288 research outputs found

    Mapping Topographic Structure in White Matter Pathways with Level Set Trees

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    Fiber tractography on diffusion imaging data offers rich potential for describing white matter pathways in the human brain, but characterizing the spatial organization in these large and complex data sets remains a challenge. We show that level set trees---which provide a concise representation of the hierarchical mode structure of probability density functions---offer a statistically-principled framework for visualizing and analyzing topography in fiber streamlines. Using diffusion spectrum imaging data collected on neurologically healthy controls (N=30), we mapped white matter pathways from the cortex into the striatum using a deterministic tractography algorithm that estimates fiber bundles as dimensionless streamlines. Level set trees were used for interactive exploration of patterns in the endpoint distributions of the mapped fiber tracks and an efficient segmentation of the tracks that has empirical accuracy comparable to standard nonparametric clustering methods. We show that level set trees can also be generalized to model pseudo-density functions in order to analyze a broader array of data types, including entire fiber streamlines. Finally, resampling methods show the reliability of the level set tree as a descriptive measure of topographic structure, illustrating its potential as a statistical descriptor in brain imaging analysis. These results highlight the broad applicability of level set trees for visualizing and analyzing high-dimensional data like fiber tractography output

    Comparison of Distances for Supervised Segmentation of White Matter Tractography

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    Tractograms are mathematical representations of the main paths of axons within the white matter of the brain, from diffusion MRI data. Such representations are in the form of polylines, called streamlines, and one streamline approximates the common path of tens of thousands of axons. The analysis of tractograms is a task of interest in multiple fields, like neurosurgery and neurology. A basic building block of many pipelines of analysis is the definition of a distance function between streamlines. Multiple distance functions have been proposed in the literature, and different authors use different distances, usually without a specific reason other than invoking the "common practice". To this end, in this work we want to test such common practices, in order to obtain factual reasons for choosing one distance over another. For these reasons, in this work we compare many streamline distance functions available in the literature. We focus on the common task of automatic bundle segmentation and we adopt the recent approach of supervised segmentation from expert-based examples. Using the HCP dataset, we compare several distances obtaining guidelines on the choice of which distance function one should use for supervised bundle segmentation

    Automated multi-subject fiber clustering of mouse brain using dominant sets

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    Mapping of structural and functional connectivity may provide deeper understanding of brain function and disfunction. Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DMRI) is a powerful technique to non-invasively delineate white matter (WM) tracts and to obtain a three-dimensional description of the structural architecture of the brain. However, DMRI tractography methods produce highly multi-dimensional datasets whose interpretation requires advanced analytical tools. Indeed, manual identification of specific neuroanatomical tracts based on prior anatomical knowledge is time-consuming and prone to operator-induced bias. Here we propose an automatic multi-subject fiber clustering method that enables retrieval of group-wise WM fiber bundles. In order to account for variance across subjects, we developed a multi-subject approach based on a method known as Dominant Sets algorithm, via an intra- and cross-subject clustering. The intra-subject step allows us to reduce the complexity of the raw tractography data, thus obtaining homogeneous neuroanatomically-plausible bundles in each diffusion space. The cross-subject step, characterized by a proper space-invariant metric in the original diffusion space, enables the identification of the same WM bundles across multiple subjects without any prior neuroanatomical knowledge. Quantitative analysis was conducted comparing our algorithm with spectral clustering and affinity propagation methods on synthetic dataset. We also performed qualitative analysis on mouse brain tractography retrieving significant WM structures. The approach serves the final goal of detecting WM bundles at a population level, thus paving the way to the study of the WM organization across groups.Mapping of structural and functional connectivity may provide deeper understanding of brain function and disfunction. Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DMRI) is a powerful technique to non-invasively delineate white matter (WM) tracts and to obtain a three-dimensional description of the structural architecture of the brain. However, DMRI tractography methods produce highly multi-dimensional datasets whose interpretation requires advanced analytical tools. Indeed, manual identification of specific neuroanatomical tracts based on prior anatomical knowledge is time-consuming and prone to operator-induced bias. Here we propose an automatic multi-subject fiber clustering method that enables retrieval of group-wise WM fiber bundles. In order to account for variance across subjects, we developed a multi-subject approach based on a method known as Dominant Sets algorithm, via an intra-and cross-subject clustering. The intra-subject step allows us to reduce the complexity of the raw tractography data, thus obtaining homogeneous neuroanatomically-plausible bundles in each diffusion space. The cross-subject step, characterized by a proper space-invariant metric in the original diffusion space, enables the identification of the same WM bundles across multiple subjects without any prior neuroanatomical knowledge. Quantitative analysis was conducted comparing our algorithm with spectral clustering and affinity propagation methods on synthetic dataset. We also performed qualitative analysis on mouse brain tractography retrieving significant WM structures. The approach serves the final goal of detecting WM bundles at a population level, thus paving the way to the study of the WM organization across groups

