1,193 research outputs found

    Cyber-security Risk Assessment

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    Cyber-security domain is inherently dynamic. Not only does system configuration changes frequently (with new releases and patches), but also new attacks and vulnerabilities are regularly discovered. The threat in cyber-security is human, and hence intelligent in nature. The attacker adapts to the situation, target environment, and countermeasures. Attack actions are also driven by attacker's exploratory nature, thought process, motivation, strategy, and preferences. Current security risk assessment is driven by cyber-security expert's theories about this attacker behavior. The goal of this dissertation is to automatically generate the cyber-security risk scenarios by: * Capturing diverse and dispersed cyber-security knowledge * Assuming that there are unknowns in the cyber-security domain, and new knowledge is available frequently * Emulating the attacker's exploratory nature, thought process, motivation, strategy, preferences and his/her interaction with the target environment * Using the cyber-security expert's theories about attacker behavior The proposed framework is designed by using the unique cyber-security domain requirements identified in this dissertation and by overcoming the limitations of current risk scenario generation frameworks. The proposed framework automates the risk scenario generation by using the knowledge as it becomes available (or changes). It supports observing, encoding, validating, and calibrating cyber-security expert's theories. It can also be used for assisting the red-teaming process. The proposed framework generates ranked attack trees and encodes the attacker behavior theories. These can be used for prioritizing vulnerability remediation. The proposed framework is currently being extended for developing an automated threat response framework that can be used to analyze and recommend countermeasures. This framework contains behavior driven countermeasures that uses the attacker behavior theories to lead the attacker away from the system to be protected

    Improving resilience to cyber-attacks by analysing system output impacts and costs

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    Cyber-attacks cost businesses millions of dollars every year, a key component of which is the cost of business disruption from system downtime. As cyber-attacks cannot all be prevented, there is a need to consider the cyber resilience of systems, i.e. the ability to withstand cyber-attacks and recover from them. Previous works discussing system cyber resilience typically either offer generic high-level guidance on best practices, provide limited attack modelling, or apply to systems with special characteristics. There is a lack of an approach to system cyber resilience evaluation that is generally applicable yet provides a detailed consideration for the system-level impacts of cyber-attacks and defences. We propose a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of actions intended to improve resilience to cyber-attacks, considering their impacts on system output performance, and monetary costs. It is intended for analysing attacks that can disrupt the system function, and involves modelling attack progression, system output production, response to attacks, and costs from cyber-attacks and defensive actions. Studies of three use cases demonstrate the implementation and usefulness of our methodology. First, in our redundancy planning study, we considered the effect of redundancy additions on mitigating the impacts of cyber-attacks on system output performance. We found that redundancy with diversity can be effective in increasing resilience, although the reduction in attack-related costs must be balanced against added maintenance costs. Second, our work on attack countermeasure selection shows that by considering system output impacts across the duration of an attack, one can find more cost-effective attack responses than without such considerations. Third, we propose an approach to mission viability analysis for multi-UAV deployments facing cyber-attacks, which can aid resource planning and determining if the mission can conclude successfully despite an attack. We provide different implementations of our model components, based on use case requirements.Open Acces

    Multi-hop Byzantine reliable broadcast with honest dealer made practical

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    We revisit Byzantine tolerant reliable broadcast with honest dealer algorithms in multi-hop networks. To tolerate Byzantine faulty nodes arbitrarily spread over the network, previous solutions require a factorial number of messages to be sent over the network if the messages are not authenticated (e.g., digital signatures are not available). We propose modifications that preserve the safety and liveness properties of the original unauthenticated protocols, while highly decreasing their observed message complexity when simulated on several classes of graph topologies, potentially opening to their employment

    Cyber Threat Intelligence Model: An Evaluation of Taxonomies, Sharing Standards, and Ontologies within Cyber Threat Intelligence

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    Cyber threat intelligence is the provision of evidence-based knowledge about existing or emerging threats. Benefits of threat intelligence include increased situational awareness and efficiency in security operations and improved prevention, detection, and response capabilities. To process, analyze, and correlate vast amounts of threat information and derive highly contextual intelligence that can be shared and consumed in meaningful times requires utilizing machine-understandable knowledge representation formats that embed the industry-required expressivity and are unambiguous. To a large extend, this is achieved by technologies like ontologies, interoperability schemas, and taxonomies. This research evaluates existing cyber-threat-intelligence-relevant ontologies, sharing standards, and taxonomies for the purpose of measuring their high-level conceptual expressivity with regards to the who, what, why, where, when, and how elements of an adversarial attack in addition to courses of action and technical indicators. The results confirmed that little emphasis has been given to developing a comprehensive cyber threat intelligence ontology with existing efforts not being thoroughly designed, non-interoperable and ambiguous, and lacking semantic reasoning capability

