14 research outputs found

    Endpoints and Interdependencies in Internet of Things Residual Artifacts: Measurements, Analyses, and Insights into Defenses

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    The usage of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is growing fast. Moreover, the lack of security measures among the IoT devices and their persistent online connection give adversaries an opportunity to exploit them for multiple types of attacks, such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS). To understand the risks of IoT devices, we analyze IoT malware from an endpoint standpoint. We investigate the relationship between endpoints infected and attacked by IoT malware, and gain insights into the underlying dynamics in the malware ecosystem. We observe the affinities and different patterns among endpoints. Towards this, we reverse-engineer 2,423 IoT malware samples and extract IP addresses from them. We further gather information about these endpoints from Internet-wide scans. For masked IP addresses, we examine their network distribution, with networks accumulating more than 100 million endpoints. Moreover, we conduct a network penetration analysis, leveraging information such as active ports, vulnerabilities, and organizations. We discover the possibility of ports being an entry point of attack and observe the low presence of vulnerable services in dropzones. Our analysis shows the tolerance of organizations towards endpoints with malicious intent. To understand the dependencies among malware, we highlight dropzone characteristics including spatial, network, and organizational affinities. Towards the analysis of dropzones\u27 interdependencies and dynamics, we identify dropzones chains. In particular, we identify 56 unique chains, which unveil coordination among different malware families. Our further analysis of chains suggests a centrality-based defense and monitoring mechanism to limit malware propagation. Finally, we propose a defense based on the observed measures, such as the blocked/blacklisted IP addresses or ports. In particular, we investigate network-level and country-level defenses, by blocking a list of ports that are not commonly used by benign applications, and study the underlying issues and possible solutions of such a defense

    A principled approach to measuring the IoT ecosystem

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    Internet of Things (IoT) devices combine network connectivity, cheap hardware, and actuation to provide new ways to interface with the world. In spite of this growth, little work has been done to measure the network properties of IoT devices. Such measurements can help to inform systems designers and security researchers of IoT networking behavior in practice to guide future research. Unfortunately, properly measuring the IoT ecosystem is not trivial. Devices may have different capabilities and behaviors, which require both active measurements and passive observation to quantify. Furthermore, the IoT devices that are connected to the public Internet may vary from those connected inside home networks, requiring both an external and internal vantage point to draw measurements from. In this thesis, we demonstrate how IoT measurements drawn from a single vantage point or mesaurement technique lead to a biased view of the network services in the IoT ecosystem. To do this, we conduct several real-world IoT measurements, drawn from both inside and outside home networks using active and passive monitoring. First, we leverage active scanning and passive observation in understanding the Mirai botnet---chiefly, we report on the devices it infected, the command and control infrastructure behind the botnet, and how the malware evolved over time. We then conduct active measurements from inside 16M home networks spanning 83M devices from 11~geographic regions to survey the IoT devices installed around the world. We demonstrate how these measurements can uncover the device types that are most at risk and the vendors who manufacture the weakest devices. We compare our measurements with passive external observation by detecting compromised scanning behavior from smart homes. We find that while passive external observation can drive insight about compromised networks, it offers little by way of concrete device attribution. We next compare our results from active external scanning with active internal scanning and show how relying solely on external scanning for IoT measurements under-reports security important IoT protocols, potentially skewing the services investigated by the security community. Finally, we conduct passive measurements of 275~smart home networks to investigate IoT behavior. We find that IoT device behavior varies by type and devices regularly communicate over a myriad of bespoke ports, in many cases to speak standard protocols (e.g., HTTP). Finally, we observe that devices regularly offer active services (e.g., Telnet, rpcbind) that are rarely, if ever, used in actual communication, demonstrating the need for both active and passive measurements to properly compare device capabilities and behaviors. Our results highlight the need for a confluence of measurement perspectives to comprehensively understand IoT ecosystem. We conclude with recommendations for future measurements of IoT devices as well as directions for the systems and security community informed by our work

