6 research outputs found

    A comparison of classification models to detect cyberbullying in the peruvian spanish language on Twitter

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    Cyberbullying is a social problem in which bullies’ actions are more harmful than in traditional forms of bullying as they have the power to repeatedly humiliate the victim in front of an entire community through social media. Nowadays, multiple works aim at detecting acts of cyberbullying via the analysis of texts in social media publications written in one or more languages; however, few investigations target the cyberbullying detection in the Spanish language. In this work, we aim to compare four traditional supervised machine learning methods performances in detecting cyberbullying via the identification of four cyberbullying-related categories on Twitter posts written in the Peruvian Spanish language. Specifically, we trained and tested the Naive Bayes, Multinomial Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, and Random Forest classifiers upon a manually annotated dataset with the help of human participants. The results indicate that the best performing classifier for the cyberbullying detection task was the Support Vector Machine classifier

    A comparison of classification models to detect cyberbullying in the Peruvian Spanish language on twitter

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    Cyberbullying is a social problem in which bullies’ actions are more harmful than in traditional forms of bullying as they have the power to repeatedly humiliate the victim in front of an entire community through social media. Nowadays, multiple works aim at detecting acts of cyberbullying via the analysis of texts in social media publications written in one or more languages; however, few investigations target the cyberbullying detection in the Spanish language. In this work, we aim to compare four traditional supervised machine learning methods performances in detecting cyberbullying via the identification of four cyberbullying-related categories on Twitter posts written in the Peruvian Spanish language. Specifically, we trained and tested the Naive Bayes, Multinomial Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, and Random Forest classifiers upon a manually annotated dataset with the help of human participants. The results indicate that the best performing classifier for the cyberbullying detection task was the Support Vector Machine classifier

    The psychological consequences of online harassment on adults

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    This item is only available electronically.Cyberbullying has become increasingly prevalent with the development of modern technology and social-networking platforms. Whilst cyberbullying has been associated with various negative outcomes for victims, the current understanding of cyberbullying is predominantly based upon studies of adolescent and younger populations, with adult populations receiving limited attention. The present study is a systematic review of empirical academic papers on cyberbullying in adult populations. A search of online databases (Embase, Pubmed, PsychINFO, and Scopus) identified 4996 references that were reduced to 17 studies published between 2008 and 2018. In order to be considered for analysis studies needed to include participants over the age of 18 and assess cyberbullying in relation to another variable. Each study was analysed regarding its definition and conceptualisation of cyberbullying, sample characteristics, and approaches to measuring correlates of cyberbullying. Results indicated that there has been an inconsistent approach to defining and measuring cyberbullying in empirical studies. Whilst cyberbullying victimisation was associated with negative psychosocial outcomes, there is a need for further empirical studies which corroborate this and examine potential mediating variables, such as coping strategies, social support, and frequency and type of victimisation.Thesis (M.Psych(Clinical)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 201

    “Envisioning Digital Sanctuaries”: An Exploration of Virtual Collectives for Nurturing Professional Development of Women in Technical Domains

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    Work and learning are essential facets of our existence, yet sociocultural barriers have historically limited access and opportunity for women in multiple contexts, including their professional pursuits. Such sociocultural barriers are particularly pronounced in technical domains and have relegated minoritized voices to the margins. As a result of these barriers, those affected have suffered strife, turmoil, and subjugation. Hence, it is important to investigate how women can subvert such structural limitations and find channels through which they can seek support and guidance to navigate their careers. With the proliferation of modern communication infrastructure, virtual forums of conversation such as Reddit have emerged as key spaces that allow knowledge-sharing, provide opportunities for mobilizing collective action, and constitute sanctuaries of support and companionship. Yet, recent scholarship points to the negative ramifications of such channels in perpetuating social prejudice, directed particularly at members from historically underrepresented communities. Using a novel comparative muti-method, multi-level empirical approach comprising content analysis, social network analysis, and psycholinguistic analysis, I explore the way in which virtual forums engender community and foster avenues for everyday resilience and collective care through the analysis of 400,267 conversational traces collected from three subreddits (r/cscareerquestions, r/girlsgonewired & r/careerwoman). Blending the empirical analysis with a novel theoretical apparatus that integrates insights from social constructivist frameworks, feminist data studies, computer-supported collaborative work, and computer-mediated communication, I highlight how gender, care, and community building intertwine and collectively impact the emergent conversational habits of these online enclaves. Key results indicate six content themes ranging from discussions on knowledge advancement to scintillating ethical probes regarding disparities manifesting in the technical workplace. Further, psycholinguistic and network insights reveal four pivotal roles that support and enrich the communities in different ways. Taken together, these insights help to postulate an emergent spectrum of relationality ranging from a more agentic to a more communal pattern of affinity building. Network insights also yield valuable inferences regarding the role of automated agents in community dynamics across the forums. A discussion is presented regarding the emergent routines of care, collective empowerment, empathy-building tactics, community sustenance initiatives, and ethical perspectives in relation to the involvement of automated agents. This dissertation contributes to the theory and practice of how virtual collectives can be designed and sustained to offer spaces for enrichment, empowerment, and advocacy, focusing on the professional development of historically underrepresented voices such as women

    "Respeita aĂ­" : os discursos e a subversĂŁo das regras como manifestaçÔes de violĂȘncia simbĂłlica de gĂȘnero nos jogos digitais Dota 2 e League of Legends

