1,741 research outputs found

    An Energy Aware and Secure MAC Protocol for Tackling Denial of Sleep Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks which form part of the core for the Internet of Things consist of resource constrained sensors that are usually powered by batteries. Therefore, careful energy awareness is essential when working with these devices. Indeed,the introduction of security techniques such as authentication and encryption, to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data, can place higher energy load on the sensors. However, the absence of security protection c ould give room for energy drain attacks such as denial of sleep attacks which have a higher negative impact on the life span ( of the sensors than the presence of security features. This thesis, therefore, focuses on tackling denial of sleep attacks from two perspectives A security perspective and an energy efficiency perspective. The security perspective involves evaluating and ranking a number of security based techniques to curbing denial of sleep attacks. The energy efficiency perspective, on the other hand, involves exploring duty cycling and simulating three Media Access Control ( protocols Sensor MAC, Timeout MAC andTunableMAC under different network sizes and measuring different parameters such as the Received Signal Strength RSSI) and Link Quality Indicator ( Transmit power, throughput and energy efficiency Duty cycling happens to be one of the major techniques for conserving energy in wireless sensor networks and this research aims to answer questions with regards to the effect of duty cycles on the energy efficiency as well as the throughput of three duty cycle protocols Sensor MAC ( Timeout MAC ( and TunableMAC in addition to creating a novel MAC protocol that is also more resilient to denial of sleep a ttacks than existing protocols. The main contributions to knowledge from this thesis are the developed framework used for evaluation of existing denial of sleep attack solutions and the algorithms which fuel the other contribution to knowledge a newly developed protocol tested on the Castalia Simulator on the OMNET++ platform. The new protocol has been compared with existing protocols and has been found to have significant improvement in energy efficiency and also better resilience to denial of sleep at tacks Part of this research has been published Two conference publications in IEEE Explore and one workshop paper

    A Study on Intrusion Detection System in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The technology of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has become most significant in present day. WSNs are extensively used in applications like military, industry, health, smart homes and smart cities. All the applications of WSN require secure communication between the sensor nodes and the base station. Adversary compromises at the sensor nodes to introduce different attacks into WSN. Hence, suitable Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is essential in WSN to defend against the security attack. IDS approaches for WSN are classified based on the mechanism used to detect the attacks. In this paper, we present the taxonomy of security attacks, different IDS mechanisms for detecting attacks and performance metrics used to assess the IDS algorithm for WSNs. Future research directions on IDS in WSN are also discussed

    A Survey On Security In Wireless Sensor Network

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    With the global use of wireless sensor network technology in different fields and for different purposes such as health care monitoring, earth sensing, air pollution monitoring, military operations monitoring or surveillance system monitoring, a problem arises. Problem that could negatively impact previously started activities and observations if not handled in a right way. Authors of this paper discuss various vulnerabilities and security threads in different applications of WSN in the real world, such as intrusion, node capture attack, black hole attack or selective forwarding attack. Potential countermeasures are proposed formatted as protocols or architectures for secure transfer of data between friendly nodes, compromises on security measures with the goal of achieving secure and reliable connection. This paper could be used as a general representation of WSN security issue with which WSN engineers are faced on a daily basis

    A Comprehensive Survey on Routing and Security in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the continuous advances in mobile wirelesssensor networks (MWSNs), the research community hasresponded to the challenges and constraints in the design of thesenetworks by proposing efficient routing protocols that focus onparticular performance metrics such as residual energy utilization,mobility, topology, scalability, localization, data collection routing,Quality of Service (QoS), etc. In addition, the introduction ofmobility in WSN has brought new challenges for the routing,stability, security, and reliability of WSNs. Therefore, in thisarticle, we present a comprehensive and meticulous investigationin the routing protocols and security challenges in the theory ofMWSNs which was developed in recent years