    Examination of traditional botnet detection on Iot-based bots

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    A botnet is a collection of Internet-connected computers that have been suborned and are controlled externally for malicious purposes. Concomitant with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), botnets have been expanding to use IoT devices as their attack vectors. IoT devices utilise specific protocols and network topologies distinct from conventional computers that may render detection techniques ineffective on compromised IoT devices. This paper describes experiments involving the acquisition of several traditional botnet detection techniques, BotMiner, BotProbe, and BotHunter, to evaluate their capabilities when applied to IoT-based botnets. Multiple simulation environments, using internally developed network traffic generation software, were created to test these techniques on traditional and IoT-based networks, with multiple scenarios differentiated by the total number of hosts, the total number of infected hosts, the botnet command and control (CnC) type, and the presence of aberrant activity. Externally acquired datasets were also used to further test and validate the capabilities of each botnet detection technique. The results indicated, contrary to expectations, that BotMiner and BotProbe were able to detect IoT-based botnets—though they exhibited certain limitations specific to their operation. The results show that traditional botnet detection techniques are capable of detecting IoT-based botnets and that the different techniques may offer capabilities that complement one another

    Feature Space Modeling for Accurate and Efficient Learning From Non-Stationary Data

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    A non-stationary dataset is one whose statistical properties such as the mean, variance, correlation, probability distribution, etc. change over a specific interval of time. On the contrary, a stationary dataset is one whose statistical properties remain constant over time. Apart from the volatile statistical properties, non-stationary data poses other challenges such as time and memory management due to the limitation of computational resources mostly caused by the recent advancements in data collection technologies which generate a variety of data at an alarming pace and volume. Additionally, when the collected data is complex, managing data complexity, emerging from its dimensionality and heterogeneity, can pose another challenge for effective computational learning. The problem is to enable accurate and efficient learning from non-stationary data in a continuous fashion over time while facing and managing the critical challenges of time, memory, concept change, and complexity simultaneously. Feature space modeling is one of the most effective solutions to address this problem. For non-stationary data, selecting relevant features is even more critical than stationary data due to the reduction of feature dimension which can ensure the best use a computational resource to produce higher accuracy and efficiency by data mining algorithms. In this dissertation, we investigated a variety of feature space modeling techniques to improve the overall performance of data mining algorithms. In particular, we built Relief based feature sub selection method in combination with data complexity iv analysis to improve the classification performance using ovarian cancer image data collected in a non-stationary batch mode. We also collected time series health sensor data in a streaming environment and deployed feature space transformation using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). This led to reduced dimensionality of feature space resulting in better accuracy and efficiency produced by Density Ration Estimation Method in identifying potential change points in data over time. We have also built an unsupervised feature space modeling using matrix factorization and Lasso Regression which was successfully deployed in conjugate with Relative Density Ratio Estimation to address the botnet attacks in a non-stationary environment. Relief based feature model improved 16% accuracy of Fuzzy Forest classifier. For change detection framework, we observed 9% improvement in accuracy for PCA feature transformation. Due to the unsupervised feature selection model, for 2% and 5% malicious traffic ratio, the proposed botnet detection framework exhibited average 20% better accuracy than One Class Support Vector Machine (OSVM) and average 25% better accuracy than Autoencoder. All these results successfully demonstrate the effectives of these feature space models. The fundamental theme that repeats itself in this dissertation is about modeling efficient feature space to improve both accuracy and efficiency of selected data mining models. Every contribution in this dissertation has been subsequently and successfully employed to capitalize on those advantages to solve real-world problems. Our work bridges the concepts from multiple disciplines ineffective and surprising ways, leading to new insights, new frameworks, and ultimately to a cross-production of diverse fields like mathematics, statistics, and data mining

    Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting Malware-Infected IoT Devices and Characterizing Their Unsolicited Behaviors by Leveraging Passive Internet Measurements