    Policy Conflict Management in Distributed SDN Environments

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    abstract: The ease of programmability in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) makes it a great platform for implementation of various initiatives that involve application deployment, dynamic topology changes, and decentralized network management in a multi-tenant data center environment. However, implementing security solutions in such an environment is fraught with policy conflicts and consistency issues with the hardness of this problem being affected by the distribution scheme for the SDN controllers. In this dissertation, a formalism for flow rule conflicts in SDN environments is introduced. This formalism is realized in Brew, a security policy analysis framework implemented on an OpenDaylight SDN controller. Brew has comprehensive conflict detection and resolution modules to ensure that no two flow rules in a distributed SDN-based cloud environment have conflicts at any layer; thereby assuring consistent conflict-free security policy implementation and preventing information leakage. Techniques for global prioritization of flow rules in a decentralized environment are presented, using which all SDN flow rule conflicts are recognized and classified. Strategies for unassisted resolution of these conflicts are also detailed. Alternately, if administrator input is desired to resolve conflicts, a novel visualization scheme is implemented to help the administrators view the conflicts in an aesthetic manner. The correctness, feasibility and scalability of the Brew proof-of-concept prototype is demonstrated. Flow rule conflict avoidance using a buddy address space management technique is studied as an alternate to conflict detection and resolution in highly dynamic cloud systems attempting to implement an SDN-based Moving Target Defense (MTD) countermeasures.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    A Game-Theoretic Decision-Making Framework for Engineering Self-Protecting Software Systems

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    Targeted and destructive nature of strategies used by attackers to break down a software system require mitigation approaches with dynamic awareness. Making a right decision, when facing today’s sophisticated and dynamic attacks, is one of the most challenging aspects of engineering self-protecting software systems. The challenge is due to: (i) the consideration of the satisfaction of various security and non-security quality goals and their inherit conflicts with each other when selecting a countermeasure, (ii) the proactive and dynamic nature of these security attacks which make their detection and consequently their mitigation challenging, and (iii) the incorporation of uncertainties such as the intention and strategy of the adversary to attack the software system. These factors motivated the need for a decision-making engine that facilitates adaptive security from a holistic view of the software system and the attacker. Inspired by game theory, in this research work, we model the interactions between the attacker and the software system as a two-player game. Using game-theoretic techniques, the self-protecting software systems is able to: (i) fuse the strategies of attackers into the decision-making model, and (ii) refine the strategies in dynamic attack scenarios by utilizing what has learned from the system’s and adversary’s interactions. This PhD research devises a novel framework with three phases: (i) modeling quality/malicious goals aiming at quantifying them into the decision-making engine, (ii) designing game-theoretic techniques which build the decision model based on the satisfaction level of quality/malicious goals, and (iii) realizing the decision-making engine in a working software system. The framework aims at exhibiting a plug-and-play capability to adapt a game-theoretic technique that suite security goals and requirements of the software. In order to illustrate the plug-and-play capability of our proposed framework, we have designed and developed three decision-making engines. Each engine aims at addressing a different challenge in adaptive security. Hence, three distinct techniques are designed: (i) incentive-based (“IBSP”), (ii) learning-based (“MARGIN”), and (iii) uncertainty-based (“UBSP”). For each engine a game-theoretic approach is taken considering the security requirements and the input information. IBSP maps the quality goals and the incentives of the attacker to the interdependencies among defense and attack strategies. MARGIN, protects the software system against dynamic strategies of attacker. UBSP, handles adversary-type uncertainty. The evaluations of these game-theoretic approaches show the benefits of the proposed framework in terms of satisfaction of security and non-security goals of the software system

    Attack graph approach to dynamic network vulnerability analysis and countermeasures

