7 research outputs found

    Identifying Model Weakness with Adversarial Examiner

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    Machine learning models are usually evaluated according to the average case performance on the test set. However, this is not always ideal, because in some sensitive domains (e.g. autonomous driving), it is the worst case performance that matters more. In this paper, we are interested in systematic exploration of the input data space to identify the weakness of the model to be evaluated. We propose to use an adversarial examiner in the testing stage. Different from the existing strategy to always give the same (distribution of) test data, the adversarial examiner will dynamically select the next test data to hand out based on the testing history so far, with the goal being to undermine the model's performance. This sequence of test data not only helps us understand the current model, but also serves as constructive feedback to help improve the model in the next iteration. We conduct experiments on ShapeNet object classification. We show that our adversarial examiner can successfully put more emphasis on the weakness of the model, preventing performance estimates from being overly optimistic.Comment: To appear in AAAI-2

    Simulated Adversarial Testing of Face Recognition Models

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    Most machine learning models are validated and tested on fixed datasets. This can give an incomplete picture of the capabilities and weaknesses of the model. Such weaknesses can be revealed at test time in the real world. The risks involved in such failures can be loss of profits, loss of time or even loss of life in certain critical applications. In order to alleviate this issue, simulators can be controlled in a fine-grained manner using interpretable parameters to explore the semantic image manifold. In this work, we propose a framework for learning how to test machine learning algorithms using simulators in an adversarial manner in order to find weaknesses in the model before deploying it in critical scenarios. We apply this model in a face recognition scenario. We are the first to show that weaknesses of models trained on real data can be discovered using simulated samples. Using our proposed method, we can find adversarial synthetic faces that fool contemporary face recognition models. This demonstrates the fact that these models have weaknesses that are not measured by commonly used validation datasets. We hypothesize that this type of adversarial examples are not isolated, but usually lie in connected components in the latent space of the simulator. We present a method to find these adversarial regions as opposed to the typical adversarial points found in the adversarial example literature

    Solving Computer Vision Challenges with Synthetic Data

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    Computer vision researchers spent a lot of time creating large datasets, yet there is still much information that is difficult to label. Detailed annotations like part segmentation and dense keypoint are expensive to annotate. 3D information requires extra hardware to capture. Besides the labeling cost, an image dataset also lacks the ability to allow an intelligent agent to interact with the world. As a human, we learn through interaction, rather than per-pixel labeled images. To fill in the gap of existing datasets, we propose to build virtual worlds using computer graphics and use generated synthetic data to solve these challenges. In this dissertation, I demonstrate cases where computer vision challenges can be solved with synthetic data. The first part describes our engineering effort about building a simulation pipeline. The second and third part describes using synthetic data to train better models and diagnose trained models. The major challenge for using synthetic data is the domain gap between real and synthetic. In the model training part, I present two cases, which have different characteristics in terms of domain gap. Two domain adaptation methods are proposed, respectively. Synthetic data saves enormous labeling effort by providing detailed ground truth. In the model diagnosis part, I present how to control nuisance factors to analyze model robustness. Finally, I summarize future research directions that can benefit from synthetic data

    On the Automation and Diagnosis of Visual Intelligence

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    One of the ultimate goals of computer vision is to equip machines with visual intelligence: the ability to understand a scene at the level that is indistinguishable from human's. This not only requires detecting the 2D or 3D locations of objects, but also recognizing their semantic categories, or even higher level interactions. Thanks to decades of vision research as well as recent developments in deep learning, we are closer to this goal than ever. But to keep closing the gap, more research is needed on two themes. One, current models are still far from perfect, so we need a mechanism to keep proposing new, better models to improve performance. Two, while we are pushing for performance, it is also important to do careful analysis and diagnosis of existing models, to make sure we are indeed moving in the right direction. In this dissertation, I study either of the two research themes for various steps in the visual intelligence pipeline. The first part of the dissertation focuses on category-level understanding of 2D images, which is arguably the most critical step in the visual intelligence pipeline as it bridges vision and language. The theme is on automating the process of model improvement: in particular, the architecture of neural networks. The second part extends the visual intelligence pipeline along the language side, and focuses on the more challenging language-level understanding of 2D images. The theme also shifts to diagnosis, by examining existing models, proposing interpretable models, or building diagnostic datasets. The third part continues in the diagnosis theme, this time extending along the vision side, focusing on how incorporating 3D scene knowledge may facilitate the evaluation of image recognition models

    Identifying Model Weakness with Adversarial Examiner

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