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    Despite the benefits of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the insecurity of IoT and their deployment nature have turned them into attractive targets for adversaries, which contributed to the rise of IoT-tailored malware as a major threat to the Internet ecosystem. In this thesis, we address the threats associated with the emerging IoT malware, which utilize exploited devices to perform large-scale cyber attacks (e.g., DDoS). To mitigate such threat, there is a need to possess an Internet perspective of the deployed IoT devices while building a better understanding about the behavioral characteristic of malware-infected devices, which is challenging due to the lack of empirical data and knowledge about the deployed IoT devices and their behavioral characteristics. To address these challenges, in this thesis, we leverage passive Internet measurements and IoT device information to detect exploited IoT devices and investigate their generated traffic at the network telescope (darknet). We aim at proposing data-driven approaches for effective and near real-time IoT threat detection and characterization. Additionally, we leverage a specialized IoT Honeypot to analyze a large corpus of real IoT malware binary executable. We aim at building a better understanding about the current state of IoT malware while addressing the problems of IoT malware classification and family attribution. To this end, we perform the following to achieve our objectives: First, we address the lack of empirical data and knowledge about IoT devices and their activities. To this end, we leverage an online IoT search engine (e.g., Shodan.io) to obtain publicly available device information in the realms of consumer and cyber-physical system (CPS), while utilizing passive network measurements collected at a large-scale network telescope (CAIDA), to infer compromised devices and their unsolicited activities. Indeed, we were among the first to report experimental results on detecting compromised IoT devices and their behavioral characteristics in the wild, while demonstrating their active involvement in large-scale malware-generated malicious activities such as Internet scanning. Additionally, we leverage the IoT-generated backscatter traffic towards the network telescope to shed light on IoT devices that were victims of intensive Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Second, given the highly orchestrated nature of IoT-driven cyber-attacks, we focus on the analysis of IoT-generated scanning activities to detect and characterize scanning campaigns generated by IoT botnets. To this end, we aggregate IoT-generated traffic and performing association rules mining to infer campaigns through common scanning objectives represented by targeted destination ports. Further, we leverage behavioural characteristics and aggregated flow features to correlate IoT devices using DBSCAN clustering algorithm. Indeed, our findings shed light on compromised IoT devices, which tend to operate within well coordinated IoT botnets. Third, considering the huge number of IoT devices and the magnitude of their malicious scanning traffic, we focus on addressing the operational challenges to automate large-scale campaign detection and analysis while generating threat intelligence in a timely manner. To this end, we leverage big data analytic frameworks such as Apache Spark to develop a scalable system for automated detection of infected IoT devices and characterization of their scanning activities using our proposed approach. Our evaluation results with over 4TB of IoT traffic demonstrated the effectiveness of the system to infer scanning campaigns generated by IoT botnets. Moreover, we demonstrate the feasibility of the implemented system/framework as a platform for implementing further supporting applications, which leverage passive Internet measurement for characterizing IoT traffic and generating IoT-related threat intelligence. Fourth, we take first steps towards mitigating threats associated with the rise of IoT malware by creating a better understanding about the characteristics and inter-relations of IoT malware. To this end, we analyze about 70,000 IoT malware binaries obtained by a specialized IoT honeypot in the past two years. We investigate the distribution of IoT malware across known families, while exploring their detection timeline and persistent. Moreover, while we shed light on the effectiveness of IoT honeypots in detecting new/unknown malware samples, we utilize static and dynamic malware analysis techniques to uncover adversarial infrastructure and investigate functional similarities. Indeed, our findings enable unknown malware labeling/attribution while identifying new IoT malware variants. Additionally, we collect malware-generated scanning traffic (whenever available) to explore behavioral characteristics and associated threats/vulnerabilities. We conclude this thesis by discussing research gaps that pave the way for future work