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyIt is widely accepted that modern computer networks (often presented as a heterogeneous collection of functioning organisations, applications, software, and hardware) contain vulnerabilities. This research proposes a new methodology to compute a dynamic severity cost for each state. Here a state refers to the behaviour of a system during an attack; an example of a state is where an attacker could influence the information on an application to alter the credentials. This is performed by utilising a modified variant of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), referred to as a Dynamic Vulnerability Scoring System (DVSS). This calculates scores of intrinsic, time-based, and ecological metrics by combining related sub-scores and modelling the problem’s parameters into a mathematical framework to develop a unique severity cost. The individual static nature of CVSS affects the scoring value, so the author has adapted a novel model to produce a DVSS metric that is more precise and efficient. In this approach, different parameters are used to compute the final scores determined from a number of parameters including network architecture, device setting, and the impact of vulnerability interactions. An attack graph (AG) is a security model representing the chains of vulnerability exploits in a network. A number of researchers have acknowledged the attack graph visual complexity and a lack of in-depth understanding. Current attack graph tools are constrained to only limited attributes or even rely on hand-generated input. The automatic formation of vulnerability information has been troublesome and vulnerability descriptions are frequently created by hand, or based on limited data. The network architectures and configurations along with the interactions between the individual vulnerabilities are considered in the method of computing the Cost using the DVSS and a dynamic cost-centric framework. A new methodology was built up to present an attack graph with a dynamic cost metric based on DVSS and also a novel methodology to estimate and represent the cost-centric approach for each host’ states was followed out. A framework is carried out on a test network, using the Nessus scanner to detect known vulnerabilities, implement these results and to build and represent the dynamic cost centric attack graph using ranking algorithms (in a standardised fashion to Mehta et al. 2006 and Kijsanayothin, 2010). However, instead of using vulnerabilities for each host, a CostRank Markov Model has developed utilising a novel cost-centric approach, thereby reducing the complexity in the attack graph and reducing the problem of visibility. An analogous parallel algorithm is developed to implement CostRank. The reason for developing a parallel CostRank Algorithm is to expedite the states ranking calculations for the increasing number of hosts and/or vulnerabilities. In the same way, the author intends to secure large scale networks that require fast and reliable computing to calculate the ranking of enormous graphs with thousands of vertices (states) and millions of arcs (representing an action to move from one state to another). In this proposed approach, the focus on a parallel CostRank computational architecture to appraise the enhancement in CostRank calculations and scalability of of the algorithm. In particular, a partitioning of input data, graph files and ranking vectors with a load balancing technique can enhance the performance and scalability of CostRank computations in parallel. A practical model of analogous CostRank parallel calculation is undertaken, resulting in a substantial decrease in calculations communication levels and in iteration time. The results are presented in an analytical approach in terms of scalability, efficiency, memory usage, speed up and input/output rates. Finally, a countermeasures model is developed to protect against network attacks by using a Dynamic Countermeasures Attack Tree (DCAT). The following scheme is used to build DCAT tree (i) using scalable parallel CostRank Algorithm to determine the critical asset, that system administrators need to protect; (ii) Track the Nessus scanner to determine the vulnerabilities associated with the asset using the dynamic cost centric framework and DVSS; (iii) Check out all published mitigations for all vulnerabilities. (iv) Assess how well the security solution mitigates those risks; (v) Assess DCAT algorithm in terms of effective security cost, probability and cost/benefit analysis to reduce the total impact of a specific vulnerability

    Regional security assessments : a strategic approach to securing federal facilities

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    CHDS State/LocalThe 18 critical infrastructure sectors identified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security form a vast and complex network of interdependent assets that supports the functioning of nearly every aspect of business, government, and commerce. The disruption of even one critical infrastructure sector by a terrorist attack or natural or manmade disaster is likely to have cascading effects on other sectors. As the Sector-Specific Agency for the Government Facilities Sector, the Federal Protective Service conducts recurring facility security assessments for approximately 9000 federal facilities. These federal facilities are interconnected in varying degrees of complexity and form a network of multi- or bi-directional connections between assets, within or between many types of systems, and within or across critical infrastructure sectors. This thesis presents a Policy Options Analysis of a cross-sector approach for protecting federal facilities across the United States. These options seek to expand the security assessments conducted by the Federal Protective Service to include interdependency analysis at the operational and strategic levels. These options may also serve as a model for other cross-sector security assessment methodologies that may be adopted by other critical infrastructure sectors.http://archive.org/details/regionalsecurity109454464Area Commander, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) author (civilian)
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