    Visual Exploration And Information Analytics Of High-Dimensional Medical Images

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    Data visualization has transformed how we analyze increasingly large and complex data sets. Advanced visual tools logically represent data in a way that communicates the most important information inherent within it and culminate the analysis with an insightful conclusion. Automated analysis disciplines - such as data mining, machine learning, and statistics - have traditionally been the most dominant fields for data analysis. It has been complemented with a near-ubiquitous adoption of specialized hardware and software environments that handle the storage, retrieval, and pre- and postprocessing of digital data. The addition of interactive visualization tools allows an active human participant in the model creation process. The advantage is a data-driven approach where the constraints and assumptions of the model can be explored and chosen based on human insight and confirmed on demand by the analytic system. This translates to a better understanding of data and a more effective knowledge discovery. This trend has become very popular across various domains, not limited to machine learning, simulation, computer vision, genetics, stock market, data mining, and geography. In this dissertation, we highlight the role of visualization within the context of medical image analysis in the field of neuroimaging. The analysis of brain images has uncovered amazing traits about its underlying dynamics. Multiple image modalities capture qualitatively different internal brain mechanisms and abstract it within the information space of that modality. Computational studies based on these modalities help correlate the high-level brain function measurements with abnormal human behavior. These functional maps are easily projected in the physical space through accurate 3-D brain reconstructions and visualized in excellent detail from different anatomical vantage points. Statistical models built for comparative analysis across subject groups test for significant variance within the features and localize abnormal behaviors contextualizing the high-level brain activity. Currently, the task of identifying the features is based on empirical evidence, and preparing data for testing is time-consuming. Correlations among features are usually ignored due to lack of insight. With a multitude of features available and with new emerging modalities appearing, the process of identifying the salient features and their interdependencies becomes more difficult to perceive. This limits the analysis only to certain discernible features, thus limiting human judgments regarding the most important process that governs the symptom and hinders prediction. These shortcomings can be addressed using an analytical system that leverages data-driven techniques for guiding the user toward discovering relevant hypotheses. The research contributions within this dissertation encompass multidisciplinary fields of study not limited to geometry processing, computer vision, and 3-D visualization. However, the principal achievement of this research is the design and development of an interactive system for multimodality integration of medical images. The research proceeds in various stages, which are important to reach the desired goal. The different stages are briefly described as follows: First, we develop a rigorous geometry computation framework for brain surface matching. The brain is a highly convoluted structure of closed topology. Surface parameterization explicitly captures the non-Euclidean geometry of the cortical surface and helps derive a more accurate registration of brain surfaces. We describe a technique based on conformal parameterization that creates a bijective mapping to the canonical domain, where surface operations can be performed with improved efficiency and feasibility. Subdividing the brain into a finite set of anatomical elements provides the structural basis for a categorical division of anatomical view points and a spatial context for statistical analysis. We present statistically significant results of our analysis into functional and morphological features for a variety of brain disorders. Second, we design and develop an intelligent and interactive system for visual analysis of brain disorders by utilizing the complete feature space across all modalities. Each subdivided anatomical unit is specialized by a vector of features that overlap within that element. The analytical framework provides the necessary interactivity for exploration of salient features and discovering relevant hypotheses. It provides visualization tools for confirming model results and an easy-to-use interface for manipulating parameters for feature selection and filtering. It provides coordinated display views for visualizing multiple features across multiple subject groups, visual representations for highlighting interdependencies and correlations between features, and an efficient data-management solution for maintaining provenance and issuing formal data queries to the back end

    Anatomically-Informed Multiple Linear Assignment Problems for White Matter Bundle Segmentation

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    Segmenting white matter bundles from human tractograms is a task of interest for several applications. Current methods for bundle segmentation consider either only prior knowledge about the relative anatomical position of a bundle, or only its geometrical properties. Our aim is to improve the results of segmentation by proposing a method that takes into account information about both the underlying anatomy and the geometry of bundles at the same time. To achieve this goal, we extend a state-of-the-art example-based method based on the Linear Assignment Problem (LAP) by including prior anatomical information within the optimization process. The proposed method shows a significant improvement with respect to the original method, in particular on small bundles

    Development of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Analysis Paradigms for the Investigation of Neuropathology

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    Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI), provides unique insight into the microstructure of neural white matter tissue, allowing researchers to more fully investigate white matter disorders. The abundance of clinical research projects incorporating DW-MRI into their acquisition protocols speaks to the value this information lends to the study of neurological disease. However, the most widespread DW-MRI technique, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), possesses serious limitations which restrict its utility in regions of complex white matter. Fueled by advances in DW-MRI acquisition protocols and technologies, a group of exciting new DW-MRI models, developed to address these concerns, are now becoming available to clinical researchers. The emergence of these new imaging techniques, categorized as high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI), has generated the need for sophisticated computational neuroanatomic techniques able to account for the high dimensionality and structure of HARDI data. The goal of this thesis is the development of such techniques utilizing prominent HARDI data models. Specifically, methodologies for spatial normalization, population atlas building and structural connectivity have been developed and validated. These methods form the core of a comprehensive analysis paradigm allowing the investigation of local white matter microarcitecture, as well as, systemic properties of neuronal connectivity. The application of this framework to the study of schizophrenia and the autism spectrum disorders demonstrate its sensitivity sublte differences in white matter organization, as well as, its applicability to large population DW-MRI studies

    Macroscale White Matter Alterations Due to Traumatic Cerebral Microhemorrhages Are Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging

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    With the advent of susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI), the ability to identify cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) associated with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) has become increasingly commonplace. Nevertheless, the clinical significance of post-traumatic CMBs remains controversial partly because it is unclear whether mTBI-related CMBs entail brain circuitry disruptions which, although structurally subtle, are functionally significant. This study combines magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging (MRI and DTI) to map white matter (WM) circuitry differences across 6 months in 26 healthy control volunteers and in 26 older mTBI victims with acute CMBs of traumatic etiology. Six months post-mTBI, significant changes (p < 0.001) in the mean fractional anisotropy of perilesional WM bundles were identified in 21 volunteers, and an average of 47% (σ = 21%) of TBI-related CMBs were associated with such changes. These results suggest that CMBs can be associated with lasting changes in perilesional WM properties, even relatively far from CMB locations. Future strategies for mTBI care will likely rely on the ability to assess how subtle circuitry changes impact neural/cognitive function. Thus, assessing CMB effects upon the structural connectome can play a useful role when studying CMB sequelae and their potential impact upon the clinical outcome of individuals with concussion
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