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    A presente Tese tem como objetivo compreender como ocorre a violĂȘncia simbĂłlica de gĂȘnero em jogos online multiplayer no Brasil, mais especificamente em League of Legends e Dota 2. Para endereçar essa investigação, foi adotada uma abordagem teĂłrico-empĂ­rica. Foram analisadas seis partidas de jogadoras que publicaram vĂ­deos na plataforma Twitch por meio da metodologia de AnĂĄlise de ConteĂșdo, visando entender como se dĂŁo as relaçÔes entre jogadores do gĂȘnero masculino e feminino durante esses jogos. A fundamentação teĂłrica perpassa os conceitos de poder e violĂȘncia simbĂłlica (FOUCAULT, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c, 1999d, 2002; BOURDIEU, 2002 e 2005; LUKES, 2005; ĆœIĆœEK, 2008), violĂȘncia de gĂȘnero (BEAUVOIR, 1967; WEST E ZIMMERMAN, 1987; LOURO, 2008; PRECIADO, 2008, 2009a e 2009b; BUTLER, 2010) e por uma aproximação destes assuntos com o Ăąmbito dos jogos digitais. O segundo eixo teĂłrico abarca os game studies. Buscou-se definir o que sĂŁo jogos digitais e seus sistemas de regras (HUIZINGA, [1938] 2005; FRAGOSO, 2001 e 2014a; MOSCA, 2011, 2014 e 2019; SALEN E ZIMMERMAN, 2012; GALLOWAY, 2015) e o conceito de griefing, diferenciando a Ă©tica dos computadores da Ă©tica dos jogadores no ambiente online multijogador (FOO E KOIVISTO, 2004; JUUL, 2013; SICART, 2014; FRAGOSO, 2014b; CRAWFORD, 2016). Por meio da anĂĄlise e do arcabouço teĂłrico, foi possĂ­vel encontrar e categorizar ocorrĂȘncias de violĂȘncia simbĂłlica dentro das partidas. Estas foram divididas em diretas (onde os atores sĂŁo os desenvolvedores dos jogos e os jogadores) e indiretas (auto infligidas pelas jogadoras), evidenciando que a violĂȘncia simbĂłlica pode ter diversas origens. TambĂ©m foi estabelecido o conceito de violĂȘncia de jogabilidade-discursiva, que diz respeito a ocorrĂȘncias onde as regras do jogo sĂŁo subvertidas para se tornar um mecanismo de manutenção do poder simbĂłlico.This thesis aims to understand how symbolic gender violence occurs in multiplayer online games in Brazil, specifically in League of Legends and Dota 2. To address this investigation, a theoretical-empirical approach was adopted. Six matches of female players who published videos on the Twitch platform were analyzed using the Content Analysis methodology, aiming to understand how the relationships between male and female players occur during these games. The theoretical foundation runs through the concepts of power and symbolic violence (FOUCAULT, 1999a, 1999b, 1999c, 1999d, 2002; BOURDIEU, 2002 e 2005; LUKES, 2005; ĆœIĆœEK, 2008), gender violence (BEAUVOIR, 1967; WEST E ZIMMERMAN, 1987; LOURO, 2008; PRECIADO, 2008, 2009a e 2009b; BUTLER, 2010) and through an approximation between these subjects and the digital games scope. The second theoretical axis encompasses game studies. It was sought to define what digital games are and their rules systems (HUIZINGA, [1938] 2005; FRAGOSO, 2001 and 2014a; MOSCA, 2011, 2014 and 2019; SALEN E ZIMMERMAN, 2012; GALLOWAY, 2015) and the concept of griefing, differentiating the computer’s ethics from the player’s in the online multiplayer environment (FOO E KOIVISTO, 2004; JUUL, 2013; SICART, 2014; FRAGOSO, 2014b; CRAWFORD, 2016). Through the analysis and the theoretical framework, it was possible to find and categorize occurrences of symbolic violence within the matches. They were divided into direct (where the actors are the game developers and the players) and indirect (self-inflicted by the players), showing that symbolic violence can have different origins. The concept of discursive gameplay violence has also been established, which refers to instances where the rules of the game are subverted to become a mechanism for maintaining symbolic power

    (In)visible bodies, images, Instagram: exploring the possibilities of becoming through the fitspo assemblage

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    The last five years has seen a rise in the sharing of ‘fitspo’ content – a portmanteau of the words ‘fitness’ and ‘inspiration’ – on social media. While initially touted as a means to encourage the take-up of exercise and ‘healthy’ eating, more recently claims have been leveraged at fitspo content as being harmful and damaging – particularly for young women. This thesis looks to make an intervention into these claims that position fitspo content as always already detrimental for young women, and as the cause of numerous negative effects such as eating disorders and poor self-esteem. Drawing on data produced through a photo-taking exercise, semi-structured, in-depth interviews and media go-alongs with 30 women aged 19-29, I explore young women’s production, circulation and consumption of fitspo imagery on Instagram. Taking the lead from feminist scholars such as Rebecca Coleman and Jessica Ringrose who have utilised concepts such as affect, becoming and assemblage vis-à-vis the work of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their research, this thesis considers what the relations between bodies, images, Instagram and its affordances can do for how young women come to know and understand their bodies, and the bodies of others. Through a consideration of the fitspo assemblage, I argue that rather than a break with the bodily surveillance that feminist scholars have long highlighted women face, the fitspo assemblage produces an intensified form of surveillance that stretches beyond (only) the physicality of the body, through the various elements that constitute it. Importantly, rather than arguing that all women face and experience the fitspo assemblage equally, I highlight how its affects vary across and between the women, illustrating the importance of a nuanced and contextual study of fitspo images and the platform they circulate on and through