purpose of knowledge management would be to control information across disparate collections and departments within museums. The process of gathering. collecting and storing various data will help institutions achieve cost-effective solutions for a successful information management system. Implementing the concept and applications of knowledge management would create a culture that would encourage knowledge sharing among curators, registrars, directors of development and exhibition designers, to name a few. Further, it would establish museum-wide shared resources that would be available in one relational database for all to access, navigate, and contribute. However, facilitating this new museological concept presents many challenges and barriers. Advancements are being made through the development of knowledge tools, standards and other forms of technology. Overall, knowledge management would be beneficial in supporting the integration of museum informational resources (i.e, exhibition catalogs, press releases, memberships) in an electronic environment

    Contemporary Architecture in Genoa since 1945—Knowledge and Use through Geoservices for the Citizen

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    The paper illustrates the enhancement of knowledge of architecture from 1945 onwards in Genoa by means of the publication on the Geoportal of the Municipality, which was developed with open-source systems, of a proper dataset and tools for digital storytelling for citizens. The implementation on the municipal Geoportal of a section called “Contemporary Architecture from 1945 onwards in Genoa” was made possible through collaboration between the University of Genoa Architecture and Design Department (DAD) and the Municipality of Genoa Office for Geographical Information Systems. The data related to the buildings in the Municipality of Genoa were extracted from a previous study about contemporary architecture in Liguria carried out by DAD. The case study introduced two tools for the promotion and enhancement of knowledge of such architecture, a map on which the buildings are located and associated with an information form and geostories with in-depth information on selected buildings, the latter of which can be sorted based on thematic itineraries or by author. The use of integrated services contributes to the competitiveness and sustainability of the city, raising citizens’ awareness of the value of the architecture of the second half of the 20th century and thus activating conservation processes as advocated in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations General Assembly

    Special Libraries, January 1941

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    Volume 32, Issue 1https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1941/1000/thumbnail.jp

    New Renaissance (The)

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    Les sages de ce comité ont procédé à l\u27étude du projet de numérisation de l\u27ensemble du patrimoine culturel européen et proposent dans ce rapport une série de recommandations visant à encadrer cet ambitieux programme afin de : -partager notre patrimoine commun, dans toute sa richesse et sa diversité ; - relier notre passé à notre présent ; - préserver cet héritage pour les générations futures ; - protéger les intérêts des créateurs européens ; - favoriser la créativité, celles des professionnels comme celles des amateur

    Conference on Grey Literature and Repositories

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    Subject retrieval from full-text databases in the humanities

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    This paper examines the problems involved in subject retrieval from full-text databases of secondary materials in the humanities. Ten such databases were studied and their search functionality evaluated, focusing on factors such as Boolean operators, document surrogates, limiting by subject area, proximity operators, phrase searching, wildcards, weighting of search terms, limiting by type of document, controlled vocabulary indexing and ranking, and display of search results. The author suggests ways in which full-text searching might be improved, whether by enhancement of database records, by introduction of enhanced search functionality, or by the education of searchers in more effective search techniques. The conclusion is that current digitisation projects are not producing databases that meet the needs of scholars