5,400 research outputs found

    Firsthand Opiates Abuse on Social Media: Monitoring Geospatial Patterns of Interest Through a Digital Cohort

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    In the last decade drug overdose deaths reached staggering proportions in the US. Besides the raw yearly deaths count that is worrisome per se, an alarming picture comes from the steep acceleration of such rate that increased by 21% from 2015 to 2016. While traditional public health surveillance suffers from its own biases and limitations, digital epidemiology offers a new lens to extract signals from Web and Social Media that might be complementary to official statistics. In this paper we present a computational approach to identify a digital cohort that might provide an updated and complementary view on the opioid crisis. We introduce an information retrieval algorithm suitable to identify relevant subspaces of discussion on social media, for mining data from users showing explicit interest in discussions about opioid consumption in Reddit. Moreover, despite the pseudonymous nature of the user base, almost 1.5 million users were geolocated at the US state level, resembling the census population distribution with a good agreement. A measure of prevalence of interest in opiate consumption has been estimated at the state level, producing a novel indicator with information that is not entirely encoded in the standard surveillance. Finally, we further provide a domain specific vocabulary containing informal lexicon and street nomenclature extracted by user-generated content that can be used by researchers and practitioners to implement novel digital public health surveillance methodologies for supporting policy makers in fighting the opioid epidemic.Comment: Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW '19

    COVID-19 publications: Database coverage, citations, readers, tweets, news, Facebook walls, Reddit posts

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by MIT Press. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00066The COVID-19 pandemic requires a fast response from researchers to help address biological, medical and public health issues to minimize its impact. In this rapidly evolving context, scholars, professionals and the public may need to quickly identify important new studies. In response, this paper assesses the coverage of scholarly databases and impact indicators during 21 March to 18 April 2020. The rapidly increasing volume of research, is particularly accessible through Dimensions, and less through Scopus, the Web of Science, and PubMed. Google Scholar’s results included many false matches. A few COVID-19 papers from the 21,395 in Dimensions were already highly cited, with substantial news and social media attention. For this topic, in contrast to previous studies, there seems to be a high degree of convergence between articles shared in the social web and citation counts, at least in the short term. In particular, articles that are extensively tweeted on the day first indexed are likely to be highly read and relatively highly cited three weeks later. Researchers needing wide scope literature searches (rather than health focused PubMed or medRxiv searches) should start with Dimensions (or Google Scholar) and can use tweet and Mendeley reader counts as indicators of likely importance

    Profiling commenters on mental health-related online forums : a methodological example focusing on eating disorder-related commenters

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    Background Understanding the characteristics of commenters on mental health-related online forums is vital for the development of effective psychological interventions in these communities. The way in which commenters interact can enhance our understanding of their characteristics. Objective Using eating disorder-related (EDR) forums as an example, this study details a methodology that aimed to determine subtypes of mental health-related forums, and profile their commenters based on the other forums to which they contributed. Methods The researchers identified all public EDR-forums (with ≥500 contributing commenters between March 2017 and February 2018) on a large online discussion platform (Reddit). A mixed-methods approach comprising network analysis with community-detection, text-mining and manual review identified subtypes of EDR-forums. For each subtype, another network analysis with community-detection was conducted using the EDR-forum commenter-overlap between 50 forums on which the commenters also commented. The topics of forums in each detected community were then manually reviewed to identify the shared interests of each subtype of EDR-forum commenters. Results Six subtypes of EDR-forums were identified, to which 14024 commenters had contributed. The results focus on two subtypes – pro-eating disorder, and thinspiration – and communities of commenters within both subtypes. Within the pro-eating disorder subtype, three communities of commenters were detected that related to the body and eating, mental health, and women, appearance and mixed topics. Regarding the thinspiration group, 78% of commenters had also commented on pornographic forums, and 17% had contributed to pro-eating disorder forums. Conclusions The article exemplifies a methodology that provides insight into subtypes of mental health-related forums, and the characteristics of their commenters. The findings have implications for future research, and online psychological interventions. With the publicly available data and code provided, researchers can easily reproduce the analyses, or utilise the methodology to investigate other mental health-related forums

    Themes and Participants’ Role in Online Health Discussion: Evidence From Reddit

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    Health-related topics are discussed widely on different social networking sites. These discussions and their related aspects can reveal significant insights and patterns that are worth studying and understanding. In this dissertation, we explore the patterns of mandatory and voluntary vaccine online discussions including the topics discussed, the words correlated with each of them, and the sentiment expressed. Moreover, we explore the role opinion leaders play in the health discussion and their impact on participation in a particular discussion. Opinion leaders are determined, and their impact on discussion participation is differentiated based on their different characteristics such as their connections and locations in the social network, their content, and their sentiment. We apply social network analysis, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, machine learning, econometric analysis, and other techniques to analyze the collected data from Reddit. The results of our analyses show that sentiment is an important factor in health discussion, and it varies between different types of discussions. In addition, we identified the main topics discussed for each vaccine. Furthermore, the results of our study found that global opinion leaders have more influence compared to local opinion leaders in elevating the health discussion. Our study has important theoretical and practical implications

    Online forums for addiction recovery support: characteristics and engagement

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    In developing public resources for the Networks Enhancing Addiction Recovery – Forum Activity Roadmap (NEAR-FAR), we completed a comprehensive observational study of English-language online forums related to recovery from alcohol or other drug addiction. Among 207 identified forums, the majority were classified as “general addiction” or alcohol-focused, though classifications related to other substances were common on websites hosting multiple forums. Commonly used social media platforms such as Reddit, Facebook, or Quora offered easily accessible venues for individuals seeking online support related to a variety of addictive substances. They included forums related to established mutual help programs such as 12-step and SMART recovery, other nonprofit and for-profit recovery programs, and community forums without formal programs. Among 148 forums with any observed user activity, the median time between unique user engagements was 27 days (inter-quartile range: 2-74). Among 98 forums with past-month posting activity, we found a median of <10 posts per week (inter-quartile range: 1-78). This study compares three metrics of observed forum user activity (posts per week, responses per post, time between unique user engagements) and considers forum characteristics that may potentiate greater engagement and support in addiction recovery
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