5 research outputs found

    Positive Work Practices. Opportunities and Challenges in Designing Meaningful Work-related Technology

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    Work is a rich source of meaning. However, beyond organizational changes, most approaches in the research field of Meaningful Work neglected the power of work-related technology to increase meaning. Using two cases as examples, this paper proposes a wellbeing-driven approach to the design of work-related technology. Despite the positive results of our cases, we argue that the use of technology as a means of increasing meaning in the workplace is still in its infancy.Comment: 5 pages, to be published in Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System

    Cooperative research projects of master's students (education programs) in the open informational educational environment

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    © Authors. Relevance of the research problem stems from the need to meet the challenges of personal growth of each participant of the educational process, a productive exchange of information and personalized contribution to the overall result of the conducted educational research. The aim of this paper is to improve joint training activities as the basis for future studies of masters that will be implemented in an open information and education space. The key approach to the study of the problems of the joint educational researches relies on the conceptual ideas of experiments conducting in joint environment in which access to individual and shared data in an open information education environment is restricted. Theoretical and technological tools were developed for working with factorial data of collaborative research in open educational environment. As a result these conceptual ideas were formulated for joint training of master's studies: the stages to improve joint research activities were grounded, the technology of forming joint bank of comparable research materials was created, the system of algorithms for collaborative (joint) working with experimental data was proposed, the strategy ensuring the adequacy of the joint pilot materials for attaining general and private purposes was worked out. This strategy also should be applied to the value and usefulness of collected data. The collected, studied, processed and presented in the paper unique experimental material can be useful both for solving current individual research tasks of undergraduates and for the development of new roles in research

    Looking at men and masculinities through Information and Communication Technologies, and Vice Versa

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    The lecture series that led to this paper, “Gender-Effects: How Women create Technology of Tomorrow”, has an explicit focus on women. However, in this article in keeping with a relational approach to gender, we focus on men and masculinities, seen within the context of and gender power relations, and the diverse interrelations of men and masculinities with information and communication technologies (ICTs). This includes addressing to some of the shortcomings of contemporary studies of men and masculinities that neglect ICTs; the different kinds of social relations of men and masculinities to ICTS, in work, organizations, and social change more generally; and the implications of ICTs for sexualities and sexual violences, ending with the current case of online revenge pornography. As such, we seek to bring two areas of scholarship, critical studies on men and masculinities (CSMM) and studies of ICTs, into closer dialogue. We begin with a brief overview of academic debates in studies on men and masculinities without ICTs, followed by an examination of some aspects of the relations of men, masculinities and ICTs, with a final short discussion of the case of ICTs, sexualities, sexual violences and revenge pornography

    Gender-Effekte. Wie Frauen die Technik von morgen gestalten

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    Kempf U, Wrede B, eds. Gender-Effekte. Wie Frauen die Technik von morgen gestalten. IZG-Forschungsreihe. Vol 19. Bielefeld: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung (IZG); 2017

    Stuttgarter Symposium fĂĽr Produktentwicklung SSP 2017 : Stuttgart, 29. Juni 2017, Wissenschaftliche Konferenz

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    Veränderte Anforderungen in internationalen Märkten erfordern hohe Anstrengungen, um Prozesse in Innovation und Produktentwicklung zu optimieren. Das Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung (SSP) ermöglicht die Diskussion der an Produktgestaltung und -entwicklung beteiligten Disziplinen aus Industrie und Wissenschaft. Das SSP zeigt, wie erfolgreiche Produkte effizient gestaltet und entwickelt werden. Neueste Forschungsergebnisse zu Methoden, Strategien und Werkzeugen werden vorgestellt, um Prozesse zu verbessern und die Digitalisierung zu unterstützen. Mit dem Ziel, nationale und internationale Fachleute unterschiedlicher Disziplinen der Produktentwicklung aus Industrie und Wissenschaft in den Dialog zu bringen, veranstaltet das Fraunhofer IAO gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Konstruktionstechnik und Technisches Design IKTD, dem Institut für Maschinenelemente IMA und dem Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement IAT der Universität Stuttgart das Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung SSP. Am 28. und 29. Juni 2017 fand das SSP bereits zum vierten Mal im Zentrum für Virtuelles Engineering des Fraunhofer IAO statt, nachdem die Symposien 2011, 2013 und 2015 mit jeweils über 200 Besuchern aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft großen Zuspruch gefunden hatten. Am Forumstag stand wie immer die Industrie im Fokus, am zweiten Tag die wissenschaftliche Konferenz. Die Konferenz bietet Wissenschaftlern eine Plattform zur Präsentation und Diskussion ihrer neuesten Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich der Produktentwicklung und fördert so den interdisziplinären Wissenstransfer. Aufgerufen waren in der SSP 2017 Beiträge aus folgenden Kategorien: • Wissensmanagement in der Produktentwicklung • Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung • Altersgerechte Produktentwicklung • Zuverlässige Produktentwicklung • Industrie 4.0/Cyber-Physical Products • Konstruktionsmethodiken • Leichtbau in der Produktentwicklung • Nutzerzentriertes Design • Innovations- und Technologiemanagement • Digital Engineering • Lean Development. Eingereicht wurden Beiträge zu Methoden, Strategien und Verfahren, die es ermöglichen, Produktentwicklungsprozesse zu vernetzen, digitale Werkzeuge zu integrieren und die Potenziale neuer Technologien und Werkstoffe optimal auszuschöpfen