    A Comprehensive Survey on Routing and Security in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the continuous advances in mobile wirelesssensor networks (MWSNs), the research community hasresponded to the challenges and constraints in the design of thesenetworks by proposing efficient routing protocols that focus onparticular performance metrics such as residual energy utilization,mobility, topology, scalability, localization, data collection routing,Quality of Service (QoS), etc. In addition, the introduction ofmobility in WSN has brought new challenges for the routing,stability, security, and reliability of WSNs. Therefore, in thisarticle, we present a comprehensive and meticulous investigationin the routing protocols and security challenges in the theory ofMWSNs which was developed in recent years

    Wireless Sensor System for Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which causes decline in the cognitive functions, is the major lead of dementia. AD begins showing damage in memory, making patients dependent on caregivers. Treating AD requires early diagnosis of its signs. The initial sign of AD is mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which is the middle stage between a healthy patient and one diagnosed with AD. The proposed sleep monitoring system is capable of diagnosing MCI symptoms. MCI patients are characterized with sleep fragmentation and sleep disorder. The sleep fragmentation is defined as awakenings that interrupt the normal sleep. The proposed system in this thesis uses force sensors to capture movements that can potentially characterize as sleep fragmentation. The sensors were arranged on a mattress cover to pick up the body movements regardless of sleep position. A wireless sensor system was designed, implemented and tested in Wireless Sensor Networks (WiSe-Net) laboratory at the University of Maine. The system operates at 2.4GHz with a range of 300ft. It has been tested on control subjects, healthy people, and seniors diagnosed with MCI and AD. The system is capable of determining the number and average periods of sleep fragmentation to assist with diagnosing MCI

    A Survey on Intrusion Detection System in MANET

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    A mobile ad hoc network is an infrastructure less network which is prone to various malicious attacks when incorporated in applications. It is a dreadful task for attaining security to the greatest degree in MANET. This is awaited to the diverse characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks which unlike from well-established infrastructure network. In order to overcome this security challenges the Intrusion detection systems have been deployed in the ad hoc network. In this paper we focus on surveying heterogeneous intrusion detection systems used in MANET for defending various attacks

    Prospectiva de seguridad de las redes de sensores inalámbricos

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    En las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricos (WSN), los nodos son vulnerables a los ataques de seguridad porque están instalados en un entorno difícil, con energía y memoria limitadas, baja capacidad de procesamiento y transmisión de difusión media; por lo tanto, identificar las amenazas, los retos y las soluciones de seguridad y privacidad es un tema candente hoy en día. En este artículo se analizan los trabajos de investigación que se han realizado sobre los mecanismos de seguridad para la protección de las WSN frente a amenazas y ataques, así como las tendencias que surgen en otros países junto con futuras líneas de investigación. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, este análisis se muestra a través de la visualización y estudio de trabajos indexados en bases de datos como IEEE, ACM, Scopus y Springer, con un rango de 7 años como ventana de observación, desde 2013 hasta 2019. Se obtuvieron un total de 4.728 publicaciones, con un alto índice de colaboración entre China e India. La investigación planteó desarrollos, como avances en los principios de seguridad y mecanismos de defensa, que han llevado al diseño de contramedidas en la detección de intrusiones. Por último, los resultados muestran el interés de la comunidad científica y empresarial por el uso de la inteligencia artificial y el aprendizaje automático (ML) para optimizar las medidas de rendimiento.In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), nodes are vulnerable to security attacks because they are installed in a harsh environment with limited power and memory, low processing power, and medium broadcast transmission. Therefore, identifying threats, challenges, and solutions of security and privacy is a talking topic today. This article analyzes the research work that has been carried out on the security mechanisms for the protection of WSN against threats and attacks, as well as the trends that emerge in other countries combined with future research lines. From the methodological point of view, this analysis is shown through the visualization and study of works indexed in databases such as IEEE, ACM, Scopus, and Springer, with a range of 7 years as an observation window, from 2013 to 2019. A total of 4,728 publications were obtained, with a high rate of collaboration between China and India. The research raised developments, such as advances in security principles and defense mechanisms, which have led to the design of countermeasures in intrusion detection. Finally, the results show the interest of the scientific and business community in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) to optimize performance measurements