    Profiling IoT botnet activity

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    Undoubtedly, Internet of Things (IoT) devices have evolved into a necessity within our modern lifestyles. Nonetheless, IoT devices have proved to pose significant security risks due to their vulnerabilities and susceptibility to malware. Evidently, vulnerable IoT devices are enlisted by attackers to participate into Internet-wide botnets in order to instrument large-scale cyber-attacks and disrupt critical Internet services. Tracking these botnets is challenging due to their varying structural characteristics, and also due to the fact that malicious actors continuously adopt new evasion and propagation strategies. This thesis develops BotPro framework, a novel data-driven approach for profiling IoT botnet behaviour. BotPro provides a comprehensive approach for capturing and highlighting the behavioural properties of IoT botnets with respect to their structural and propagation properties across the global Internet. We implement the proposed framework using real-world data obtained from the measurement infrastructure that was designed in this thesis. Our measurement infrastructure gathers data from various sources, including globally distributed honeypots, regional Internet registries, global IP blacklists and routing topology. This diverse dataset forms a strong foundation for profiling IoT botnet activity, ensuring that our analysis accurately reflects behavioural patterns of botnets in real-world scenarios. BotPto encompasses diverse methods to profile IoT botnets, including information theory, statistical analysis, natural language processing, machine learning and graph theory. The framework’s results provide insights related to the structural properties as well as the evolving scanning and propagation strategies of IoT botnets. It also provides evidence on concentrated botnet activities and determines the effectiveness of widely used IP blacklists on capturing their evolving behaviour. In addition, the insights reveal the strategy adopted by IoT botnets in expanding their network and increasing their level of resilience. The results provide a compilation of the most important autonomous system(AS) attributes that frequently embrace IoT botnet activity as well as provide a novel macroscopic view on the influence of AS-level relationships with respect to IoT botnet propagation. Furthermore, It provides insights into the structural properties of botnet loaders with respect to the distribution of malware binaries of various strains. The insights generated by BotPro are essential to equip next generation automated cyber threat intelligence, intrusion detection systems and anomaly detection mechanisms with enriched information regarding evolving scanning, establishment and propagation strategies of new botnet variants. Industry will be equipped with even more improved ways to defend against emerging threats in the domains of cyber warfare, cyber tourism and cybercrime. The BotPro framework provides a comprehensive platform for stakeholders, including cybersecurity researchers, security analysts and network administrators to gain deep and meaningful insights into the sophisticated activities and behaviour exhibited by IoT botnets

    SETTI: A Self-supervised Adversarial Malware Detection Architecture in an IoT Environment

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    In recent years, malware detection has become an active research topic in the area of Internet of Things (IoT) security. The principle is to exploit knowledge from large quantities of continuously generated malware. Existing algorithms practice available malware features for IoT devices and lack real-time prediction behaviors. More research is thus required on malware detection to cope with real-time misclassification of the input IoT data. Motivated by this, in this paper we propose an adversarial self-supervised architecture for detecting malware in IoT networks, SETTI, considering samples of IoT network traffic that may not be labeled. In the SETTI architecture, we design three self-supervised attack techniques, namely Self-MDS, GSelf-MDS and ASelf-MDS. The Self-MDS method considers the IoT input data and the adversarial sample generation in real-time. The GSelf-MDS builds a generative adversarial network model to generate adversarial samples in the self-supervised structure. Finally, ASelf-MDS utilizes three well-known perturbation sample techniques to develop adversarial malware and inject it over the self-supervised architecture. Also, we apply a defence method to mitigate these attacks, namely adversarial self-supervised training to protect the malware detection architecture against injecting the malicious samples. To validate the attack and defence algorithms, we conduct experiments on two recent IoT datasets: IoT23 and NBIoT. Comparison of the results shows that in the IoT23 dataset, the Self-MDS method has the most damaging consequences from the attacker's point of view by reducing the accuracy rate from 98% to 74%. In the NBIoT dataset, the ASelf-MDS method is the most devastating algorithm that can plunge the accuracy rate from 98% to 77%.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 2 Tables, Submitted to ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Application

    An Approach to Guide Users Towards Less Revealing Internet Browsers

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    When browsing the Internet, HTTP headers enable both clients and servers send extra data in their requests or responses such as the User-Agent string. This string contains information related to the sender’s device, browser, and operating system. Previous research has shown that there are numerous privacy and security risks result from exposing sensitive information in the User-Agent string. For example, it enables device and browser fingerprinting and user tracking and identification. Our large analysis of thousands of User-Agent strings shows that browsers differ tremendously in the amount of information they include in their User-Agent strings. As such, our work aims at guiding users towards using less exposing browsers. In doing so, we propose to assign an exposure score to browsers based on the information they expose and vulnerability records. Thus, our contribution in this work is as follows: first, provide a full implementation that is ready to be deployed and used by users. Second, conduct a user study to identify the effectiveness and limitations of our proposed approach. Our implementation is based on using more than 52 thousand unique browsers. Our performance and validation analysis show that our solution is accurate and efficient. The source code and data set are publicly available and the solution has been deployed